The carriage passed through the crowd, and when he saw the scene outside Jing Yaomen, Lu Qingye's pupils shrank.

On the edge of the river bank outside Jing Yaomen, there were big pits blown out by grenades everywhere, and the land was smoked into a blackened area.

Countless corpses were lying on the ground, and the entire river bank was dyed blood red with blood. Workers were shoveling up the blood-stained soil and burying them in large pits, while others were pushing carts to transport the bodies.

On the side of Jingyaomen, this is a Jingguan that has been piled up to seven or eight meters. Tens of thousands of heads are piled up together, making people feel cold all over.

Just listening to what his subordinates said, he couldn't see the tragic nature of the war. It was not until he saw Lu Qingye that he understood how terrifying the war was.

100,000 people were killed and beheaded, and the earth was blasted out one by one. One can imagine how powerful the weapons Li Shimin used.

Even if the private soldiers raised by the five surnames and seven Wang are very strong, they are still as weak as ants in the face of this powerful weapon.

Lu Qingye's face was pale, and drops of cold sweat dripped down his neck.

"Go, go!" Lu Qingye hurriedly shouted: "Go back to Guanzhong quickly, Li Shimin, it's more terrifying than we thought! 99

In modern society, in the farm.

The sky was slightly brighter, and Ye Yu was still resting in the room.

The little blue claw was holding the remote control, lying on the sofa, and there was a pair of people talking to the big beautiful standing above the chandelier.

"Beautiful, since the two hostess came over, the host has stopped playing with us. He hides in the room and plays games with the hostess all day. What do you think they are playing? Why is it so loud?"

The big beauty smoothed out the bright feathers on her body, and ignored this guy.

Xiaolan said a few more words, and seeing that Dabei still ignored her, she closed her mouth in a boring way.

After being fed by Lu Ming for a long time, Xiaolan and Damei's IQ is now comparable to that of ten-year-old children, but one is obedient and obedient, while the other is a 'doing all evil' bear child.

Xiao Lan dropped the remote control and flew around the room twice, suddenly turning her eyes and flying towards Ye Yu's room.

"Quack, let Xiao Lan go and see what game the master is doing in the room, but he didn't even call me.

I saw it flapping its wings lightly and flying to Ye Yu's room, lightly sticking to the door of Ye Yu's room, eavesdropping on the movement inside.

Damei stood on the chandelier and seemed to concentrate on sorting out her feathers, but in fact she looked up from time to time to see the movement over there, as if she was quite concerned.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Xiao Lan didn't stand still and fell in.

"Quack~" The little blue monster called out twice, and quickly got up from the ground, looking at the familiar pair of shoes in front of him, his body froze suddenly.

Ye Yu looked at the old man with a dark face: "Xiao Lan, what are you doing in the early morning?"

"Quack! 33 Xiaolan looked around and said without confidence: "Master, Xiaolan misses you, so I got up specially to say good morning to you. 55

"Oh?" Ye Yu lifted Xiao Lan from the ground, stared at it and said with a half-smile, "Are you so obedient today?

"Master, look at what you said, am I not your baby?" Xiao Lan pretended to cover her face with her wings, as if she was about to cry.


Wang Mushi and Yang Zi stood behind Ye Yu, watching the two big and small treasures play poverty early in the morning, they couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The two looked at each other for a while, and couldn't help but blushed.

"Okay, don't be poor!" Ye Yu threw Xiao Lan out, rolled his eyes and said, "Hu Hai, what time is it and still sleeping, go and kick him up!"5

"Follow your orders!

Xiao Lan gave a strange laugh in the air, flapped her wings and flew out of the window, and after a while, there was another scream of ghosts and wolf howls from the yard.

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi bowed their hands to Ye Yu, blushing and said, "Sir, let's make breakfast first."9

"Let's go." Ye Yu smiled lightly: "I worked hard last night, so I'll make more delicious food today. 35


The two blushed again, and hurriedly walked into the kitchen, as if someone was chasing them.

With a smile on Ye Yu's face, he turned and walked to the bathroom.

Suddenly, the figure of the system resounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a positive value of 5000."

'Congratulations to the host for obtaining the disaster predictor.

"Huh?" Ye Yu paused, rubbed his chin, and a smile appeared on his face: "Old Li's movements are very fast, so he finished the follow-up so quickly."

Yesterday, after watching Li Shimin rectify Tuli, he closed the gate of crossing the world. He thought that it would take a few days for Lao Li to finish it, but he did not expect this old boy to move very quickly.

When he raised his hand, something like a telegraph appeared in his hand.

Ye Yu raised his brows and said curiously, "System, what is this disaster predictor?"

"Remind the host, enter the plane number, and the host can predict the disaster situation of the plane change."

"Well, that's kind of interesting." Ye Yu raised his eyebrows.

Predicting disasters, this is a bit useful.

If he can accurately predict the disaster situation, he can make an early warning, which can reduce a lot of losses for Lao Zhao and others.

Most of what he told Lao Zhao and the others were major events. After all, this kind of thing is clearly recorded in the history books, but like the kind of minor disasters, the records in the history books are vague, and even There are problems with the chronology.

With this thing, you can accurately predict disasters, and you can take the opportunity to harvest a large wave of beliefs, which is equivalent to his sickle for cutting leeks!

"good stuff!"

Ye Yu nodded with satisfaction: "System, how is this thing used? What plane number are you talking about?"

"The plane number is the exclusive coordinate of each parallel plane. In time and space, there are countless parallel planes. If you master the plane number, you can determine the space-time coordinates of the plane, so as to carry out plane invasion!"

"Planar Invasion!!!"

Ye Yu's heart was shocked, and he said without a voice: "Can you still carry out plane invasion? System, this is the meaning. 55

The system was silent for a while: "There are incomparably powerful forces in time and space. There are already empires in some parallel time and space that can carry out cross-time and space strikes. As long as they master the time and space number, they can carry out time and space plunder."

""What forces are there?"

"The host authority is too low, please increase the authority! The sound of the system instantly became mechanized.

Ye Yu's expression was solemn. Although the system didn't say it clearly, he always had an ominous premonition, as if the system had merged with unfamiliar forces that might invade the plane he was in at any time.

Plane invasion, the simple four words are full of endless bloody smell, Ye Yu can understand what kind of disaster the plane will face after being invaded.

I thought I was playing a development game, but I didn't expect it to be a hegemony game!

The words "Planar Invasion" shrouded Ye Yu's heart like a cloud, making his relaxed state of mind become tense.

However, he can't think of a way to deal with this kind of thing for the time being. After all, the authority is too low. Only by changing history madly and obtaining more positive values ​​can he be prepared to deal with the invasion of time and space.

Burying these things to the bottom of his heart for a while, Ye Yu asked seriously, "System, what are the space-time coordinates that I have now?"

The system did not speak, but projected a light screen in front of Ye Yu.


Ming dynasty:


"It really is the coordinates of Lao Zhao and the others!" A strange color flashed in Ye Yu's eyes (Wang Zhaohao), and he stretched out his hand to erase the screen.

This time and space number is related to the safety of the parallel space where Lao Zhao and the others are located. Except for his accident, he does not intend for anyone to know.

However, these space-time numbers are somewhat useful now.

Ye Yu casually entered Lao Zhao's space-time number into the disaster predictor, only to hear a crisp sound, and the palm-sized machine immediately started to operate.

Like a typewriter, the large and small keys floated up and down automatically, and after a while, a piece of white paper was spit out from the machine.

Ye Yu picked up this piece of paper and looked at it.

[The second day of May in the 30th year of the first emperor]: An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 broke out in the land of Bashu, with a disaster level of 4.

[May 17, Thirty Years of the First Emperor]: Floods broke out in Hanzhong, disaster level 2.

"It seems that the good weather is still somewhat effective. Although Da Qin has suffered from minor disasters, at least no major disaster has occurred. It is just tonight to tell Lao Zhao and let him prepare well. 35

Ye Yu touched his chin with a smile on his face. Next, he entered the coordinates of Datang's plane. After a while, a piece of paper was spat out.

Ye Yu picked up the paper and looked at it, and his face suddenly became closer.


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