I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 237: I do not accept surrender!

Half an hour later, Li Shimin came to Lingyan Pavilion.

This place has been set up as a restaurant to entertain ministers and foreign guests. As soon as you enter the door of Lingyan Pavilion, a burst of rich hot pot rushes towards your face.

In Lingyan Pavilion, Asul and the others gathered around a few hot pots with red oil, and they ate their mouths full of red oil.

When Li Shimin entered Lingyan Pavilion, he also saw Asur and Langri Songzan arguing over a piece of hairy belly.

"Hahaha, all the messengers, how does my Tang food taste like?"

Li Shimin walked to the first seat with a smile and sat down, looking at Asul and the others with satisfaction.

Asul and Langri Songzan froze, looking at the strange eyes of the people around them, and then they reacted to their embarrassing actions just now.

However, those who can serve as messengers are not ordinary thick-skinned. After coughing twice, the embarrassment just now was put to the back of his mind.

Asur wiped the corners of his mouth and stood up and sighed: "I have heard that Tianxia's food is very delicious, today is really an eye-opener for us, "690"!

"This hot pot is simply a rare delicacy in the world! 35

Langri Songzan hugged his bulging belly: "Yes, His Majesty the Emperor Tang, I think the most wonderful thing is this duck intestine, it's a delicacy in the world, not only if we can bring the hot pot with us after returning to China. go back.39

"Of course." Li Shimin rolled his eyes, and suddenly said with a smile: "This hot pot is a delicious gift from the Immortal Master. Although the method is simple, the seasonings used are extremely precious. I can give you a little bit of it. "

"Thank you, His Majesty Tang Huang, we can buy seasonings at high prices."

"Yes, this hot pot is so delicious, it's worth it even if it costs gold and silver!"

Hearing that the hot pot can really be brought back, Asur's eyes lit up, and he answered anxiously.

The modern delicacy of hot pot is too tempting for these ancient people. They even have a feeling that they will suffer if they can't eat this delicious food from now on.

Li Shimin also nodded with satisfaction, and unintentionally opened up a business route for Datang, which was simply delightful.

He waved his hand and said indifferently: "I just went down to ponder for a while, and I have already answered the questions you raised. Would you like to hear it now?"

"Untie... untie?"

"So fast?"

Asur and Langri Songzan's expressions froze in disbelief.

The questions they raised were all carefully selected. Even a wise man in the country needed a lot of time to solve this problem. It took Li Shimin half an hour to solve it?

Langri Songzan was silent for a while and said, "Please also ask His Majesty the Tang Emperor to clarify our doubts. 99

Li Shimin threw the Thousand Machines Treasure Box at random, and Assur hurriedly caught it, his pupils shrank when he saw the thin line passing through the Thousand Machines Treasure Box, did he really untie it?

"This gadget is exquisitely made, and it took me a quarter of an hour to untie it." Li Shimin pretended to say: "Find an ant, tie a thin thread to the ant's leg, and then smear the other end. Honey, under the temptation of food, ants will naturally crawl out from the nearest passage.

"And that strange beast, named Panda, is the legendary mount of Chi You. It was called an iron-eating beast in ancient times. It lives in the high mountains and dense forests and likes to eat bamboo. Is what I said right?"

Li Shimin looked at Lang Ri Songzan with a smile in his eyes.


Langri Songzan opened his mouth, the iron-eating beast was right, this was only a few words found by the wise men of their country after searching all the records.

Li Shimin found it so easily, could it be that the immortal gave him pointers?

Langri Songzan and Asul looked at each other and bowed to Li Shimin with a wry smile.

"His Royal Highness Tang is indeed invincible in knowledge, thank you His Majesty for your guidance, I will wait for it.

"Your Majesty is truly amazing!"

"Actually, this Thousand Machines Treasure Box officer also thought of how to answer it, but I'm not sure about it."

"This panda turned out to be the mount of the legendary Chiyou? Your Majesty is indeed a learner and richer five chariots! 35

Zhangsun Wuji and others are familiar with Li Shimin's character, and they also gave Li Shimin a thumbs up and praise.

"Hahahaha, just two small problems." Li Shimin laughed heartily, took out two gadgets from his sleeves and handed them to the eunuch beside him: "Your problems are nothing, I have two here. The games that my Tang children use to exercise their intelligence are called Rubik’s Cube and Huarong Dao. You can take them back and study them. Reciprocal exchanges are also considered as gifts from the Tang Dynasty to you from Tubo and Persia.


Langri Songzan and Assur stared at the gadgets in their hands in astonishment.

This is a toy for children in the Tang Dynasty to exercise intelligence? Is this really something normal people can do?

The two fiddled around curiously, but they had no idea at all, and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This is literally shooting yourself in the foot.

Not only did he not embarrass Datang, but instead caused himself such a big trouble.

However, this also made the two of them certain that the immortals of the Tang Dynasty might really exist!

Because the questions they ask are simply not something that ordinary people can do, they can answer the questions they ask in such a short time, and they can throw out such exquisite 'toys' at will, only a fairy can do it!

The eyes of the two intertwined for a while. There are immortals in the Tang Dynasty, so their previous plans will be changed...

Li Shimin ignored the two of them, but turned to look at Ashina Dieluo who had been sitting in the corner, and suddenly smiled coldly: "How dare you Turks come to my Tang Dynasty? 99

Ashina Diero shivered for a while, and hurriedly stood up, took out a letter of credentials from his arms and handed it to Li Shimin.

"Respected His Majesty Emperor Tang, I have come to Datang to accuse you of the crime at the order of Tuli Khan. The battle of Weishui was led by Jieli alone, and he had already paid the price of his own life for his wild ambition to attack Datang.

The Tang Dynasty is extremely powerful. I admire all the Turks and I am extremely ashamed of my crimes. However, now that Jie Li is dead, please forgive us the guilt of the great Tang emperor.

For this reason, I, the Turks, are willing to worship the Tang Dynasty from generation to generation, donate 500,000 cattle, sheep and horses every year, and honor the great Tang Emperor as His Majesty the Khan of Heaven, and ask His Majesty to forgive him.

The leaders of the Tuyuhun and other tribes behind him also knelt down and shouted: "See your Majesty the great Tian Khan!

This scene is the purpose of their coming to Datang.

Since Li Shimin entered Xianmen, history has been changed beyond recognition by Ye Yu.

According to the correct history, Li Shimin finally sent troops to attack the Turks after a few years of the Weishui Alliance, and finally became an alien Khan.

But this time, under the guidance of Ye Yu and the support of Chongzhen Yingzheng's firepower, the Turks were beheaded by more than 100,000 people, and there were not many strong fighting forces left, and other surrounding tribes saw that their elder brother Turks were disabled. Now, everyone was so scared that their hands and feet were cold, so they hurriedly formed an envoy to the Tang Dynasty.

They also have a very deep grasp of Li Shimin's psychology. They know that he is a man who is very happy, and they respectfully call him Tian Khan 0.6, which will not only calm his anger, but may even get a great reward.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Li Shimin was scolded by Ye Yu and Ying Zheng because of the title of 'Tian Khan', and they knew the consequences of his absurd behavior.

At this time, when he heard that these alien races wanted to honor himself as the Khan of Heaven, Li Shimin was not only not happy, but was extremely disgusted.

"Tian Khan, I tui!" Li Shimin stood up, pointed at Ashina Luo Dieluo and the others and shouted angrily: "I am the Emperor of Tianxia, ​​what kind of thing is a Tian Khan.

"Put away your gestures of wagging your tails and begging for pity, when you waited to vanquish our country, slaughter my people, disturb my country, invade my country, have you ever thought about the consequences today?

"Anyone who commits crimes against my Tang Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away! Eternal life and eternity will be the place of my Tang Dynasty's death!"

"Surrender? I do not accept surrender. I want you to destroy the country, and every one of your people must be destroyed before I can pay homage to my people who died in vain in Tianxia, ​​and then I can wash my Tang shame with blood!"

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