I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 180: Planetary Magnetic Field, Reappearance in Space and Time

modern time.

Yuelan, in the ancient snail city.

"Teachers, please pay attention to civilized viewing, and apply carefully and freely.""

"Everyone, what you are seeing now is the scenery of our ancient snail city, which is an ancient city with a history of more than two thousand years.

"Guluocheng was not only the economic, cultural, and commercial center at that time, but also ruled Asia at that time with the then Daqin Empire from north to south."

Among the ruins of the ancient snail city, a tour guide held a small flag and spoke half-familiar Chinese to explain the history of the ancient snail city to the surrounding people.

The surrounding tourists made bursts of exclamations.

To be able to stand against the Daqin Empire, this ancient snail city is a bit awesome!

"According to historical records, this ancient snail city was established by the prince of the ancient Shu Kingdom at that time, that is, the later King of Anyang. One of the most powerful countries."

"Even when the Great Qin Empire of that year attacked Anyang State with its troops southward, the King of Anyang at that time was beaten down and forced to flee in a hurry."

The tour guide 657 boasted proudly, and the surrounding tourists even exclaimed repeatedly. There were even many anchors who posted the surrounding scenes on the Internet, which made netizens discuss for a while.

"Oh Maigar, is the Daqin Empire he said is the Daqin Empire in Tianxia? I heard that this is the first unified dynasty in Tianxia.

'That's right, that's it, this King of Anyang is a bit arrogant, even the first emperor of Qin at that time was no match, but I heard that the people of Tianxia highly respected this emperor, and I thought it was not as good as me!

"Yes, Tianxia people like to put gold on their faces, not to mention the Anyang King, if this Qin Shihuang encountered our former Macedonian dynasty, he would have been beaten and fled in a hurry. 99

"Those bastards!" At the back of the crowd, a young man wearing a black peaked cap angrily pointed at the many tourists in front and said, "How can they insult Tianxia and Qin Shihuang like this!"9

"Prince Sweeping Liuhe established my first unified dynasty in Tianxia, ​​and is the greatest emperor in the history of Tianxia, ​​how can I be so humiliated!"

"Xiao Fang, don't get excited!" A young man beside him quickly grabbed his shoulder and laughed bitterly: "We are on someone else's territory now, don't cause trouble.

"But they went too far!" Fang Yan said angrily: "If Qin Shihuang hadn't been assassinated by alchemists, the Anyang Kingdom and the Macedonian Dynasty would have been wiped out, how could they be so arrogant today, no, I can't be angry, I Go up and have theories with them!"5

Fang Yan threw off the arm of his good friend, and was ready to go up and have a theory with these outspoken bastards.

But at this moment, a strange wave swept across the ancient conch city.

Above the sky, dark clouds covered instantly, thunder rumbled, and the entire ancient conch city seemed to be enveloped by a wonderful force, and everything around was distorted and changed.

As if living in a ghost, the surrounding moments changed styles,

This sudden change made all the passengers terrified.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Everything around has changed, you see, there was just a stupa there, and now the stupa has disappeared! 39

"Hey... we're not going to hell!"

The surrounding time and space are constantly changing, the prosperity fades away, and in a flash, it becomes another appearance.

Low and dilapidated wooden houses, muddy streets, and ragged, shabby people are busy.

At the front, this is a stone hall, low and defeated.

The tourists in the ancient snail city were frightened, as if they had traveled through a thousand years and appeared in ancient times, witnessing the scenes of ancient life with their own eyes.

"What's the matter, aren't we crossing over?"

"Impossible, you see, they don't seem to be real.

"Could it be that the ancient conch city is haunted?"

The tourists were talking a lot, and Fang Yan was also taken aback. He even forgot to find other tourists' theories, and hurriedly hid beside his good friends and looked around in horror.

"Xiaofeng, you said we didn't really go to hell? 35

Li Xiaofeng frowned and looked around, and stomped his feet subconsciously. The ground looked like muddy ground, but he stepped on it with a hard texture.

This...this is the concrete floor!

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Li Xiaofeng's mind, and he exclaimed: "This, this is not a time-travel, this is a mirage, no, this should be the legendary magnetic field of the planet, allowing us to see the picture from more than two thousand years ago!""

"The magnetic field of the planet, is it said that it is like a video recorder, recording the previous picture, and then playing it at a certain time?"

"It should be like this, that is to say, this is the scene of the ancient conch city we saw more than 2,000 years ago? So dilapidated?

"It turns out that the tour guide was bragging just now, you look at these houses, they are so dilapidated, I feel like I can kick them down.

After hearing Li Xiaofeng's words and figuring out the situation, all the tourists immediately became excited.

The planet's magnetic field, this is a spectacle that cannot be found. I didn't expect that they will meet this time. If you say it, you can blow it for a lifetime.

At the moment, many people took out their mobile phones, turned on the live broadcast, and started filming.

Some history buffs wandered around the city, studying the costumes and accents of these ancient snails, and exclaimed.

Suddenly, netizens all over the world witnessed this miraculous scene through the perspective of these tourist anchors.

"My God, the magnetic field of the planet, this thing actually exists, I always thought it was bragging. 35

"Good guy, these guys are so lucky, they can even come across this kind of spectacle. Is it too late for me to buy a plane ticket to go to Yuelan? 35

"Anchor anchor, look, there is a girl who looks good, go and see if you can chat and have a love that spans time and space. 35

"Love a hammer, didn't you listen to the explanation above? It's like putting on a movie. It has a history of more than two thousand years. More than two thousand years, there are no bones left."

"Hahaha, Tianxia people, look at it, this is the history of our ancient conch city, and it is God who loves us!

"That's right, although our ancient conch city is a little poorer and shabby, we still defeated the Qin army. This is our pride!"

"That's right, let's see how our ancestors defeated the Qin army. If there is such a scene, I must film it, and then put it in front of those Tianxia people and play it on a loop."

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