I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 354: The Devil Comes to the World Lu Bu



In the valley, the terrifying hissing sound continued to sound, and everyone who heard this sound felt a hair in the heart. It was as if he was being targeted by some wild beast.

In the blood mist, Lu Bu was completely naked, his muscles were bulging like rocks, and the blue and black veins were protruding like steel wires.

As if inflated, Lu Bu's muscles continued to expand, and then compressed and tightened by a strange force. During this process, a little bit of dark red blood was squeezed out of his body. Like hammering iron, he kept clearing out the miscellaneous blood in Lu Bu's body.

The bone fragments that Dong Zhuo's head turned into revolved around Lu Bu's body, growing under the influence of the power of faith, and finally turned into a cyan-black ferocious armor that wrapped Lu Bu inside.

The pupils of Lu Bu's eyes were constricted, his eyes were blood red, the power of the super soldier serum was too terrifying, the cells in his body were bursting every minute and every second by this terrifying power, and then he was in the faith. Under the action of force to repair, the process is extremely painful.

But Lu Bu kept gritting his teeth, enduring silently, and even enjoying the process, because every minute and every second he could feel a powerful force rising up from all over his body. He was fascinated by it.


The strengthening time had passed for nearly an hour, and Zhang Liao and the others stood in the valley and waited anxiously.

Finally, when the sky was twilight, an explosion sounded in the blood mist, and the blood mist exploded, and every drop of blood shot out like a bullet, shooting the surrounding flowers, plants and trees into a mess. .

In the mist, a figure like a god and a devil slowly walked out.

He wears a ferocious horn helmet, and every piece of skin on his body is covered with armor. The purple-black armor is ferocious and gorgeous, and the four joints protrude from the barbs to the barbs. The sharper and more gorgeous Fangtian halberd was held in Lu Bu's hand, and every step seemed to carry the power of shaking the earth and the mountains.


Seeing Lu Bu's moment, everyone present gasped for breath.

Lu Bu didn't grow much taller, and he was incomparable with the other warriors whose image changed drastically after receiving the blessing of the immortal master. He was even a little thinner than before, but every inch of muscle wrapped in the armor. They are all made of fine steel, full of unparalleled strength.

Just standing in front of them simply, they felt an overwhelming pressure rushing towards their faces. All the soldiers under Cao Cao's face changed wildly. Now Lu Bu is super strong, even stronger than Dian Wei!

The current Lu Bu is well-deserved number one in the world!

Lu Bu is so strong, who can suppress him in the future, and if he wants to betray Cao Cao, who can be his enemy?

The soldiers under Cao Cao clenched their teeth, and their hearts were in their throats. They had ridiculed Lu Bu more than once before, for fear that this guy would attack them and tear them apart.

As for Lu Bu, he glanced at the soldiers and ignored them. He squeezed his fist, and the incomparable strength filled his hideous gauntlets.

"As expected of an immortal master, the method is extremely miraculous!"

Lu Bu nodded with satisfaction, a look of intoxication appeared on his face.

With this armor alone, if an ordinary person can turn into an unstoppable general on board, with his current unparalleled military power, even if there is an army of one million in front of him, he Lu Bu has the confidence to kill him back and forth. .


Zhang Liao slowly stepped forward, looking at the armor on Lu Bu with a face full of intoxication.


It's so handsome!

I don't know what language to use to describe it. Anyway, the armor on Lu Bu's body that Zhang Liao was looking at was almost drooling, and he was about to touch it twice.

Ancient war generals have their own pursuit of power, fame and wealth, but almost all generals have a dream to have a powerful weapon and a sturdy and gorgeous armor.

The armor on Lu Bu's body, let's not mention its sturdiness for the time being, the immortal master would never give it such a good look. With this level of splendor, it would be possible to throw the tattered iron on them for dozens of streets!

Lu Bu was so frightened that his scalp was numb, but for any normal man, watching hundreds of strong men staring at his body with burning eyes, he must have been so frightened that his legs became weak.

"Ahem, don't be envious, as long as you believe in Immortal Master, you will have such a chance in the future.

Lu Bu coughed twice in embarrassment, then turned his head and bowed to the statue of Ye Yu.

"Thank you for the blessing of the immortal master, Feng Xian will definitely help the lord to wipe out the troubled world and set the world!"

After speaking, he slowly raised his head and turned to look at the soldiers behind him, his face full of satisfied smiles.

This time, although not all members of the Bingzhou Army were blessed, he is now ten times stronger than before, and this is enough!

Moreover, he can be considered to have mastered a way to get blessings. As long as he is honest and obedient, they will fight wherever Cao Cao points them. In the future, he will definitely be blessed by the immortal master. This day is not far away!

"Fengxian, where are we going now? Are we going to Luoyang to find the lord? 35

"No, let's go back to Chang'an to continue recruiting troops!" Lu Bu squinted his eyes: "We can't reveal our relationship with the lord yet, and we'll make other plans when it grows stronger.

"As for Luoyang, it is estimated that it has already turned into a pot of porridge by now!

At the same time that Lü Bu's people rushed back to Chang'an City, the eighteen princes had already killed Luoyang City.

According to Lu Bu, Luoyang City is now completely chaotic into a pot of porridge.

Dong Zhuo was dead, the little emperor was dead, and the big man, both on the surface and in the dark, died cleanly, and there was no such thing as a complete outbreak of the evil spirits that suppressed the big man.

Aristocratic clansmen, eunuchs and ministers, are madly fighting with each other in Luoyang City every day.

When the eighteen princes arrived in Luoyang City, what caught everyone's eyes was a chaotic scene. The streets were full of corpses, and there were rioters and thieves who burned, killed, looted, and completely turned into a criminal. All.

As for the palace, it was even more tragic.

Countless palace maids and eunuchs died unexpectedly, the emperor's concubine committed suicide, died tragically, and some who did not want to die with the big man were snatched by those chaotic ministers and thieves, and were humiliated.

All the princes were frightened by this scene.

"" "What's the matter, what about Dong Zhuo? Where is Your Majesty?" In the palace hall, Yuan Shao roared wildly, he finally led the army to defeat the Xiliang army, in order to enter the King Qin of Beijing, kill Dong Zhuo and become a Another Dong Zhuo.

As a result, now that Dong Zhuo is gone, and the emperor is gone, isn't all of his hard work all in vain?

"Report to the leader!" said one of the spies tremblingly: "According to the information we have also inquired, a few days ago, Lu Bu suddenly rebelled against Dong Zhuo, and directly led the surrounded Taishi Mansion, the cave and the others. All his subordinates were beheaded on the spot.35

"Without Dong Zhuo's suppression, the aristocratic families and chaotic thieves in Luoyang City are all crazy, everyone is frantically snatching and killing, and there are countless casualties in Luoyang City.

"Even the emperor was broken through by these chaotic ministers and thieves, and His Majesty died in the chaos of the sword. 99

"What? 35

The report of the scouts immediately made the eighteen princes stunned. No one expected that Lu Bu would suddenly betray, let alone that the powerful Dong Zhuo would die so easily, not to mention the luck of the little emperor. With such a back, he actually died at the hands of a group of rebels.

This is to change (Zhao Wang Zhao) into heaven!

Now that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie, is dead, and the equivalent of the direct bloodline of the great Han Liu clan has died, what should the emperor do?

Yuan Shao rolled his eyes and immediately knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Shao's rescue is late, it's all the fault of the culprit, Yuan Shao is sorry for you!

"Your Majesty, let Yuan Shao come to accompany you under Jiuquan..."

While crying, Yuan Shao rammed towards the palace pillar, as if he was going to hit him to death here.

"My lord, my lord, don't do it, Lu!"

"My lord, now the world is in chaos, and it is up to you to help the society and crops, you don't want to do this!"

Yuan Shao's men rushed forward and hugged him.

"Alas..." Yuan Shao's crying eyes were red, and he looked at the throne above the hall, and said with a grief: "Your Majesty, since this is the case, the old minister will live for a while, and the old minister will go down and apologize to you after the world is settled.

The princes next to him all stared at Yuan Shao's performance, and Cao Cao twitched the best.

Otherwise, Yuan Shao can be the leader of the alliance, not to mention the power of his subordinates, his face is the best among the Three Kingdoms, even he Cao Cao is ashamed.

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