In the Immortal Temple, Lu Bu knelt down in front of the statue with a face full of resentment.

Why does it take less than two breaths of time for someone to enter the Immortal Temple to have an earth-shaking change? He has been in for so long, and the Immortal Master seems to have no reaction at all.

Is he unworthy?

How could this be possible? He was Wen Hou Lu Fengxian. Apart from Dian Wei, who had been strengthened by immortals, he was the most powerful character in the Three Kingdoms period. Why should ordinary soldiers be blessed?

The suffocation of being defeated by Dian Wei, the suffocation of being crushed on Dong Zhuo's head, and the suffocation of being unwilling to be seen by the immortals were intertwined, and all of a sudden, Lu Bu's eyes turned red.

He stood up with a sigh, staring at the immortal statue in front of him with grief and indignation, roaring incomparably aggrieved.

"Immortal, do you even despise me, Lu Fengxian?"

As soon as the voice fell, a whole golden light emanated from the statue of the immortal.

Lu Bu was overjoyed when he saw this. Could it be that the immortals saw my desire and finally came to bless me?

Before he could speak, suddenly an incomparable force came from the air, as if Mount Tai was crushed on his shoulders, Lu Bu's knees softened, and he knelt down abruptly, the ground made of bluestone. All cracked open.

Lu Bu's complexion was distorted, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, and drops of cold sweat continued to flow down his neck, quickly soaking the ground with moisture.

Lu Bu's heart was both horrified and fearful, and he only felt a sharp stabbing pain in his knees.

His knee is broken!


At the same time, a loud shout came from outside the 750 Immortal Temple.

Dian Wei suddenly rushed in from outside the Immortal Temple, as if he was completely unaffected by the strange gravity in the air, walking like a fly to Lu Bu's side, knelt down, and said in a panic, "Lu Bu, who is not under the care of my subordinates, makes him angry. Immortal Master, and ask Immortal Master to punish!"

"Brother Dian Wei, this..."

"Shut up! Please excuse me soon!

Lu Bu obviously wanted to say something, but Dian Wei turned his head in anger and interrupted. A pair of tiger eyes flashed with terrifying ferocity. The fierce and brutal aura was three points stronger than on the battlefield. I felt my breath suffocated, as if I was being stared at by some wild beast.

Dian Wei's eyes were full of red blood. If he hadn't known that Lu Bu was of great use to Cao Cao, he would have slashed the bastard who offended the immortal master with one halberd.

Lu Bu's expression twisted, feeling the pressure on his shoulders getting heavier and heavier, he finally gritted his teeth and slowly fell to the ground.

"Lu Bu foolishly offended the Immortal Master and asked the Immortal Master to punish him.

The golden light flickered above the immortal, and there was a dead silence in the immortal temple, only the sound of Lu Bu's heavy and rapid breathing could be heard.

Lu Bu grabbed the ground with his head, and cold sweat kept flowing down, his eyes were full of horror.

He can feel that there seems to be a pair of eyes on the statue of God, watching him silently through the endless space and time, his eyes are calm, but with unparalleled pressure, as if the thunder god above the nine heavens is watching The ants on the ground are like ants.

I don't know how long it took, the golden light on the statue quietly disappeared, and Ye Yu's spiritual sense also quietly left from the statue.

Looking at Lu Bu who was kneeling on the ground, Ye Yu's face showed a playful look.

For this Lu Bu, of course, he would not give blessings so easily. After all, he was the leader of the generals who were enemies with Cao Cao, and he was a slave with three surnames. It was hard to guarantee that he would betray Cao Cao in the future.

He is not a reckless man like Dian Wei who has received a little attention and a gift and has since bowed his head and surrendered. This guy Lu Bu is very careful, he has no surrender to Cao Cao, and he has no faith in himself. , After getting the power, he turned himself into a serf and took the possibility of singing seriously.

Therefore, Ye Yu's decision to beat and beat him well, Cao Cao must have the same idea, otherwise he would have let this guy Lu Bu go so easily.

One last glance at Lu Bu on the ground, Ye Yu smiled faintly, and with a flick of his finger, a little power of faith flew out from his fingertips, hitting Lu Bu's knees instantly.

"I, am I alright?"

Lu Bu raised his head abruptly, only to feel a warm touch between his knees, as if immersed in warm water, the broken bones were reassembled and spliced ​​together under the miraculous force.

Lu Bu's face was full of astonishment. He originally thought that he would only be able to lie on the bed and become a cripple from now on, but he did not expect the Immortal Master to heal his broken knees with a flick of his fingers.

Under the big stick and carrot, Lu Bu's resentment towards Ye Yu just now quietly dissipated, and turned into a deep admiration.

"Brother Dian Wei, this..."

Lu Bu turned his head to look at Dian Wei, and wanted to ask why he couldn't get the blessing of the immortal master, but Dian Wei gave him a cold look, bowed his hands to the statue of Ye Yu, and slapped his ass. went out.

Seeing this, Lu Bu quickly followed.

Outside the Immortal Temple, as Lu Bu walked out of the Immortal Temple, hundreds of soldiers surrounded him, and everyone's eyes were burning with anger.

Now, Ye Yu is the belief of all of them, and Lu Bu dared to offend their belief, which is equivalent to offending all of them.

Facing the hundreds of sturdy men with big shoulders and round waists, even Lu Bu felt a sense of astonishment in his heart.

He could clearly see the combat power of these soldiers under Cao Cao. He was able to deal with seven or eight, and he could resist even in front of a dozen or so. However, among the hundreds of men, one person and one punch could smash him into flesh. .

"Okay, let's go!" Dian Wei waved his hand to disperse the soldiers: "The time is urgent, don't delay the blessing of the Immortal Master.

Hearing this, the surrounding men left one after another, but everyone looked at Lu Bu coldly with eyes like knives, eager to kill him with their eyes.

Lü Bu felt terrified at the sight of these people, and he couldn't help but leaned over to Dian Wei's side, coughed twice and said, "Brother Dian Wei, why is the immortal master not willing to bless X, is it because X's physique is not strong enough?

Dian Wei looked back at Lu Bu's bulging pectoral muscles after hearing this, and said after a long silence, "Do you know the difference between you and these soldiers?"

"the difference?"

Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the soldiers waiting to be blessed. Most of them were thin, but everyone was like a blazing fire, and their faces were full of excitement.

He seemed to understand something, scratched his head and said, "Because, I am not pious enough for Immortal Master?"

"You are very strong. If you don't accept the blessing of the Immortal Master, maybe I will not be your opponent, but I am an ant in the eyes of the Immortal Master no matter how strong or weak. What the Immortal Master needs is faith!"

Dian Wei turned his head to look at Lu Bu, his eyes like copper bells were burning with raging fire: "You believe in power, not the immortal master. Today you can surrender to the immortal master for strength, and in the future, you can also betray the immortal master for strength. Still want to get the blessing of the fairy teacher? Stupid! 99

After saying that, Dian Wei turned his head and left.

He had previously thought that Lu Bu was a man who dared to speak his mind, but he didn't expect this guy to have so many careful thoughts.

Dian Wei, who was straight and rude by nature, looked down on such people very much.


Lu Bu squinted his eyes as he recalled what Dian Wei had just said, but the waves were rolling in his heart.

He was born humble, and has been despised since he was a child, so he is obsessed with power and power. He will surrender to whoever is tough, but his belief in this life is only power!

And now, Ye Yu represents power!

"Believing in the Immortal Master, how should a certain believe in the Immortal Master? I wonder if I can give Dong Zhuo's head to the Immortal Master..."

Lu Bu squinted his eyes, and a flash of icy cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes,

Suddenly he had a bold idea in his mind.

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