I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 228: The Empress of the Tang Dynasty!

A few people chatted with laughter. Today, I ate home-cooked food made by Wang Mushi and Yang Zi. Although the taste was not as good as what Ye Yu got, it was better than the fact that the ingredients were sufficient and the seasonings were complete. Ying Zheng and several others The food is still mouth-watering.

Ye Yu lay comfortably on the chair, lit a cigarette, looked at Li Shimin and said, "Old Li, you should deal with the five surnames and seven hope next, right?"

"Not bad!" Li Shimin said with a smile: "The reason why I came so late this time is because I was assassinated by five surnames and seven Wang, and they even wanted to forcefully pass through Xianmen and come to Xianyu, which is really delusional! "

Cheng Yaojin nibbled at the pig's hoof and said vaguely: "Sir, you didn't see that Fan Yang Lu's family owner lost his soul after being ejected from the fairy door!

"Your Majesty showed great power this time, and wiped out all the assassins. The five surnames and seven Wang actually tried to set foot in the Immortal Realm. This time is their death."

"Hahahaha, Shimin's brother did a great job!" Chongzhen gave Li Shimin a thumbs-up, winked and said, "Five surnames and Qiwang take the initiative to take action against you this time, and this wave will directly take me away!"

"Not bad." Ying Zheng's face was serious: "Boy Shimin, this opportunity is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you must not be soft-hearted, you must eradicate all the five surnames and seven hopefuls, otherwise the poison will be endless!

In this regard, Ying Zheng has the most say. During the war of the Six Kingdoms, it was because the weeds and roots were not cut down that the remnants of the Six Kingdoms were messing around in Daqin. If he hadn't set foot in Xianyu at a critical moment to get Ye Yu's guidance , Da Qin is really likely to be destroyed in the hands of this group of fish that slip through the net.

Li Shimin also knew his character flaws, and nodded solemnly: "Please rest assured Shi Huang, this time I will definitely not be soft-hearted, those who have the intention to subvert my Tang Dynasty, I will not let go, their business, I will accept it in full."

"Five surnames and seven Wang have controlled the Central Plains for so long, it's time for them to spit out their greed for power and wealth!"

"Not bad!" Ye Yu smiled lightly: "If you eliminate the five surnames and seven Wangs in advance, it will be of great benefit to Li Tang's rule in the future. I think the Empress also spent a lot of effort to remove the tentacles of the five surnames and seven Wangs from the court. This time they took the initiative to send them to the door. I have to say, Lao Li, your luck is really good! 35

"The Empress???"

Li Shimin was startled and continued as if he was struck by lightning. He was sluggish for half a minute, and finally Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but asked: "Sir, what do you mean by this empress? Are there any women who can't be enthroned?"

"Hehe, of course I have to thank the blood of the old Li family!"

Ye Yu jokingly smiled: "Old Li's methods are soft, and Li Zhi, who ascended the throne later, is even weaker and indecisive. When he encounters something, he weeps and weeps. In the end, he was played by his concubine Wu Zetian in the palm of his hand."

"Even this Wu Zetian ascended the throne and became the first female emperor in the world, completely controlling the Tang Dynasty.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!""

Li Shimin suddenly reacted and roared in anger: "How could I, Tang Dynasty, fall into the hands of a woman, how is this possible!

"Sir is right." Chongzhen put his hand on Li Shimin's shoulder and sighed: "The enthronement of the empress is clearly written in the history books, you can't believe it.

"Damn it!" Cheng Yaojin's jaw was about to split, his eyes were red, and Li Shimin's hair almost stood on end.

He did not expect that a woman would usurp the power of the Tang Dynasty and won the supreme throne of the Tang Dynasty. This is simply the greatest shame!

Fortunately, Li Zhi has not been born yet, otherwise he really wants to throw this little bastard to death.

As a member of the Old Li family, to be toyed with by a woman, it is like losing their old Li family!

"Sir, who is this Wu Zetian? After I go back, I will definitely cut him down!" Li Shimin roared again and again.

"Why are you so excited, hasn't this happened yet?" Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "I told you about Wu Zetian, just to prepare you for the future of the Tang Dynasty, and by the way, let you not talk to the five surnames. Qiwang is soft-hearted, but it's not that you took Wu Zetian's life.99

"This Wu Zetian was born in Wu Zhao, his ancestral home is from Wenshui County, Bingzhou, and he is only two years old now, you guy, do you still want to shoot at a two-year-old little Loli?

Chongzhen also discouraged: "Sir is right, although Wu Zetian ascended the throne as a woman, her achievements are not inferior to men's, and her people have also made a lot of contributions to Tianxia, ​​I don't want to admit it. , But apart from Shi Huangdi and Han Wudi, the Empress is the only emperor I admire.

"Brother Shimin, things haven't happened yet. If you kill Wu Zetian because of some trumped-up charges, doesn't it mean that you are a cruel and inhumane king!"

Ying Zheng also nodded at the side. He had heard Ye Yu talk about Wu Zetian from the very beginning. Although he was not happy, he had to admit that Wu Zetian was no worse than a male emperor.

And the problems Li Shimin faced were different from those he faced before.

He heard from Ye Yu that Zhao Gao and Li Si joined forces to kill Fusu, which led to the death of the Second Emperor of Qin. Because they already have signs of rebellion.

But Wu Zetian is only two years old now, and he said that he must not be weaned, so he can't kill the child for this kind of trumped-up reason.

Even if he was as ruthless as Ying Zheng, he couldn't do such a thing.

After Chongzhen and Ying Zheng's dissuasion, Li Shimin gasped for several breaths, and his anger finally calmed down.

He thought about it carefully, and Wu Zetian was able to become emperor mainly because of himself.

If he hadn't finally chosen Li Zhi, this soft egg, Datang would not have fallen into the hands of a woman.

Now that he is under the guidance of Ye Yu, Li Chengqian's leg disease has recovered, and the fate of the Tang Dynasty has completely changed. Could it be that the Tang Dynasty will still fall into the hands of a girl!

This is impossible!

Li Shimin struggled for a long time, and finally gave up the idea of ​​executing Wu Zetian, and turned to the extreme anger at Li Zhi, who had not yet been born.

When this kid is born, we must take good care of him, it is best to take care of his weak temperament, preferably a small dozen in three days and a large dozen in two days.

Cheng Yaojin is still quite resentful at this moment. The person who grew up in a patriarchal society is still a general. He doesn't say how much he discriminates against women, but he certainly won't recognize a woman as emperor, much less like Li Shimin. .

He gritted his teeth and asked in a deep voice: "Sir, if you say you won't kill this Wu Zetian, what should we do with it? She can become emperor, and her temperament and means must be excellent. A deadly scourge!

"You are afraid of a hammer with me! Ye Yu rolled his eyes, disdainful of Cheng Yaojin's worries.

Since the change of Xuanwumen, the fate of Lao Li has been completely changed. If Wu Zetian can still usurp power, this is not to say that Li Shimin is not good, it is to say that he is not good!

However, seeing Cheng Yaojin's stubborn look on his face also gave him a headache.

With such a jerk, even if he doesn't let him, this guy may sneak to Bingzhou to kill the two-year-old Wu Zetian.

As for Wu Zetian in history, Ye Yu actually liked it quite a bit, and didn't want to see the empress die just like that.

He rubbed his chin and said, "Why don't you do this? After you find me, Wu Zetian, send her to me, and I will personally teach her, a generation of empresses, to tune. It is quite fulfilling to teach her.

A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Yu's face, the empress's training plan was a bit interesting.

Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin looked at each other when they heard the sound, and were also relieved.

It is indeed the best choice to be able to send Wu Zetian to Xianyu.

Entering the Immortal Realm, it is estimated that it is impossible to return to the Tang Dynasty in this life, and it is even less likely to have any impact on the Tang Dynasty in the future.

In the future, he will be able to let go of his hands and feet to rectify the Tang Dynasty!

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