I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 206: Use my broken body to serve the Tang Dynasty!

The next morning.

Without any delay, Li Shimin gathered a group of people and came to Wei Zheng's house.

Wei Zheng was Li Jiancheng's henchman. After Li Jiancheng was sacked, many of his officials were thrown into Heavenly Prison by Li Shimin, but there were also a few outstanding officials who were spared, and Wei Zheng was one of them.

Regarding Wei Zheng's disposal, Li Shimin was also extremely troubled.

On the one hand, Wei Zheng has become his confidant in the correct history, and he is loyal and dedicated to the people, he is a rare - a clean and honest official.

On the other hand, Li Shimin learned from Chongzhen and other people that he was often taught by Wei Zheng and was often speechless. He really didn't want to put such a big spray by his side.

However, after Ye Yu's guidance, Li Shimin completely understood that the establishment of a cabinet must have an upright minister as Dinghai Shenzhen.

Changsun Wuji may have selfishness, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui may also have selfishness, but Wei Zheng will never have any selfishness.

For the sake of all the people in the world, he dared to rage against his own emperor and recommended Xuanyuan with blood, how could he have any selfishness.

Moreover, with such a minister by his side supervising him at all times, he can also deal with his own shortcomings in time, which is a great thing for both the country and him.

"Using bronze as a mirror can correct one's clothes... Well, it's good to have such a person by your side!" Li Shimin murmured while sitting on the dragon carriage, with a condensed look in his eyes.

With the Immortal Master here, he has already deeply realized his many advantages, and he doesn't believe that Wei Zheng can bring him up every day.

"Your Majesty is here!"

With the high-pitched voice of the guards of the Imperial Army, the entire Wei Mansion suddenly became a sensation. In fact, during this time, the entire Wei Mansion was in a state of panic.

All the reasons are that their backer Li Jiancheng has fallen, and now is the era of Li Shimin's rule.

This kind of competition for the throne has always been the most bloody and cruel. Once you are in the wrong team, the best result is exile.

During this period of time, Wei Zheng has been left hanging by Li Shimin, which has led to the disintegration of the people in the Wei House. Many people are speculating on how Li Shimin will rectify Wei Zheng.

Therefore, during this period of time, many of the maids and guards of the Wei residence had already run away, and only a few loyal guards remained.

Therefore, today's sudden visit by Li Shimin directly detonated the entire Wei residence.

"See Your Majesty!"

In the courtyard of the Wei Mansion, the entire Wei Mansion came to see him, but everyone knelt on the ground tremblingly, not daring to look directly at Li Shimin.

Wei Zheng also walked out in person, but he was not in a good state at this time, standing in the same place with disheveled hair, not salute when he saw Li Shimin, just staring at him like that.

"Bold!" A guard shouted sharply, "Wei Zheng, why don't you kneel when you see His Majesty! 99

"Humph!" Wei Zheng snorted coldly, glared at Li Shimin and said, "The second son's seizure of the throne is not in line with the rule, so why should this official kneel!

All the maids and family members present at the words were trembling, and even some of the female relatives fainted from fright.

Anyone with brains knows that Li Shimin won the throne as the second son, and this must be a piece of his backstory.

The dragon has inverse scales, and those who touch it are angry. Wei Zheng so blatantly angered Li Shimin, this is courting death!


Sure enough, after hearing Wei Zheng's words, Li Shimin slowly walked down from the dragon chariot with a straight face, no one could tell his thoughts.

Li Shimin walked to Wei Zheng step by step, staring at Wei Zheng with a majestic face.

Wei Zheng also did not let his eyes stare at Li Shimin, his waist was straight.

Li Shimin looked at it for a while and suddenly said: "Wei Zheng, you said that my position was not right, then tell me, who brought down this world?"

Wei Zheng was silent for a while and then said, "It's you!"

"Who led his subordinates in a bloody fight to destroy Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong, and Liu Heida?"

Wei Zheng was silent for a longer time: "It's you!"

"Okay!" Li Shimin's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he said in a deep voice, "Then I will ask you again, compared with Li Jiancheng, whose ability is more outstanding?

Wei Zheng said in a hoarse voice, "It's you!"

Li Shimin's expression seemed to be a little slack, and his voice became higher and higher: "During the period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the system of renunciation was followed, and the emperor was placed in the position of the powerful. Whether it is Wen Tao, military strategy, or contribution to the Tang Dynasty, I have surpassed Li Jiancheng more than one step, why can't you say that I can't? To be king?

"Wei Zheng, the succession of the eldest son is really so important, and the ancestral teachings are so important. When I become the emperor, I can make my Tang Dynasty reach the top of the world, and let me extend my Tang Dynasty's life for thousands of years. Can Li Jiancheng do these things? Luo?

Such a deafening speech shocked everyone present.

Wei Zheng was silent, but there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

Wait for the top of the world and prolong life for thousands of years.

Who can do this kind of thing, even if the Great Qin Capital II established by the greatest first emperor in the history of Tianxia died, Li Shimin had the courage to say such crazy words.

Is he confident or arrogant?

Li Shimin stared at Wei Zheng without saying a word, waved his hand, and the guards immediately cleared all the people around, leaving only Wei Zheng and Li Shimin in the courtyard of Nuoda.

Li Shimin stood under a big tree with his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and said lightly, "Wei Zheng, do you know the Immortal Master?"

Wei Zheng raised his head suddenly, staring at Li Shimin with a burning gaze.

Immortal Master, how did he not know that it was because of the existence of this Immortal Master that Li Jiancheng was defeated by Li Shimin. Wei Zheng was very curious about this mysterious Immortal Master.

Li Shimin was silent for a while, and began to speak slowly.

From the encounter with the immortal gate in the fairy temple, to Ye Yu explaining the fate of the Tang Dynasty to him, to the several major national policies that Ye Yu set for him.

Wei Zheng's expression changed from seriousness, to shock, to panic, and finally he could hardly contain the shock in his heart, and his body began to tremble slightly.

...... Ask for flowers 0.

Looking at Li Shimin with a calm face, Wei Zheng said in shock: "Your Majesty, you...are you telling the truth? Will I, Tang Dynasty, really face such hardships in the future?

Even Wei Zheng didn't realize it, and he didn't know when he started to use the word 'Your Majesty' to honor Li Shimin.

Li Shimin noticed this little detail and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"What the Immortal Master said is wrong, but Wei Qing needn't worry, now with the help of Immortal Master, I will definitely avoid these disasters in the future. Soar to the sky!

"Wei Qing, the immortal master specially formulated a cabinet system for me, Tang Dynasty, and specially recommended you to be the first assistant in this cabinet, are you willing?

Wei Zheng's eyes suddenly widened, and he said incredulously: "Xianshi...Xianshi really recommended this old man to His Majesty?"

"That's right!" Li Shimin said with great certainty, "Wei Qing is not a selfless man, but he is the first loyal minister of the Tang Dynasty. You must be the first assistant in the cabinet!"

"I will ask you one last time, Wei Qing, are you willing?

Wei Zheng didn't hesitate any more, what Li Shimin said today was too shocking, completely subverting his three views.

However, he also understood that Li Shimin was the real Son of Heaven in the Tang Dynasty. In the original history, he surrendered to Li Shimin. Now that the Tang Dynasty has the protection of the immortal master, his life will be extended for thousands of years. His surrender to Li Shimin is the best choice.

Wei Zheng knelt down in front of Li Shimin and said in a deep voice, "Wei Zheng is willing to serve His Majesty with a broken body!"

"Okay!" Li Shimin was overjoyed, he stepped forward to help Wei Zheng up, put his hand on his shoulder, and his face was full of a cheerful smile.

"Okay, with the help of Duke Wei and the protection of the Immortal Master, my Great Tang will surely last forever!

Wei Zheng stood in front of Li Shimin, and his heart also rose with pride.

Although he was a bit pedantic, he was never stupid.

It is his life's desire to establish his heart for the world and his life for the people. Now that he has followed Li Shimin, his life-long desire has the hope of fulfilling it. Why is he not happy?

Li Shimin said smoothly: "Duke Wei, the immortal master said that the establishment of a cabinet is not in a hurry. If a cabinet is established at this time, it will inevitably cause confusion among officials from aristocratic families such as five surnames and seven Wang, so we must wait for the opportunity. 99

"During this period of time, Duke Wei, you have to hibernate in the mansion, and at the same time search for the first batch of twenty-four auxiliary ministers who have entered the cabinet. When the Turks are destroyed, it will be when you will come out of the mountains! 39

"Wei Chen respectfully abides by His Majesty's Royal Order!"

Wei Zheng immediately bowed his hands to Li Shimin: "Wei Zheng will definitely work hard to select talents for His Majesty.

"Okay!" Li Shimin smiled in satisfaction, standing in the courtyard and looking at the north, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Next, is the war with the Turks, as long as the Turks are destroyed, he can carry out drastic reforms! Six.


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