Li Shimin squinted his eyes, looked at Ye Yu puzzled and said, "Sir, I still have a big crisis in Tang Dynasty?

"This, this, why did you say this?"

Cheng Yaojin also became nervous, staring at Ye Yu with a pair of bull's eyes.

Ye Yu didn't answer immediately, but opened the pot, and suddenly a strong aroma wafted out of the pot.

"Hey... it's so fragrant!" Wang Ben took a deep breath, his face full of intoxication: "Sure enough, you can only smell such a rare delicacy here, it's so fragrant!"

"Come, come and move the chopsticks, let's talk while eating."

Ye Yu put a piece of beef into the bowl, and then said to Li Shimin: "Lao Li, although you are the emperor, do you think the Tang Dynasty really belongs to you?"

"Isn't it?" Li Shimin's chopsticks stopped in mid-air, and he looked at Ye Yu in disbelief and said, "Could it be that Mister thinks that my father is a fake emperor? 55

"Isn't that, Lao Li, did you forget the five surnames and seven Wang?" Ye Yu smiled faintly: "You are the emperor in name, but the five surnames and seven Wang are the real dark emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The right to speak is not as strong as five surnames and seven Wang!""

Li Shimin froze all over, his face darkened instantly, and Cheng Yaojin froze all over.

Five surnames and seven looks, this is the name that every ruler does not want to hear!

Ying Zheng frowned and said: "What kind of person is the five surnames and seven Wang, who has such a powerful power?

Chongzhen glanced at Li Shimin sympathetically, and explained: "The first emperor does not know something, these five surnames and seven Wang are not one person, but a gentry group, including Longxi Li, Zhaojun Li, Boling Cui, etc. Qinghe Cui, Fanyang Lu, Xingyang Zheng, Taiyuan seven nobles.

"These seven noble clans have made their fortunes from the Eastern Han Dynasty and continued to the Tang Dynasty, and they hold a lot of power. The Tang Dynasty's commerce, agriculture, shipping, and even the appointment and removal of officials can be involved in the five surnames and seven Wang."99

"It is rumored that the reason for the collapse of the Great Sui Dynasty was that Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Yang wanted to take action against the five surnames Qiwang, and was finally killed by the five surnames and Qiwang secretly inciting a peasant uprising."

"It's just a few families, I'm afraid of what he will do!" When Ying Zheng heard this, he immediately smiled disdainfully: "For the emperor to control the power of a country, whoever dares to disobey and kill them directly, when the killing is over, they will all be surrendered. !

Looking at the extremely domineering Ying Zheng, Li Shimin smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "His Majesty the First Emperor, the situation is not so simple, what His Majesty Chongzhen just said is right, the five surnames and seven Wang are powerful in my Tang Dynasty, and the civil and military people of the dynasty are full of power. Almost half of them are related to the five surnames and seven Wang. If they want to, they can instantly stand up and move the whole body.

Ying Zheng's bushy eyebrows wrinkled, his expression a little dignified.

He did not expect that the strength of this little gentry would be so powerful.

There were no gentry in Daqin society. To be precise, the nobles of Daqin were composed of people like Wang Ben and Meng Tian. Together with the emperor, they formed the ruling class of Daqin, but the real power was still in the hands of Ying Zheng.

Although he didn't know much about the five surnames and Qiwang, Ying Zheng could understand that if these five surnames and seven Wangs were really so powerful, it would be the stupidest choice to directly attack them.

Of course, Li Shimin can also think clearly about these reasons, and he can't help but feel a little powerless. With the power in his hands, it is completely wishful thinking to deal with the five surnames and seven Wang!

Now his only honor guard is Ye Yu, and only Ye Yu can help him defeat the five surnames and seven Wang.

Li Shimin bowed deeply to Ye Yu and said sincerely: "Please also teach me sir.

"Actually, it's not difficult to deal with the five surnames and seven looks. As long as you follow my instructions, within a year, the five surnames and seven looks will become history! Ye Yu put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "I once I set a national policy for Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu to reverse the fortunes of the country, and today I also set several major national policies for you. Listen carefully!

"Sir, please tell me, I will definitely listen carefully!" Li Shimin became excited when he heard this, and looked at Ye Yu with burning eyes, looking forward to what he said.

Cheng Yaojin was even more excited. These two times he heard Chongzhen say that it was under Ye Yu's national policy that Daqin and Daming could reverse the national fortunes and become as strong as they are today.

He didn't know about Daming's situation, but he knew very well about Daqin's situation. No matter how bad their situation in Datang was, they were not as bad as Daqin's. Ye Yu could even save Daqin, who died in the second generation, and he would definitely be able to easily solve the problem. The surname is Qiwang.

Ye Yu was silent for a while before speaking.

"Actually, the situation in Datang is similar to that in Daming. It is also divided into gentry and clans, and it is also facing the invasion of foreign enemies. However, in comparison, the situation in Datang is not as severe as that of Daming, because when Daming is at the end, its bones are rotten. While Datang has just been established, there are many things waiting to be done, but it is also the time when it has the most potential. If you seize the opportunity, you can rise faster than Daming.

"The five surnames and seven Wangs pose the greatest threat to you in three aspects. One is the control of the court, the second is the control of the people's hearts, and the third is the monopoly of talents."

"First of all, control over the court!" Ye Yu looked at Li Shimin with a dignified face and said, "What Lao Zhu said just now is not wrong, almost ninety-nine percent of the officials above the Tang court are from five surnames and seven Wangs. As well as other major clansmen, even your eldest grandson Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others are from major clansmen, they may be very submissive to you, but other officials do not think so! 35

'If you want to deal with the five surnames and seven Wangs, you must first start with the court, establish a centralized power system, and put all the power in your hands, so as to change the status quo of the Tang Dynasty!

"Centralization of power?" Li Shimin was stunned when he heard the sound, and quickly said: "Sir, what does this centralization of power mean?"

Chongzhen and Ying Zheng also listened attentively.

Ye Yu explained: "In fact, it is not the Tang Dynasty. Almost every dynasty will encounter the same problems at the end of the period. The imperial power is scattered, the clans are divided, and the warlords from all over the world are self-respecting. However, because of the social structure of the Tang Dynasty, this problem appeared. It's earlier.""

Li Shimin was thoughtful, Chongzhen nodded again and again, and Daming was facing this situation.

"The so-called centralization of power is a policy that I deliberately formulated with reference to this situation, so that all power can be in your hands, and it is up to you to decide whether to kill or die."

Ye Yu said eloquently: "The so-called centralization means that the power of the government, the military (Wang Li Zhao), and the tax power are all concentrated in your hands, so that you can strengthen the imperial power in disguise and make you a truly supreme being!"

"The first is the political power. Datang implemented a system of three provinces and six ministries, which greatly weakened the power of the prime minister and dispersed most of the powers in various departments. Having become the Yiyantang of their respective officers, what kind of crooked thoughts do they have? It is a big crisis for the Tang Dynasty!

"So, I designed a new department just for you, called the Cabinet!"

"After the cabinet is established, you can abolish the Zhongshu Province and the Shangshu Province, and then select nine cabinet ministers. The head of the cabinet is called the first assistant of the cabinet, and he is also the only prime minister. The six ministers occupy the six seats in the cabinet."

"And the most important role of the cabinet is to help the emperor handle government affairs. The memorials reported daily from all over the country are approved by the cabinet first, and then the most important ones are selected and reported to the court the next morning, and the ministers discuss them. body.

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