"Hold on, everyone!"

"Team three, put up the sails, don't panic!"

"Xianshi, Xianshi will come to rescue us immediately!

The wild waves were mercilessly slapping on the ship, the thunder roared, and the electric snake swam in the dark clouds.

"Boom! 39

The thunder and lightning roared in the sky, and the lightning fell on the sea and instantly illuminated the sea and the sky into a day.

Li Dingguo's stiff face flashed away in the middle of the day.

He was standing on one of the big Ming treasure boats, thunder and lightning roared in his ears, and the heavy rain cracked on him, making people feel a burst of pain.

Li Dingguo was dripping water all over his body, like a rooster that had just been fished out of the water.

But at this time, Li Dingguo had already ignored this, and he was yelling frantically with the walkie-talkie.

The sound seemed so weak amid the thunder and the roar of the waves, but the situation was forcibly stabilized.

On the surrounding boats, the sails were quickly lowered, but the big boat was like fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and there was a danger of being overturned in the huge waves at any time.

Li Dingguo patted his cold and stiff cheeks and forced himself to calm down.

The surrounding gust of wind is getting louder and louder, the huge waves are almost in line with the city of the sky, and the monstrous power seems to subvert the world at any time.

"Dragon, the dragon has absorbed water!"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded on the deck next to it.

Li Dingguo turned his head sharply, only to see a spiral storm completely formed on the sea far away, out of sight.

Under the wind of the storm, hundreds of millions of tons of seawater were sucked into the sky, forming a white dragon one after another.

When the Dragon King moves, the mountains and rivers change color!

The white dragon swept in the direction of the fleet with monstrous might.

"Hi..." Li Dingguo sucked in a breath and looked at the white dragon in the distance in horror.


There is actually a dragon absorbing water!

The fleet could hardly hold on now. Once the dragon swept over, the fleet would only be destroyed.

Li Dingguo suddenly turned his head and shouted at Chongzhen on the deck next door.

"Your Majesty, we can't take it anymore!

"What's the storm again?"

In the farm, Ye Yu's face was solemn and helpless.

When I went there, I experienced a storm and almost lost my way. When I came back, I encountered a storm, so what is Chongzhen's luck?

This guy wouldn't be an African chief in his last life, would he? No wonder he was hanged on a coal mountain.

"Sir, help!"

The dragon in the distance that Chongzhen looked at was even more panicked. Although he was protected by the Xuanjing dragon robe, the soldiers under him did not!

This dragon sucks water and hits, even if his fleet is ten times stronger, it will be cool.

The fleet that has been built with great difficulty will not suffer any losses in battle. If it is buried in this sea area by the storm, Chongzhen will not be reconciled!

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin and others were also worried.

"Brother Chongzhen is too lucky.

"Sir, please do it!"

Several people hurriedly bowed their hands to Ye Yu.

Ye Yu's expression became solemn.

Daming's national fortune was finally reversed by him, and the leeks just matured, of course, he couldn't let him die in a storm.

However, he is still a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment stage with no strength, and it is very difficult to suppress this storm with his strength.

"System, is there any way? 39

"Ding, remind the host that the suppression of the sea storm needs to consume a positive value of 50,000.

"Fifty thousand? Why don't you go grab it!"

Ye Yu's face twitched, looking at the few 38,000 left on his panel, his face was extremely ugly.

Recently, he has exchanged a lot of good things with the positive value. The large amount of the positive value that he originally hoarded has been consumed and there is not much left. Is it possible that the fleet of Daming, who can only watch, is buried at the bottom of the sea?

"Ding, remind the host, the power of faith has infinite effects, and the host can use the power of faith to suppress the storm!

"Faith?" Ye Yu's eyes lit up: "Is my current faith strong enough?"

“Not enough! 1% less”

1 percent.

Ye Yu frowned, this 1% seems to be very small, but the remaining 99% is the accumulation of the three major dynasties for nearly a year, and it is really not a piece to collect this 1%. easy thing.

However, this is the only way to rescue the Daming fleet now (cgag), even if it doesn't work, it can only be tried!

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Yu's eyes, and he immediately turned his head and said to Ying Zheng and Li Shimin. ,

"Old Zhao Lao Li, you should go back immediately and gather the people to pray in the Immortal Master Temple, and gather as many people as there are!"

"Old Zhu, I will change the time ratio of your Ming time, just hold on!


"Okay, thank you sir, if my Da Ming fleet can return safely, I will definitely repay Mr.

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin didn't say much anymore when they saw Ye Yu's dignified expression, and since Chongzhen's situation was critical, it wasn't the time to talk too much.

Since he bowed his hands towards Ye Yu, he hurriedly left.

Ye Yu immediately adjusted Billy's rush to 1 to 7.

In this way, Ying Zheng and the others would have enough time to prepare and give Chongzhen a chance to breathe.

However, these are not enough!

Looking at the approaching waterspout on the screen, Ye Yu gritted his teeth and exchanged a small shield.

[Spiritual Turtle Shield]: The shield of the spirit beast's tortoise is accompanied by a strong attack that can be resisted by condensation, and a large amount of damage that can be resisted by scattering. The positive value is 15000.

The positive value of 15,000 is almost the sum of the time when Chongzhen wiped out Dongying!

But this is so worth it!

The wool comes from the sheep. As long as the fleet of Daming can be preserved, countless positive values ​​can be created in the future. Now it is time to invest in advance!

"Old Zhu, I will give you a treasure, you can activate it with the divine power on the Xuanjing dragon robe, and you can protect the Daming fleet for half an hour!

Ye Yu Chongzhen exhorted, and then passed the gate of crossing the world and sent the turtle shield to it.

Chongzhen quickly took out the tortoise shield.

The palm-sized shield has many patterns that Chongzhen could not understand. If it weren't for the bright blue light on it, it would be indistinguishable from an ordinary tortoise shell!

"This turtle shell can protect the fleet?"

Immortal Master Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and thought, a golden dragon hovering around him rushed into the turtle shield instantly.

Chongzhen believed that Ye Yu was not a pointless person, since what he said was useful, it must be useful.

next moment.

With a burst of dazzling golden light, the spirit tortoise shield was suspended in the hands of Chongzhen.

Then, the shield shattered in mid-air, and the surrounding wind and rain seemed to freeze in an instant.

Looking down from a high altitude, Daming's fleet seems to be wrapped by a transparent turtle shell, and the surrounding wind and rain hit this transparent energy, and little golden ripples appear from time to time.

"Has the wind stopped?"

"No! Immortal Master, Immortal Master shot!

"Survived, thank the immortal master, thank the immortal teacher!"

Looking at the mysterious power above their heads, the soldiers on the deck were all excited with tears in their eyes.

Li Dingguo breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky to escape from the dead.

As expected of an immortal master, his methods are indeed miraculous.

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