Fusu didn't speak, but a domineering voice came from behind him.

All the merchants turned their heads at the same time, only to see the guards pulling away the vehicle and walking out of the car at a swift pace.

Wang Fugui and the others were startled, and hurriedly knelt on the ground in unison: "Caomin see Your Majesty!""


Ying Zheng waved his hand at will: "Pay for the journey, you are willing!"

Wang Fugui nodded excitedly: "Your Majesty, this expressway is so convenient, if you use this type of road for business, the cost will be reduced by at least 90%, and we are willing to pay any toll!

"Yes, Caomin is willing to take 30% of the income from each trade as toll fees. 39

"Caomin is willing to give 40%!"

Daqin's business is not developed enough, these businessmen don't want to be as greedy as those capitalists in later generations, and their nature is relatively simple.

When they heard that they only need to pay a little toll to get the right to use the expressway, everyone was immediately excited.

"Okay!" Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction: "Since you all understand this truth, the widow will give you a chance to get rich.

"In addition to building a highway that leads directly to Mobei, the widow also plans to extend the highway to every corner of Daqin in the next ten years.

"Now my people in Daqin are busy with agriculture and are no longer suitable for recruiting corvée, so the widowers are going to contract the construction of these highways to you, and the imperial court will take the lead to set up a highway bureau."

"At that time, the imperial court will provide you with gunpowder, cement, and other necessities for highway construction. All you have to do is recruit people during the slack farming period, and make great profits to build highways according to the imperial court's plan."

Ying Zheng's 643 words immediately made these businessmen excited.

In particular, the "Highway Bureau" that Ying Zheng said made Wang Fugui and the others all excited.

This highway bureau is an institution of the imperial court. Their merchants have a low status, and they are inferior to ordinary farmers. If they can join this institution, it is equivalent to being close to the big tree of the imperial court. From now on, who will dare to oppress them!

Ma Liang said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, can we really join the Highway Bureau you said?"

"Of course!" Ying Zheng smiled boldly: "As long as the highway is being built, you will all be members of the Highway Bureau, enjoy the court's worship, perform well, and will be awarded a knighthood. Are you willing?"

"I will, of course we will!"

"It's a good thing to be able to get a knighthood, but you can't find it even with a lantern, a fool would not want it!"

"Your Majesty, Caomin will go back and gather people to build the expressway! Luo

Wang Fugui and others hurriedly knelt down and bowed in excitement.

The old boy Ying Zheng smiled brightly. If he followed Chongzhen's plan, he would also need to distribute the annual income from the highway to these businessmen.

But now that he is doing this, he has a good appearance and is directly promoted to the nobility, which is much more attractive to these businessmen than the money of the flowers.

Moreover, he didn't have to pay a penny, and in the end all he paid was just a few worthless nobles. After explaining to these merchants various matters about the construction of the expressway, Ying Zheng turned his head and returned to the Xianyang Palace.

There is Fusu in charge of the construction of the expressway, and he is very relieved.

With his control over Daqin, government affairs are now handed over to Fusu, Feng Quji and others. Meng Tian and Tu Ju are guarding the frontier. Since Yan Dan was killed and Zhang Liang and others were subdued, Daqin basically no longer exists. The problem, unless it is a major matter, basically does not need him as the first emperor to be responsible.

Ying Zheng was also happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper and was at ease every day.

Anyway, as long as he follows the path planned by Ye Yu, Da Qin will be a little stronger every day than the day before, and he doesn't need to work hard every day as an emperor.

Once back at the palace, Ying Zheng sent someone to make a pot of hot pot, with seasonings from Ye Yu, and beer.

Although it was not as tasty as Ye Yu's, Ying Zheng still ate his mouth full of oil.

"Your Majesty, Tu Ju and Feng Quji are asking to see you!

While eating, the guard outside the door suddenly came in to report.

"Let them in! 35


After a while, Tu Ju and Feng Quji smelled the fragrance and walked into Ying Zheng's bedroom together.

Ying Zheng held a small porcelain bowl and said with a smile: "Tu Ju, Feng Quji, you guys are here just in time, come and come, eat hot pot with the widow!"

"Hahaha, I was originally talking about why the magpies kept calling on the branches today. It turned out that His Majesty was eating something delicious!"

"It seems that the two of us are in a hurry, come and bring two sets of bowls and chopsticks!

Tu Ju and Feng Quji were not polite, they sat down opposite Ying Zheng with their bowls and chopsticks happily, and ate the hot pot with him.

Ying Zheng, this old boy, brought a lot of good things from Ye Yu, but most of them went into his own small warehouse, and Tu Ju and others, only on Ying Zheng's side could they beat their teeth from time to time.

That's it, this is simply a white wolf with empty gloves!

Especially this hot pot, since Ying Zheng once hosted a banquet for the ministers, it has become the supreme delicacy sought after by the whole Qin Dynasty. Tu Ju and others have been greedy for a long time.

After eating two quail eggs, Ying Zheng asked curiously, "Tu Qing, Feng Qing, why are you here today?

Tu Ju and Feng Quji moved their hands for a while, they looked at each other, and finally Tu Ju said, "Your Majesty, my Daqin is now strong and strong, and I have firearms in my hands, and the general feels that it is time to send out a hundred more troops and destroy them in one fell swoop. Baiyue!"

"Destroy Baiyue?"

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tu Ju with a smile and said, "It seems that Tu Qing still has a longing for Baiyue Land!

Tu Ju touched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Since the Immortal Master explained the huge disadvantages of attacking Baiyue, he temporarily gave up his plan to attack Baiyue.

But he never gave up the idea of ​​attacking Baiyue.

This time they eliminated the Xiongnu, showing the great power of the Qin Dynasty.

In his opinion, the time is ripe, just taking advantage of the high morale of the soldiers, this time just to support the war with war, destroy Baiyue, capture their territory, and expand the territory of Daqin.

"Well..." Ying Zheng touched his chin, frowned, and said, "Attack Baiyue... Now is indeed a good time, but the master said that the mountains and forests of Baiyue are dense, and snakes and insects are rampant. Although our soldiers are strong, But after all, Baiyue is far away, and the soldiers will definitely be unaccustomed in the past. This is still a problem! 99

When Tu Ju heard this, he immediately said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I, Daqin, now have firearms in hand, and I will directly send a million troops to press them.

"General Tu's account can't be calculated like this." Feng Quji frowned and said, "The land of Baiyue is a place where birds don't poop. Even if we conquer it, we won't get any benefits.

"My Daqin has a small number of people, and the soldiers are the elites selected from every hundred miles. How can they be damaged in a place like Baiyue? I think the matter of attacking Baiyue still needs to be discussed."

Tu Ju's bushy eyebrows furrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Our soldiers are now at their peak in terms of strength and morale, why do they have to wait for a while? Baiyue people have been arrogant and domineering since ancient times. In my Central Plains area, if they are not eliminated at this time, when their power grows, it will not be more troublesome to deal with!

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Seeing that Feng Quji opened his mouth and was about to speak, Ying Zheng immediately threw his chopsticks and roared.

Tu Ju and Feng Quji immediately trembled, and looked at Ying Zheng with low eyebrows.

Ying Zheng also had a headache.

Although attacking Baiyue did not gain any practical benefits, it was a very good opportunity to show the power of Qin to the surrounding countries.

However, the Baiyue land is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and poisonous snakes are rampant. Once attacked, there will be heavy losses. This is also a problem worthy of attention.

The court of Daqin is like this. Tu Ju and other martial arts factions have witnessed the strength of Daqin with their own eyes. They think about fighting and killing all day long, while civil officials like Feng Quji prefer to develop steadily. At that time, there was always a quarrel, which made Ying Zheng, the first emperor of Qin, feel a headache.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ying Zheng could only helplessly say: "We will discuss the matter of attacking Baiyue later. I will ask the Immortal Master for his opinion. If the Immortal Master also agrees to attack Baiyue, we will send our troops to the expedition immediately!


Tu Ju lowered his head and reluctantly handed over his hands to reply, Feng Quji looked at Tu Ju triumphantly like a rooster that won.

Ying Zheng rolled his eyes secretly, looked at Feng Quji and said, "Feng Qing, Tu Ju is here to attack Baiyue, what are you doing?"55

The smile on Feng Quji's face disappeared, and he turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, according to your instructions, the old minister has gathered 30,000 talented students all over the world, specializing in the study of the immortal book donated by Mr. If you see results, please ask Your Majesty to take the exam!

"So soon?" Ying Zheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and put down his bowls and chopsticks excitedly: "Go, go with the widow to Jixia Academy!"


Feng Quji immediately led Ying Zheng to the Jixia Academy.

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