I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 245: Daqin's prosperous plan!

Tu Ju and Wang Ben blew their noses and stared, as if they were about to fight in the next moment.

Ying Zheng and others have long since ignored it. This has become a daily reserved program for many military generals in Daqin. It seems that they are not comfortable in the war without such a wave before the war.

Everyone just watched Wang Ben and Tu Sui spray each other.

The two sprayed for a while and suddenly noticed the strange eyes of the people around them. The thin-skinned Tu Ju coughed twice, glared at Wang Ben fiercely, and said, "Reckless man, this old man will not fight with you, the commander-in-chief of this war must be It's General Ben!

Wang Ben didn't have any self-consciousness to disturb Ying Zheng's meeting, and looked at Tu Ju triumphantly, like a child who had won a fight, the fox's tail was about to go to the sky.

"Okay, stand up and continue the meeting!" Ying Zheng waved his hand and glared at Wang Ben to signal him to stand up. The weather was excellent today, and he didn't want to get to know this idiot.

Ying Zheng turned the globe on the imperial case to Feng Quji and the others, pointed to the territory of Da Qin and said, "You see, my Da Qin now has a large territory, and the surrounding countries have either surrendered to me. Under the iron hoof of Daqin, or it is the target of our Daqin attack in the future, the country on land no longer has the enemy of my Daqin, but we have all overlooked a very important place!

Ying Zheng clicked heavily on the blue part of the globe with his fingers.

Feng Quji was stunned for a moment, and said inexplicably, "Your Majesty, you mean... the ocean?"

"That's right! 35

Ying Zheng's face turned straight, and he said in a deep voice, "The widow went to the Immortal Realm this time to taste a lot of delicacies from the sea, which are not only delicious but also rich in nutrition.

"The materials in the ocean are hundreds of times more than those on land. If a country controls the ocean, it has a gold mine with infinite resources. The endless fish in the ocean can be used as food for the people. We borrowed huge ships, and we can transport soldiers to all parts of the world at the fastest speed, and catch other countries by surprise."

"So, the shipyard that the widow is going to build at the coastal port will recruit skilled craftsmen to build a giant ship for me, Daqin!"

Feng Quji looked at each other and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, my Daqin is now building a school, and building a highway is already a huge expense. If we build a huge ship, it is estimated that the national treasury will not be able to withstand it!"

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about the money!" Ying Zheng waved his hand casually: "The war will bring a lot of wealth to my Daqin, and Mr. I'll tell you later."

"Feng Quji, you are responsible for going to the port to build the shipyard. After Xu Fu raided his home, there should be a lot of blueprints of the giant ship left, you can look for it.

"Zhang Liang, you are responsible for publishing the news that Daqin is about to build a giant ship in the newspaper, and recruiting skilled craftsmen in the newspaper, the more the better, the best is to build the first giant ship after the war is over! 39

Ying Zheng repeatedly reminded him that he was not worried about whether the giant ship could be built.

The first image of Daqin may be that of a landlocked country, with unparalleled combat power on the ground, but few people know that Daqin's shipbuilding ability is not weak.

Of course, it will not be easy for Xu Fu to bring 500 boys and girls to Japan.

It's just that no one paid attention to marine resources before. Once they paid attention, Daqin's maritime industry would definitely develop at the fastest speed.

"No!" Feng Quji and Zhang Liang handed over and took Ying Zheng's order, but they still had some doubts in their hearts.

What did the gentleman tell His Majesty to make His Majesty have such great confidence to build a giant ship?

This thing is a money-burning thing, and it won't get any return until it's built!

Daqin's support is big enough now, and even if it is plundering other countries, it can't persist (cgag) for too long.

Can you make money by lying down? What is the method?

Ying Zheng also did not sell the pipe, he simply said: "My Daqin's current economy is too backward, from today onwards we have to change Datang's current currency system step by step, the husband told the widow a new type of currency, called paper money... …”

Ying Zheng spoke eloquently, from the convenience of banknotes, to anti-counterfeiting measures, the establishment of banks, and then to the method of making money with banks to Feng Quji and others.

Feng Quji and several others were fascinated by it. Those who can stand in this position are not stupid people. Of course, they can hear how important this bank is.

From time to time, several people will throw one or two key questions, and Ying Zheng can also answer them one by one.

After talking for almost half an hour, Ying Zheng's mouth was dry and he couldn't help but take a sip from the teacup, and finally came to the end: "So, if this bank is established, it is definitely a merit in the present moment. , Lee's great project in the future."

"It's just that the income of one bank is equal to the income of all other projects in Daqin, and the bank can not only promote the progress of Daqin's economy, but also take the opportunity to allow me to carry out other construction projects in Daqin, killing three birds with one stone! So this bank Make sure to build it ASAP!"

Feng Quji and the others quickly cupped their hands and said, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will do my best to establish the bank! 99

All the ministers were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. They have now fully understood the role of this bank.

Your Majesty is right, this is simply making money while lying down!

As long as the bank is established, then the only thing left is to send someone to manage it, and the rest of the work is just waiting for the money to roll in.

The richer Da Qin is, the richer they are!

Feng Quji and others can't wait to get rid of their sleeves now.

Ying Zheng nodded solemnly: "Fu Su, you know what the bank is doing, go down and come up with a plan, the establishment process of the bank, the location selection, and all the details are all written down, and the widow must review it carefully!

"Feng Qing, you are responsible for formulating a decree on the counterfeiting of banknotes!""

"Mr. Zhang, the widow wants you to go to Shu to find out this water pattern paper, and at the same time be responsible for the design and manufacture of the first edition of the Daqin treasure banknotes!

Ying Zheng slowly got up, put his hands on the imperial case, and said in a deep voice, "My dear friends, whether it is the shipbuilding industry or the establishment of a bank, it is all about the future national fortune of Qin. You must not relax, keep an eye on every link, Layers of control!

"After this war is over, I want to see the bank open and the huge ship going to sea, don't let the widow down!"

Feng Quji and the others looked serious, and half-kneeled in front of Ying Zheng, and solemnly assured: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we will definitely do our best to live up to our mission!"

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