After eating and drinking, at Li Shimin's suggestion, the three emperors plus one Ye Yu started playing mahjong again.

For the three of Ying Zheng, Ye Yu was one of the few times when they could relax.

After all, when they stayed in the palace, they would face all kinds of problems every day, deal with countless memorials every day, and maintain the air of their own emperor, which was really tiring.

But here in Ye Yu, there are no memorials, no big or small problems, not to mention putting on airs, they can relax in the most comfortable way.

Ying Zheng was sitting upright at this time, but his sleeves were above his wrists, and he was rubbing mahjong in his hands. Li Shimin was half lying on the chair, and occasionally glanced at his mahjong when Chongzhen was not paying attention. Chongzhen was sitting cross-legged on the chair. On, bare feet, fingers rubbing in the cracks of the toes, showing an expression of incomparable enjoyment on his face.

"Twenty thousand!"

"Hu, hahahaha 258,000, Lao Zhao pays!

Ye Yu pushed the mahjong down and smiled happily.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Ben helplessly.

Wang Ben could only have a bitter face, took out a small ingot of gold from his arms and handed it to Ye Yu.

Ye Yu weighed the gold in his hand and suddenly said, "Old Zhao, it is tiring and inconvenient to run around with gold and silver all the time, it's time for you to make paper money and start a bank! 99

"Paper money, bank?

The three of Ying Zheng were stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Yu puzzled: "Sir, what do you mean by banknotes and banks?

Ye Yu played with the golden knots in question and said with a smile: "The so-called paper money is actually a coin made of special paper and a special manufacturing process. It is very light and thin, and each kind of paper money can represent a certain amount of money. silver."

"Actually, the earliest banknotes appeared in the Song Dynasty, Lao Zhu should know that it was actually Jiaozi.

The Song Dynasty was prosperous in commerce, and merchants often needed to carry a large amount of gold and silver when they exchanged and traded. efficiency, and greatly increased the cost, so some businessmen cleverly invented a paper currency to conduct transactions. 35

Saying that, Ye Yu took out a few 100-denomination banknotes from his wallet and handed them to Ying Zheng and the three.

The three of Ying Zheng took it over and looked over and over, rubbed their hands, and looked at the huge '100' on the note, and gradually understood the function of the note.

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up: "Paper money is a good thing. If it can replace gold and silver, then merchants and people will no longer have to carry a lot of silver when they go out."

"Yes, sir, this invention is a bit interesting." Li Shimin happily put the money into his pocket: "This is a piece of paper, and it is much more convenient than before."

Chongzhen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Sir, this paper money is a good thing, but the risks are not that big, and things can easily happen!"

He explained to Ying Zheng and Li Shimin who were unaware: "Two brothers, in fact, I, Daming, also promoted paper money. Since the ninth year of Hongwu, the imperial court has set up a treasure banknote promotion department to print and issue treasure banknotes of different denominations. , in order to strengthen its control over the economy, but this policy lasted for less than a hundred years, and it completely withdrew from the market during the Yingzong period.


When Ying Zheng and Li Shimin heard this, they were a little hesitant. Daming's economy was much more developed than theirs, and even Daming couldn't implement the treasure money, aren't they even worse?

If it takes a lot of effort to establish the treasure banknote policy, it will be abolished soon, isn't this a big joke?

"Old Zhu, you old boy, don't misunderstand your children!" Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Who is to blame for the devaluation of the treasured banknotes, it's not your Daming government.

"Your former Ming Dynasty did not regard paper money as a kind of currency at all, but only as a means of reward. For example, when your ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang rewarded ministers, he often used a lot of treasure notes and used them when he confessed to foreign missions. A lot of treasure banknotes, and the treasure banknote promotion department had to print a lot of treasure banknotes, which led to the devaluation of treasure banknotes becoming more and more serious day by day and finally abolished. This is not a bad thing about paper money. Seriously.

"Hehe...hehe." Chongzhen could only smile awkwardly when Ye Yu pointed at his nose and gave him a stinky reprimand.

Ye Yu is right, his ancestors did not take treasure banknotes seriously. Even if treasure banknotes are a convenient gadget, the market is still dominated by gold, silver and copper coins. Very low level.

Chongzhen scratched his head and said, "Sir, there is another problem. Treasure banknotes are no more than gold and silver, they are just a simple piece of paper, and they are very easy to imitate. If they are promoted, there will definitely be a lot of counterfeit money. Come on, what should I do?"

"This is simple!" Ye Yu raised a finger and smiled: "There is a water pattern paper in the Bashu area, which is divided into two types of printing, light and dark. This technique is top secret and most people don't even know it, let alone make it. Printing on this kind of paper can greatly reduce the card power of those who make counterfeit money without permission.

You can also start with printing to prevent smog. If you use wood to print, it is easy to be imitated, but if you use copper plate to brush hard, only professional craftsmen in the court can master such skills, and outsiders can't imitate it.

"In addition to these two points, you can also use a series of methods such as multi-color overprinting, stamping, changing patterns, etc. With so many anti-counterfeiting measures, it is enough to give anyone a headache. Finally, you can use the big seal of the imperial court to seal it. It can completely eliminate the possibility of making counterfeit coins.

Ye Yu talked freely, and Ying Zheng and the three listened fascinatedly, and Fu Su and the others were writing and writing down Ye Yu's words.

After all, Ying Zheng and Li Shimin were the first to come into contact with the novelty of banknotes, and they didn't know much about the dangers of counterfeiting, so Lao Zhu became excited.

"Sir is worthy of being a gentleman, there are so many ways in one mouth, seconds!

If I had so many anti-counterfeiting methods before the Ming Dynasty, then there wouldn't be so many counterfeit coins circulating among the people!"

"In fact, only anti-counterfeiting measures are not enough!" Ye Yu urged: "If paper money is implemented, the huge benefits will be enough to make anyone jealous, so you have to formulate the most stringent legal procedures!

"Whenever there is a case of counterfeiting, anyone who initiates, engraves, prints money, or hides printed items will all be put to death, and none of them will be spared!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Yu's eyes. He was familiar with economic law and knew too well how much impact this counterfeit currency would have on the business system.

It can be said that one carelessness may completely collapse the currency system that has been established with great difficulty, so there must be no mercy!


Chongzhen also nodded with a cold expression on his face. In Daming, there have been many cases of counterfeiting and selling counterfeit coins. He also knows how serious the counterfeit coins are. With his methods, it is naturally impossible to let go of those who made counterfeit coins. counterfeit money.

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin also nodded, silently taking these words into their hearts.

After the currency system is established, they will have to explore slowly, and then they can understand the importance of Ye Yu's words.

Li Shimin scratched his head and asked curiously: "Sir, we have almost understood the banknotes. What is the bank you just mentioned?"

"The so-called bank is actually an institution specially used to manage the treasured banknotes. It not only allows the people to exchange gold, silver and copper coins for paper money, but also can use paper money to exchange gold, silver and copper coins."

"Take a chestnut, a businessman lives in Jiannan Road, he is going to Jingzhao Mansion to do business, with tens of thousands worth of banknotes, if he goes to Jingzhao Mansion and wants to exchange some Kaiyuan Tongbao, he can go to the bank. With the help of their own household registration...

On the contrary, you can also exchange copper coins for a large number of banknotes, which are convenient to carry. Another important function is to deposit your property in the bank, and the court will guarantee it is natural and safe. Give a certain interest, thereby attracting more people's money.

Ye Yu talked eloquently, and with a few fluttering words, Ying Zheng and these idiots were stunned, and the only thing buzzing in their heads was the shock at Ye Yu's assumption.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and Fusu frowned and said, "Sir, making money with money can indeed attract people to save more money, but isn't it too difficult for the court to pay the interest, I have a population of one million in Qin, even if every The personal interest is very small, and the accumulation is an extremely astonishing figure, the court estimates that the turnover cannot be opened!"

Ye Yu shook his head and said: "You all need to know one thing, coins will only have the greatest value when they are circulated, and they will only rot and depreciate if they are kept at home. 39

"Think about it, no matter how rich the court is, is it possible that all the people will be rich? Isn't Da Qin doing infrastructure construction now? After the people deposit all their money in the bank, you can use this money to Can the benefits created by engaging in infrastructure construction still pay for this interest?

"Moreover, you can also lend the people's deposits to other people, and let these people pay the bank interest, and the loan interest is higher than the loan interest, so you can not only pay the deposit, but you can also make a fortune!

"The best way to make money in the world is not with your hands or your brain, but with other people's money to make your own money."


Ying Zheng, Li Shimin and the others widened their eyes in shock.

He and others tried their best to develop business and try their best to increase the income of the national treasury, but they were not as fast as Ye Yu, a bank.

When the bank is established, there will be a steady stream of money flowing into your pockets when you lie down!

In an instant, Ying Zheng's three eyes turned red.

"Okay, this bank is really a good thing. Immediately after the widow returns, people will prepare for the establishment of a bank and make paper money!"

"Yes, yes, I will also pick up the banknotes again." Chongzhen said happily: "Eight imperial merchants were destroyed before, and there is still a lot of silver in the treasury, so the establishment of the bank will be delayed a little bit.

"After I go back, I want to build a big boat as soon as possible. Many of my people in Daming can't eat 690 meals now. When the big fish of the sea rises, the people will not be hungry!

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen were excitedly planning the future, but Li Shimin had a wry smile on his face.

"Two brothers, don't move too fast, and wait for me."

Ye Yu turned to Li Shimin: "Why, what else is there to do in Tang Dynasty?

Li Shimin smiled embarrassedly: "Sir, I have already dispatched 100,000 swordsmen to Shuozhou City, and I will soon be preparing for this battle to destroy the Eastern Turks in one fell swoop. It is estimated that I will be busy for a while.35

"Oh, so that's what happened." Ye Yu curled his lips: "In addition to the tens of thousands of soldiers and defeated soldiers, the rest of the Turks are all old and weak, women and children, and it won't take much time."

"As for shipbuilding and bank building, you can leave it to others to do. If you have to do everything yourself, the emperor, why do you need so many ministers in the court."

"But..." Li Shimin looked a little hesitant.

Although he has confidence in Wei Zheng and others, whether it is building a ship or opening a bank, it is a great plan that has merit in the present and benefits in the future. He needs to keep an eye on it at all times, for fear of any trouble.

"Don't use people without suspicion, don't use people who are suspicious! Why are you always looking ahead, Old Li, can you learn something from Lao Zhao and the others!"

Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Wei Zheng and the others don't eat dry rice. As long as you explain things clearly, they will definitely handle it for you."

"Also, you can take advantage of this opportunity to turn around after destroying the Turks, and the five surnames and seven Wangs are enough to clean up, so that you will have the money to build ships and build a bank. If you don't have money, you are playing with a hammer!"

Ye Yu's wave of reprimands made Li Shimin blushed and nodded in embarrassment.

"Many thanks for the pointer, Shimin understands! Mr. is right, this time I just took the five surnames and seven Wang... but now I have already handed them over to the four surnames and five Wang to clean up once!

A cold light suddenly flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

The Li Clan of Longxi and the Li Clan of Zhao Jun had already defected to him, and now they are honestly staying in Chang'an City.

And Lu Qingye, the owner of the Fan Yang Lu clan, is also in the prison, and the five surnames and seven Wang have already existed in name only.

He hadn't been busy cleaning up these guys before because he had too many things on his hands. This time, he just had the opportunity to clean them up together to fill the treasury.

Five surnames and seven hope are rich!

They have made their fortunes since the Warring States Period, and each family has accumulated countless wealth, and they can become rich if they are cleaned up in the Tang Dynasty!

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