real world.

Chang'an City.

In the west of the city, a construction site is under construction.


"Knock! 99

A worker suddenly hit a hard object with his hoe, and a string of sparks came out.

"Hey, did you dig something?" The worker let out a sigh, put down his hoe, squatted down and swept the hard object, and suddenly a square stone appeared in his eyes.

"Yes, another ancient tomb was dug." Another worker pouted and patted the security guard on the shoulder and said, "Call someone from the archaeological team."

"Well, it is estimated that I will take a few more days off." Zhang Baoan stretched helplessly, but he was already used to this kind of thing.

As the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, Chang'an City can be said to be a city built on countless corpses, with countless ancient tombs below.

Every time I build a subway, I am embarrassed to say that I am a subway line in Chang'an without digging up dozens of ancient tombs.

And every time the subway is built, the busiest people are not the subway workers, but the Cultural Bureau and the archaeological team in Xi'an.

Even a special line was set up for the subway engineering team, and only a phone call to the cultural bureau and the archaeological team can come as quickly as possible.

Half an hour later, the entire construction site was surrounded by warning bars, and the surrounding people were talking about it.

"Why, why did the construction stop again?"

"What else, this one must have found an ancient tomb."

"My dear, this is the third one this year, and there will be another half-month delay. When will our subway be repaired?""

"It's not like you don't know about the situation in Chang'an. Just wait." 690

After discussing it for a while, the people went their separate ways. Obviously, this kind of situation is not uncommon.

Underground construction site.

Wang Zhichao and several archaeological team members squatted on the ground with small hoes and small brushes, and carefully cleaned the soil.

An archaeological team member complained: "Why do you have to work overtime again, the last ancient tomb has just been cleaned up, we haven't rested yet, this is another ancient tomb.

"The archaeological team in Chang'an should be the busiest in Tianxia, ​​right?"

"That's right, working overtime every day, the poor Chang'an archaeological team."

"Don't complain, guess whose ancient tomb this is?"

"Who knows, I feel that the scale of this ancient tomb is not small, I guess it is a general's tomb?

"I guess it may be a princess or something, but this structure looks a bit like the style of the Tang Dynasty. I don't know which princess it is."

The archaeological team members complained one after another, and the gloomy tomb suddenly became cheerful because of the chattering sound.

Wang Zhichao squatted at the front, whether it was a joke between the two team members, but his eyes were fixed on the square stone tablet in front of him, and the small brush in his hand was cleaning the soil little by little.

Ten minutes later, the soil around the stele was cleared away, revealing a half-human-high epitaph.

"Come here, the epitaph has been cleaned up. 35

Wang Zhichao gave an order, and the surrounding team members immediately gathered around, curiously placing a large number on the epitaph.

"Boss, look at whose tomb this is."

"This stone tablet is very exquisitely carved, so it's not really a princess' tomb, right?"

Wang Zhichao held a flashlight and swept the light on the epitaph, muttering.

"Li Yuanji, born in 603, died in 686???

Wang Zhichang raised his voice suddenly, staring at the record on the epitaph in disbelief.

The surrounding players exploded with a bang.

"686??? Boss, did you read it wrong?"

"Yeah, didn't Li Yuanji only live to be 23 years old, what the hell is this 686? 35

"Fuck, it's really the year 686, isn't this epitaph wrong?"

When everyone confirmed the records on the epitaph again and again, all the archaeologists were dumbfounded.

It is clearly recorded that Li Yuanji lived for 83 years, did not die in Xuanwumen, and was even re-established as Li Wang by Li Shimin, and his territory was in Goryeo Road?


Wang Zhichao took a deep breath, his eyes full of shock.

During this period of time, various archaeological discoveries that subverted history have been frequently unearthed in various places in Tianxia, ​​which has caused great waves in the history of Tianxia.

Some people say that this is just a joke made by the ancients and modern people. Wang Zhichao also believes this, but when he saw the tombstone today, Wang Zhichao felt that his three views had been subverted.

He suddenly found that the history he knew was about to be rewritten from this moment, and the hidden fog in history was about to be revealed in front of him.

Wang Zhongchao took a deep breath and hurriedly shouted: "Quick, call the top, we have made a major discovery!"

Two days later.


Paranormal Research Center.

Wearing a suit, Wang Zhichao stood nervously in a large conference room, his upper legs were a little weak.

Looking around, all the members of the Tianxia archaeologists sat in the conference room. He casually glanced at him and even saw Xu Linian, Wang Qingcang, a giant standing at the peak of Tianxia archaeology.

His gaze stopped for a moment on the face of a beautiful woman next to Xu Linian, and Wang Zhichao took a deep breath and slowly walked up to the podium.

"Hello, seniors and colleagues of the archaeologists, I am Wang Zhichao, the captain of the Chang'an Archaeological Team, and today I will explain to you the new discoveries we made in Chang'an two days ago.

Wang Zhichao raised his hand, and the screen behind him immediately displayed the photo of the epitaph, and beside the photo, there was a long list of text annotations.

Wang Zhichao explained: "Two days ago, we discovered the tomb of King Qi, or King Li Yuanji, during the Zhenguan period at the construction site of Chang'an Metro Line 9."

"After our series of strict inspections, we ruled out the tombstone forgery and confirmed the content on the tombstone."

"The difference with history is that it is recorded on the tombstone that Li Yuanji did not die at the scene of the Xuanwu Gate Incident, but lived until the age of 83, and was even named King Li by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty. .

"And Goryeo, also during the Zhenguan period, became a part of the Tang Dynasty and changed its name to Goryeo!

Wang Zhichao paused for a moment and looked up. The silence in the conference room was not as noisy as he imagined.

Everyone looked at the text on the screen solemnly, and Xu Linian and Wang Qingcang even had expressions of excitement on their faces.

Wang Zhichao felt a little strange in his heart, but he continued: "After opening the tomb, we have made a bigger discovery. 35

The screen at the back switched again, and when I saw the picture on the screen, there was finally a commotion at the scene.

"As you can see, a car and an astronomical telescope were placed in the tomb, and even a pistol was found next to Li Yuanji's body, which was very similar to the modern M500.

Wang Zhichao's voice was a little trembling. He still remembers the horrified expressions of the team members when the tomb was opened and the car was seen.

Finding a car or even an astronomical telescope in a cemetery in the Tang Dynasty is like finding out that all of your classmates are aliens, and it feels like all three views have been subverted.

In the conference room, a young man stroked his glasses and stared at the very modern car rack on the screen, his face full of excitement.

He stood up and asked, "Captain Wang, have you checked the car and the telescope? Are you sure that they were made during the Tang Dynasty and were not deliberately stuffed by tomb robbers?"

"Impossible!" Wang Zhichao said decisively: "Before the discovery of the archaeological site, it was completely enclosed without any robbery holes, and it is impossible for a car to appear in an ancient tomb more than a thousand years ago.

"Furthermore, we have also done the most rigorous inspection. The degree of rust on the car is completely handed down from the Tang Dynasty, and even the internal structure of the car is slightly different from that of modern cars. The mysterious group of Taiqing Heavy Industry is doing manufacturing!"

Wang Zhichao took a breath to calm down his excitement and continued: "Seniors, in Li Yuanji's mu of land, we also found some records about the immortal master."

A small, thin book appeared on the screen. Although it was yellow and rotten, the text on it could still be read clearly.

"This should be Li Yuanji's diary in his old age. It clearly records that, under the leadership of the Immortal Master, the Tang Dynasty became stronger step by step, the Turks in the Beiping, the Western Regions in the West, the East in the East, and Zhenla in the South, and finally became the world's hegemony!" "

"Sure enough, it's a fairy!"

Xu Linian exclaimed and stood up excitedly, his body trembling slightly.



Among the previous discoveries, the immortal master only showed traces in Daqin and Daming, but now, the records about him have finally been found in the Tang Dynasty.

This will be strong evidence for the existence of this mysterious cultivator!

There is nothing wrong with their research, the immortal cultivators have always survived from Daqin, and even changed the history of the Tang Dynasty!

After Wang Zhiqiang's explanation, the meeting room broke out.

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