Ying Zheng and Ying Zheng shouted in excitement, "Brother Chongzhen, you didn't hear your master say that this rifle is so awesome, you also add it to this bolt-action rifle!"

"That's right, as long as you add the rifling, I am willing to sell your rifle for double... not triple the price!"

The two looked at Chongzhen angrily, as if he was a fool who was sitting on a mountain of gold and didn't know it. He didn't know how to do such a good thing. This is not a fool, what is this?

Chongzhen was speechless. Could he not know how important rifling is to firearms? If he could add rifling, he wouldn't ask Ye Yu here, would he have taken out his firearms and tried to force him?

Chongzhen sighed silently in his heart and didn't bother with these two bluffing fellows, so he could only bow to Ye Yu with a wry smile: "Sir, is there any way to make rifling easily, please enlighten me, sir. ."

"Actually, you already have a method for making rifles, but the technology is not mature enough, so you guess it's difficult to make rifles. 99

Ye Yu pointed out: "You should use single-point cutting, that is, use a hook knife to insert into the barrel of the gun, and then the craftsman outlines the rifling bit by bit, but this method is slow and clumsy, Once the rifling outline is unstable due to a little mistake, it is very easy to cause a barrel to be wasted.

Later generations of rifling mostly used multi-point broaching, cold forging and die extrusion, but multi-point broaching is similar to your single-point broaching, and it is not very useful. Cold forging is a requirement for industrial technology. Very high, even if I hand it over to you, you can't grasp it, but this die extrusion is more suitable for you.

"Die extrusion method?" Chongzhen finally chewed on these words, and then bowed his hands to Ye Yu: "Please give me some advice."

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin also looked at Ye Yu after hearing the news. Although they can't make a bolt-action rifle now, it doesn't mean they can't make it in the future!

Now, the method of manufacturing rifling is in my own hands. In the future, I will wait until the technology is mature before taking it out, so I don't have to go to the arms dealers like Chongzhen every time to buy things.

At this time, Ye Yu has already started to point out: "The die extrusion method is actually very simple, that is, a hole the size of a chopstick is drilled into the current solid steel pipe, and then a high hardness, and The already built (cgag) steel pipe with protruding spiral stripes is sharpened and pressed down!

"It's not easy to draw rifling inside the barrel, but it should be very simple for you, Daming, to draw protruding rifling on the outside of the steel pipe. You can easily do it with a die-casting machine. As long as you master this technology, whether it is now or in the future, Daming The power of the firearms will be increased geometrically!"

Ye Yu's explanation is simple and easy to understand, especially after I found a few videos of making rifling, everyone understood it instantly!

Chongzhen's eyes lit up even more, and said excitedly: "So it is, so it is!"

"This die extrusion method turned out to be so simple, just changed the way of thinking, replaced the rifling that should have been engraved on the inside with the outside, and then hedged and squeezed to complete the rifling on the inside of the barrel detonator. Such a simple method is, Why didn't my Daming craftsmen think of it before!

"Sir's teaching has really made me feel relieved, thank you sir, thank you sir!

Chongzhen slapped his big leg excitedly, Ye Yu just said that there is no problem, mastering this method, the firearms manufactured in the future can be easily added with rifling, and the power of Daming's firearms will be greatly improved!

Diaochan on the side, watching Ye Yu's high-spirited guidance to Chongzhen and the others, his eyes suddenly became a little blurry.

She has never heard of Li Shimin and Chongzhen, but the name of the first emperor, who is not like thunder!

But in front of Ye Yu, the emperors of these days and summers have to ask for advice humbly with the etiquette of disciples, which shows how profound Ye Yu's knowledge is!

This is the real image of a fairy in her mind!

"After the rifled rifle is built, don't listen to Lao Zhu, there are still many things waiting for you!" Ye Yu smiled and said, "I'll give you a suggestion, you can start now. Build an ironclad ship, and after the ironclad ship is built, with these bolt-action rifles, you can attack the European continent from afar, and completely take this piece of land into your account!"

"Build an ironclad?"

Li Shimin and Chongzhen exclaimed and looked at Ye Yu in confusion.

Chongzhen scratched his head and said: "Sir, this... my Daming treasure ship is unrivaled in the sea, so there should be no need to build an ironclad ship, and if it is made of steel, the ship will not sink into the water, so what is it?

"Yes, sir, iron is much heavier than wood. Isn't it a joke that the ship sank before it was ready to go out?"

"Da Ming's treasure ship is strong, but Lao Zhu, have you forgotten the last time the ship nearly sank?" Ye Yu rolled his eyes: "A large ship made of wood, no matter what kind of wood is used, is difficult to compare with the hardness of steel, once Encountering the last wave, it is very likely that it will fall apart, but as long as it is replaced by an ironclad ship, such a problem can be avoided.

"Although the Daming Treasure Ship can be said to be on the Hengxin Sea, it is not really invincible. The giant ships of the European Empire Never Sets are a little worse than the Daming Treasure Ship. If they are besieged by several ships together, the Daming Treasure Ship will be under the bombardment of huge artillery. And hate the sea!

Chongzhen's heart moved when he heard the words. The last time he encountered at sea made him feel very sad now. If it wasn't for Ye Yu's help last time, he would still be drinking water on the sea.

And the European countries, since the Shenwei cannon and the Daming treasure ship were built, they have looked down on those European countries very much, thinking that those are all idiots and they are definitely not the enemies of Daming's unity.

If it wasn't for Ye Yu's reminder, he would never have imagined that European countries still have such strength.

"Sir is right, I should pay more attention to it." Chongzhen scratched his head and said: "But sir, even if you make an ironclad ship, it's useless, it can't sail at sea at all. Isn't it sinking?"

Ye Yu rolled his eyes when he heard this: "You guys, you don't know this common sense, Hu Hai came to explain it to them.

Ye Yu shouted, and the old man drank a glass of beer. Hu Hai, who was writing chemical equations, jumped up immediately when he heard the words. He moved his sore wrists, and then said arrogantly. : "I usually ask you to study hard, but you still don't listen. With this level of skill, what kind of emperor would you like to go home and farm!

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