I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 190: Li Shimin: I killed myself?

After Li Shimin said these words, he found that the surrounding environment was quiet, and everyone looked at him strangely.

Wang Ben even gave him a thumbs up: "As expected of the future Tang Taizong, I will kill myself with this one, awesome!"

"Ah?" Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly: "What does the Marquis of Tongwu mean?35

Ye Yu sneered and said, "Because the brainless bastard you are talking about is yourself! You planted the root of the trouble yourself, so what's the use of blaming others?


Li Shimin was dumbfounded, as if countless question marks flew over his head.

Is this what he decided?

How could he do such a thing?

how is this possible?

Ye Yu said lightly: "It's not because you are so happy about your merits. In the late period of Zhenguan, the Great Tang oppressed the four seas and illuminated the four directions. All the barbarians in the four directions bowed their heads and honored you, and even called you the Khan of Heaven.

"Old Li, your fox's tail is up again. For the title of Tian Khan, you have not only rewarded the barbarians from all over the world, but also handed over countless advanced technologies and cultures of the Tang Dynasty to the barbarians for free, and even set up a few barbarians. When a general became an official in the court, An Lushan also grew into a powerful traitor in this environment, you say, it's not your fault and whose fault!"

"Humph!" Ying Zheng said with a cold snort, "If it's not within my clan, the heart will be different. I, an ordinary citizen of Daqin, can understand the truth, but it's ridiculous that you, the emperor, don't understand!

"A group of barbarians call you Tian Khan, don't you know what blood is flowing in your body? Why don't you become the barbarian emperor, Li Shimin, you are ashamed of my Tianxia blood!

"If a widow has your bloodline, it would be a shame to hack him to death!"

As the first emperor Ying Zheng, the most important thing is the orthodoxy of Tianxia, ​​and he hates the barbarians from all directions.

Therefore, Ying Zheng was so angry about Li Shimin's behavior of eating inside and outside and reusing the barbarians.

Li Shimin was a little aggrieved, and his face flushed.

Although these things haven't happened yet, since Ye Yu has said it all, it proves that the fall of the Tang Dynasty has something to do with him!

When he thought that he would do such a stupid thing in the future, Li Shimin could not wait to give himself two slaps.

It really hurts others!

"Hmph, old Li, your great joy is not only shown here! Ye Yu did not give Li Shimin any face, and said angrily: "During your reign, in order to appease and win over the barbarians from all over the world, you have repeatedly turned the princess of the Tang Dynasty, A noble girl married a barbarian, you think this is a symbol of your friendship (cgag) with the barbarians, but do you know how many tragedies you have caused by such a bastard behavior!"

"No wonder many people in future generations say that your Tang Dynasty's prosperity was built by women, and women are used to exchange for peace, and women are used to show your benevolence. This kind of bastard, I have to slap you to death!"

Ye Yu's tone was very angry, which was also the point that Li Shimin resented the most.

Using women to show how awesome you are, letting Tianxia women be humiliated in barbarian tribes, and letting dirty barbarian blood stain the noble blood of Tianxia people, is this really something an emperor can do?

Chongzhen also looked at Li Shimin with contempt and said: "It's because you, Lao Li, that you have done too many stupid things, so that the emperors of later generations can't stand it anymore. Only then did I have the ancestral teaching of the Great Ming Dynasty not to cede land, not to indemnify, not to pay. Gong, not amicable, the emperor guards the gate of the country, the king dies, and even though my Ming Dynasty has encountered several perils over the past two hundred years, I have never sent a woman."

Ying Zheng didn't even look at Li Shimin, for fear that he would take a second look, so he didn't wait to go up and kick him.

The attitude of these three people is like a knife cutting Li Shimin's heart, making his complexion pale and his body trembling slightly.

Exchange women for peace, and use women to demonstrate benevolence.

Is this really something people do?


Li Shimin slapped himself fiercely, and said with red eyes, "Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Wang, I've written it down!"

"When I become emperor, I will never show mercy to the barbarians. 99

"No kinship, no indemnity, no ceding land, no tribute, well said, I will also set such an ancestral motto. In the future, if anyone of my descendants of Li and Tang dares to bow their heads to the barbarians, I will let him hit the top with five thunders, and he will never be born. !35

"Okay, I hope you don't forget your oath!"

Ye Yu took a deep look at Li Shimin.

The current Li Shimin is still young, and he is not the re-use villain in later generations, the faint-hearted king.

Ye Yu is very much looking forward to what Li Shimin will look like in the future after his own awakening.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Li Shimin with an ugly face and said, "Your third flaw is that you are too indecisive, you act like a bitch, and you don't have the slightest decision.

"Old Li, do you know who will inherit the throne after a hundred years?"

"Isn't it Chengqian?" Li Shimin was a little dumbfounded.

Li Chengqian is his eldest son. Although he is still under eight years old, when he ascends to the throne, Li Chengqian will definitely inherit the crown. Besides him, who else has this qualification?

"Hey, Lao Li, ah, Lao Li, I really don't know what to say about you.

Ye Yu suddenly sighed, lying on the reclining chair with his eyes closed and stopped talking.


Li Shimin's face was full of anxiety, and he could only look at Chongzhen as if asking for help.

Chongzhen also sighed and looked at Li Shimin with pity: "In the sixteenth year of Zhenguan, the crown prince Li Chengqian was afraid of his younger brother Li Tai, and after unsuccessfully trying to assassinate him, he raised an army to rebel, and was finally abolished by you, Lao Li, and finally boarded the university. It's neither Li Chengqian nor Li Tai, but your fourth son Li Zhi! 99


This sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting Li Shimin's heart ruthlessly, causing him to lose his mind and stagger backwards.

Li Shimin looked at Chongzhen with dull eyes, and murmured in his mouth: "How is it possible, how is this possible, how could Chengqian rebel, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!

It's hard for Li Shimin to imagine that the cute and cute doll that still sits on his neck will eventually assassinate his younger brother or even rebel.

How could this convince him.

Cheng Yaojin's expression also changed greatly, and he said hurriedly: "Your Majesty Chongzhen, Young Master Chengqian will rebel, how is this possible, are you wrong?

"Chongzhen is right!" Ye Yu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Li Shimin and sighed: "Li Chengqian was very intelligent since childhood, although he was established as the prince early, but you and the eldest grandson Wugou disciplined him abnormally. The strictness of his life did not even allow him to have too much contact with the palace maids.

"In addition to being established as the prince early, many treacherous officials regard Li Chengqian as the target of attacking you. Moreover, with the birth of other princes, you have gradually neglected him. Regarding the framed accusations and attacks he received, you He also turned a blind eye and let him bear it alone."

"A teenage child with a natural leg disability, coupled with his father's indifference, gradually distorted Li Chengqian's temperament, and his personality became extremely perverted. You raise troops to rebel, in the final analysis, this is all your fault, Li Shimin!"

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