I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 226: Daming's Great Crisis!

Lu Qingye did not notice the strange gazes of Zhangsun Wuji and the others. His eyes were fixed on the Xianmen in front of him.

The closer he got to Xianmen, the more excited he became.

As expected of an immortal, this method is truly miraculous, and he can really feel a repulsive force emanating from the immortal gate.

But Lu Qingye only regarded him as a test by the immortals. He bit his head and continued to move forward against the repulsion force under his feet.

Finally, when there was still an arm's length away from the Immortal Gate, the repulsion force became stronger and stronger.

A smile appeared on Li Shimin's mouth, he had already seen Lu Qingye's twitching forehead.

Even a little rebel dares to enter the fairyland, really tired of living!


Hearing a loud bang, Lu Qingye's body flew backwards like a cannonball under the action of unparalleled repulsion, and then fell heavily to the ground.


The expressions of the surrounding assassins changed, and they quickly stepped forward to help Lu Qingye up from the ground.

Lu Qingye looked at Xianmen with a bewildered face.

"Hahahaha, idiot, how can a rebel like you touch Xianyu! Seeing that Lu Qingye made such a big embarrassment, Cheng Yaojin put down his axe and immediately laughed.

"Why..." Lu Qingye ignored Cheng Yaojin, his mind was full of immortals, the temptation of immortality. The temptation was too great for him, how could he give up easily.

"Why doesn't Xianyu accept me?" Lu Qingye struggled to get up from the ground, grabbed his arms, and the two stepped forward together,

Then, this time, two figures were ejected by Xianmen.

"Why, Immortal Master?" Lu Qingye shouted in disbelief: "Why don't you accept me, why even Li Shimin can get in but I can't, why is this?

Lu Qingye suddenly turned around and stared at Li Shimin, with blood in his eyes: "It's you, it must be you!

"As long as I kill you, I can enter the fairyland, I will kill you!

As soon as he gave an order, the twenty or so assassins around him immediately stepped forward.

Qin Shubao and the others changed their expressions and were just about to step forward, but Li Shimin stepped forward first.

He stretched out his right hand and said lightly, "This farce should end!"

After he finished speaking, he saw a burst of golden light surging in his hand, and several golden dragons roared and flew out from his cuff.

In less than two breaths, Lu Qingye watched in horror as these guards under his command were torn to pieces by the murderous golden dragon.

"How can... this, this is impossible!"

Lu Qingye's face turned pale, his ass sat on the ground, his pupils widened, and he looked at Li Shimin in disbelief.

Li Shimin waved his hand: "Go catch Lu Qingye and keep him under strict supervision, I want to find out all his accomplices and cut them all over!


Qin Shubao cupped his hands and stepped forward immediately. He tied Lu Qingye firmly with hemp rope the thickness of the baby's arm.

During this period, Lu Qingye didn't resist, he was as dumb as a wooden man, his face was pale, as if he had aged by several decades.

"Hmph, just because you want to enter the Immortal Realm and don't urinate to see what you look like." Cheng Yaojin swaggered to Lu Qingye's side and twisted his ass. In the Tang Dynasty, only His Majesty and I, Lao Cheng, can enter the Immortal Realm, you are just delusional!

Lu Qingye still didn't speak, as if he was fooled by today's changes.

"Let's go!"

Li Shimin didn't want to say more, took Li Chengqian's little hand and took the lead towards the gate of the fairyland, Cheng Yaojin immediately followed.

Before walking to Xianmen, Li Shimin's face showed a hint of hesitation.

Immortal Sect has a strong repulsion force, so far only he and Cheng Yaojin have been fortunate enough to set foot there, and he does not know the specific reason.

He was afraid that Li Chengqian would also be repelled by Xianmen. The child's health was not good, and he might not be able to withstand the strong repulsion of Xianmen.

Li Shimin thought for a while, pulled Li Chengqian to stand in front of Xianmen, and bowed to Xianmen.

"The people of the world are deeply impressed by the great virtue of the immortal master. Today, I specially lead my son Chengqian to visit the immortal master in the fairyland. Please Xianmen accommodate! 35

Li Chengqian also quickly imitated Li Shimin's appearance, and bowed timidly to Xianmen.

After getting up, Li Shimin took a deep breath, grabbed Li Chengqian's small hand, and slowly stepped forward.

There was no repulsion, and Li Shimin was instantly overjoyed and quickly stepped up his pace.

After a change of light and shadow, he traveled through countless time and space and appeared in Ye Yu's small courtyard.

It was the first time he saw an electric light bulb, and seeing so many modern things, Li Chengqian rubbed his eyes in shock.

"Father, this... is this the Immortal Realm?"

"Not bad!" Li Shimin rubbed Li Chengqian's head, with a smile on his face: "Chengqian, let's go, the royal father will take you to thank the immortal master.

··For flowers 0.


Holding the small hand, the two slowly walked into the small courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard a burst of cheerful laughter.

When Ying Zheng and Chongzhen saw Li Shimin, their eyes lit up: "Brother Shimin, why are you here!

"You kid, you're late as soon as we've finished all our goodies.

"Two brothers, long time no see!"

Li Shimin raised his hand to the two with a smile on his face. Over the past few days, he first counterattacked the Turks and then managed the smallpox, which took more than a month.

In the past month, he has not set foot in the Immortal Realm once, which is quite a long time.

"Lao Li is here.

Ye Yu, who was leaning on the reclining chair, opened his eyes and smiled at Li Shimin, his eyes fell on the little guy Li Shimin was holding: "Is this Chengqian?"


Li Shimin hurriedly pulled Li Chengqian forward: "Thank you Immortal Master for your help, helping me to pacify the smallpox disaster in Tang Dynasty and cure my son's leg disease, thank Immortal Master!

Li Chengqian also turned his face and looked at Ye Yu secretly: "Chengqian has seen Mr.

"Thank you sir for helping me heal my leg.

With that said, the little guy swept the robe and knelt down to Ye Yu.

"Okay! 35 Ye Yu waved his hand at will, an invisible force flew out from his fingertips, and Li Chengqian's body that was about to kneel immediately straightened up.

"It's just an elixir, this is what you deserve, Lao Li, don't be polite!

This time, Li Shimin's pacification of the smallpox brought him a much higher harvest than a mere elixir. Give him an elixir and sprinkle it with water.

"Since you're here, sit down." Ye Yu pointed to the empty seat and waved to Li Shimin, then said to Yang Zi who was behind him: "Yang Zi, we want to smoke, take Cheng Qian to play in the room. 35

"There should be a lot of snacks at home, you can get some more for this little guy."

"Yes! 35

Yang Zi immediately stepped forward and rubbed Li Chengqian's cheek, and he also liked this little guy with pink makeup.

Holding Li Chengqian's little hand, he happily entered the room.

Ye Yu lit a cigarette, then turned to look at Chongzhen and the others.

"Where did we just say?"

Chongzhen immediately cupped his hands and said with a serious face: "Sir, you just said that there will be a big crisis in Daming! Six.


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