In Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zheng looked at the screen in front of him with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, the first emperor is making a big deal this time! 33

"It's awesome, not only Da Qin's own children go to school for free, but even those from other races have a share, the first emperor's brother is so awesome!

"There is no means stronger than the effect of buying people's hearts!

On the screen, both Li Shimin and Chongzhen gave Ying Zheng a thumbs up. At first, Cao Cao hadn't figured out what the great thing Ying Zheng had done. After hearing Chongzhen's explanation, he was inexplicably shocked.

Let millions of children in Daqin go to school for free, this courage, this pride, worthy of being the first emperor of Tianxia through the ages!

"Hahaha, this is not the work of a single person, and I would like to thank Mr. for his guidance." Ying Zheng smiled and bowed his hands to Ye Yu, his face full of joy.

During this period of time, he watched Li Shimin, Chongzhen and the country led by Cao Cao are fighting east and west again, and the spears and cannons they built are always pretending to be in front of Ye Yu, don't look at this guy Ying Zheng on the surface. The cloud is light and the wind is light, but it has long been urgent in the dark.

He was the first emperor to enter the Immortal Realm, and also the first emperor in the history of Tianxia, ​​who was always surpassed by a group of juniors.

However, Da 26 Qin was recuperating during this period of time. Although the development speed was very fast, there was really nothing worthy of shocking achievements.

But it's different now!

Daqin's academy has been completely completed, and all children can go to school to study. Even among the four dynasties, the act of educating the people is an extraordinary feat of pioneering and expanding the land!

Therefore, Ying Zheng felt a little bit fluttering all of a sudden.

Ye Yu was also amused when he saw Ying Zheng's appearance.

This guy, who has been developing silently and secretly during this period of time, is just holding on to this big move, but this coercion is indeed level.

"Actually, let those other races enter the academy to study misfortune and good fortune." Ye Yu began to explain to several emperors at this time, and also meant to remind Ying Zheng.

"Let the children of different races enter the academy after three years to study, not only can they strengthen their sense of identity with Daqin, and make them better integrate into Daqin, but also let them work hard in these three years to create a great Qin for Daqin. Greater interests, as long as they are well grasped, three years will be enough to make Daqin undergo earth-shaking changes!

"But if these alien races always remember Da Qin's cruelty towards their subjugation, they dormant in the academy with all kinds of advanced knowledge of ** Qin, and in the future using this knowledge to destroy Da Qin, the consequences will be very serious!

"Hey, what Mr. is right!"

"It is essential to guard against people, if these little beasts really hide, they will inevitably become a disaster for Da Qin in the future! 35

"If that's the case, how about the first emperor slaughtering all these little beasts and cutting the weeds out of the roots?"

Chongzhen made a bad idea on the side, Ye Yu rolled his eyes when he heard this, but Ying Zheng nodded in agreement.

Compared with the benefits that these alien races can bring to Da Qin, he is more worried that they will cause too much damage to Da Qin!

"Old Zhu, what kind of bad idea did you come up with? Daqin is no better than Daming. Killing can't solve the problem!" Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said with a bit of tears and laughter, "You don't even think about it, Daqin now has hundreds of thousands of alien races, and you're going to take other people's little ones. All the cubs were killed, these alien races had to go crazy, and they would definitely cause more serious damage to Da Qin, but what should we do at that time, or kill them?

"Kill all these people. Who will build the highway? Who will build the big ship? Who will build the various infrastructure? Is it difficult to continue recruiting corvés?"

Ye Yu's remarks suddenly made Chongzhen smile brightly and became a little embarrassed.

Indeed, Daqin's situation is different from their Daming. He was able to kill millions of people in Daming, in order to put things right. Anyway, Daming has a lot of people, and he can kill them!

However, the number of Daqin is small, and many infrastructure constructions must be completed by these alien races. If these people are killed, Daqin will definitely not advance but retreat, then it will be more than worth the loss.

Li Shimin scratched his head, frowned and said, "Sir, this is indeed a troublesome matter, do you have a way to solve it?

Cao Cao didn't speak, instead he perked up and secretly listened to the words of several 'seniors'.

He has not yet ruled the world, and is still a long way from building a school. However, after the establishment of Dawei in the future, these issues must be taken into consideration. Now, listen more and learn more, and learn more from Mr. Wei Qiangsheng's foundation!

"What I can say, of course I have an idea!" Ye Yu said with a smile: "Where is the strongest place in my Tianxia culture? It is inclusiveness. From ancient times to the present, many foreign races have surrendered to the iron hoofs of Tianxia people. In the end, he was assimilated to become a member of Tianxia. Since people in the afterlife can do it well, you can definitely do it well, Lao Zhao.

What you have to do for these alien cubs is to brainwash them, let them accept Tianxia's thoughts from the bottom of their hearts, and let them completely forget the hatred of the country and the family! 95


Ying Zheng frowned: "Sir, I don't know how widows should be brainwashed?"

"It's time to use Confucian people!" Ye Yu's face showed a playful look: "In terms of brainwashing, the most powerful people in Tianxia are Confucian people!"

"Isn't there a lot of Confucian sour Confucianism? You send them to colleges across the country as psychology teachers. Every three days, you let them teach these alien cubs and instill their rotten Confucian ideas. Aren’t these people good teachers, and they like to teach their thoughts the most, if they can brainwash these aliens, that’s really awesome!”

"So it is, so it can be so!"

Li Shimin and the others exclaimed repeatedly, and the 767 smiles in their eyes were almost full.

No matter in that dynasty, the sour Confucianism is the existence of grandfather who doesn't love grandma and grandma. These people are arrogant to the air all day long, and they have to go up and say something about anything they can't see, and these people often have great righteousness , Let the emperors want to clean up they can not clean up.

For example, Kong Yingda of the Tang Dynasty, relying on his reputation as a descendant of Confucius, often angered him in the court, and often angered Li Shimin.

These people, the emperor felt a big headache when he saw them.

No one would have thought that these people would have such a use.

Ying Zheng was even more excited. He really knew too much about these ruthless methods. These people could even brainwash the former Fusu, and they could definitely brainwash those alien cubs.

"Hahaha, Mr. is right, what these people like most is to teach their ideas like others, then let them go to the line with aliens."

"If the ministers and these people can successfully educate these alien races, the widowers must give them the plaque of a peerless famous teacher hahahahaha!

Ying Zheng and the others laughed heartily, as if they saw the scene where the little cubs of different races listened to the Confucian teachings with bitter faces.

Cao Cao was secretly recording Ye Yu's ideas, but suddenly his ears moved, and he suddenly said, "Sir, someone here is coming.

"It seems, it seems to be the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang!"

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