The real world, Europe, in a large conference room of a university.

A symposium is being held, and the content of this symposium is about the former Macedonian Empire.

Since countless archaeological discoveries that subvert history have been unearthed in Tianxia, ​​archaeology has gradually become more and more important all over the world. Every country is frantically sending archaeological teams all over the country. They want to know if their own history is also related to themselves. Of course, with the exception of the beautiful country, their history is only two hundred years old, and there is nothing to study.

In Europe, after a period of archaeological research, nothing useful was found. Instead, many relics of the Tianxia people were found, which made the faces of the big men in Europe dull, so they urgently needed a It is a meeting that can cheer for itself and the whole nation at the same time.

As a result, the most powerful Alexander the Great in European history and his Macedonian empire were moved out again and again.

The professor on the podium did not know how many times he gave speeches about the life of Alexander the Great, and knew his history extremely well.

"The great Alexander the Great is the head of the four military commanders in my European history, and he is also the greatest emperor in the world. It was under his leadership that the Macedonian Empire swept across Central Asia, swept the Persian Empire, and opened up the army. When they arrived in the Ganges River Basin, they occupied Egypt without a single soldier, and brought the power of the Macedonian phalanx to the extreme!

"Three of the world's four ancient civilizations were under the iron hoof of the great Macedonian Empire. If it wasn't for the Himalayas at that time, Tianxia would certainly have been under the great Macedonian Empire!"

The great Macedonian Empire is one of the largest empires in the world. Under the wise guidance of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Empire conquered 70% of the territory of Asia. Therefore, we must not envy the Tianxia people for their long history. , because our history is even brighter! 39

The more the professor talked, the more hilarious he became. At first, he wanted to improve the self-confidence of the people. By the way, he was bragging. Later, he was completely bragging. He almost blew the Macedonian Empire into the sky, but those foreigners with fish lips. Just eating this set, exclaiming one after another, constantly telling the brilliance of the Macedonian Empire and Alexander the Great.

However, these foreigners are cool, but the Asians present, especially the students in Tianxia, ​​are a little unhappy.

The most important thing is that this seminar is still broadcast live on the whole network. Many Tianxia netizens came over the wall just to see these fish-lipped crooked nuts in Europe admit that they are not as good as Tianxia, ​​but I didn’t expect these people to be hilarious Woke up.

At the moment, the live broadcast room of the external network was occupied by the comments of Tianxia netizens.

"Hehehe, I admit that Alexander the Great is good, but that's at your Europa level. Compared with my great Tianxia, ​​are you a little too confident, little brother?"

"Returning to the largest land area? If it weren't for the fact that you would not have been on your way back then, Genghis Khan would have flattened you Europe long ago, and you are now talking nonsense on the podium? 35

"It's ridiculous, you don't even write drafts for bragging, this is forcing the old man to become a land key fairy!

"Fortunately, the Himalayas are separated by the mountains. Otherwise, it is us who are sitting here now, the Macedonia that cannot be hanged and beaten by the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period?"

"I seem to have seen a video before. The Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period were fighting, and then Alexander rushed over recklessly, and then he was gone..."

"Hahaha, Macedonia is charging! Macedonia is awesome! Macedonia is gone!"

At the seminar, a thirty-year-old female professor frowned and stood up and said, "Alex, I admit that the Macedonian phalanx has some merits, but the purpose of our seminar is for research, not for you To brag, you are exaggerating!

"The emperor of Alexander is indeed excellent, but compared with many emperors in Tianxia, ​​he is far from great!"

"Li, let me guess, I said that you Tianxia almost surrendered to the iron hoof of the Macedonian Empire, are you unhappy?" Alex sneered at Li Xue, shrugged his shoulders and pretended to be helpless He said: "But I didn't brag, if it wasn't for the Himalayas, Alexander the Great would have unified the four ancient civilizations long ago, and even if you are Tianxia, ​​you are still a descendant of Macedonia!

"This is the common sense generally recognized by all historians in Europe. If you have other opinions, please show the evidence, otherwise I have to ask you to go out!"

All the Europeans present burst into a burst of laughter, and many of them looked at the international students around them with pride.

Recently, Tianxia has made a lot of international limelight, which makes all countries in the world feel envious, jealous and hateful towards Tianxia people. Like a dog, it's not fair!

Therefore, countries around the world are holding similar seminars recently, trying to prove that their ancestors were once awesome, and Alexander the Great is one of them. As the most awesome emperor in Europe, Alexander's recent The Qin Emperor and Han Wu who came out of Tianxia are on a par.

At this moment, the European students who have finally found their way back to the place are all proudly looking at the international students around Tianxia, ​​aren't you awesome, aren't you bragging about your ancestors every day, look, our ancestors are better than your ancestors More awesome!

On the Internet, the temperamental Europeans who had just been scolded by Tianxia netizens also became arrogant at this time. The barrages almost pointed at Tianxia people's household registration books, and even many Koreans and Dongying people ended up adding fuel to the flames. It makes Tianxia's netizens angry, but there is nothing they can do. They can't fly to Europe and drag Alex out to beat him, right?

Facing the cynicism and sarcasm of these Europeans present, Li Xue not only did not panic, on the contrary, there was a smile on his face, which seemed to be disdainful.

As one of the scattered members of Lijia Village, she knew very well how awesome Tianxia was, and the historical materials in the village gave him unparalleled confidence.

I saw her standing up slowly, swaying to the podium, snatching the microphone from Alex's hand, and the crisp voice came out clearly.

"According to historical records, the population of ancient Europe was sparse, and even wars were on a very small scale, no more than 30,000 to 50,000 people at most. Even Alexander the Great's Eastern Expedition was just like this. During the period of scuffle between countries, in terms of combat power, it was second only to the period of the Three Kingdoms when there were many heroes!""

"After hundreds of years of struggle for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn, every ruler in the Tianxia kingdom is a real and incomparably powerful military expert, a victor from countless wars, and everyone under their command is Is the real elite invincible in 783 battles!

Li Xue looked at Alex jokingly: "Professor Alex, if it weren't for the barrier of the Himalayas, Alexander the Great attacked Tianxia unimpeded all the way, guess what he would experience?"

"Jijiu Lao Qin will teach him what is the invincible crossbow formation of the Great Qin army, Chu will let him appreciate the mighty power of Jiangdong's children, Yan Han will let him know what is called Tianxia Iron Cavalry, Zhao Weihui..."

"Professor Alex, we Tianxia people never brag about our ancestors. We have a glorious history of five thousand years. How many years are you in Europe?"

"When our ancestors in Xia, Shang and Zhou created a splendid civilization, your ancestors were still drinking blood, so we never compare with you, because we are born winners!

Li Xue's crisp voice reverberated in the conference hall, making all the students in Tianxia couldn't help their blood boil.

The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, which one is not a hero who has fought in countless wars, and which one is not better than the so-called Alexander the Great!

On the Internet, the heated discussions among netizens became even more noisy, with impassioned speeches one by one.

"Professor Li said it well!"

"Okay, as expected of my most handsome female professor in Tianxia, ​​you are so right!"

"The West has only a few years of history, and it dares to brag in front of us, the Xiongnu who were beaten by our ancestors and the rest of Europe have become the whip of God that makes them frightened. If it is not blocked by the Himalayas, Da Qin has long since unified Europe."

"Zu Long: Give me a map, we will unify the whole world!

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