I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 396: Time space projection reproduction!

"Definitely give them some color to see!"

Ye Yu's sharp lips pursed, and a sharp color appeared on his face.

"Old Zhao, I'll turn on the space-time projection later, and every move of the Qin army will be broadcast live to the modern day. You hit hard, hit a little more beautifully, and let these fish-lipped Europeans see the style of Da Qin!" 6

"Okay! Don't worry, sir, the widows must take good care of them!" Ying Zheng nodded, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

What he hated the most in his life was the alien race, watching these alien races humiliating the people of Tianxia, ​​the killing intent in his heart - he couldn't bear it any longer.

Ying Zheng squinted at the huge army on the sea in the distance, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a hideous smile appeared on his face.

"Wang Ben, Xiang Yu, prepare to crush them!


After a while, several giant ships sailed out of the fleet and headed forward with the momentum that ten thousand troops could not stop their courage.

On the coast, an army was lined up neatly. King Alexander Philip IV of Macedonia, who had high hopes by modern people, was looking at the sea in the distance with a cold sweat, his whole body was trembling slightly.

"How, how can this be, how can such a powerful fleet exist in the world. 35

"Who are they?"

Looking at the army on the sea in the distance, Philip IV was dumbfounded. He heard a report from his subordinates that an unknown army had come on the sea. He just thought it was that small country with short eyes that drove the ship to Macedonia. Once inside the empire, I was ready to come out to fight the autumn wind, but I never imagined that it would be a king bomber!

The soldiers around Philip IV were also sweating profusely and their faces turned ashen.

In their perception, their Macedonian Kingdom should be the most powerful country in the world. Although it is not comparable to the period of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Kingdom should be invincible in the world. With its powerful Macedonian phalanx, The world is so big that they can't meet any enemies.

However, at this time, the army that appeared out of nowhere, instantly pierced all their imaginations.

Hundreds of powerful warships, and that elite armor, how could such a powerful country exist in the world.

"Then, that seems to be an ancient script in the East, wouldn't it be a country after the Himalayas?"

The eagle-eyed generals saw the flags fluttering on the ship. Although they had never been to Daqin, the characters they didn't know were 'Qin', but the pictographs of Tianxia were unique in the world and could be easily recognized. the identities of these people.


Hearing this exclamation, Philip IV shook his body and almost fell to the ground.

The kingdom after the Himalayas... Is there still such a powerful kingdom after the Himalayas?

When his father, Alexander the Great, was on his eastern expedition, he was blocked by the towering Himalayas, so he could not completely unify Asia.

It turns out that there is such a powerful country after the Himalayas?


Philip IV felt a little emotional about his father's good luck. Fortunately, the Himalayas served as a barrier. Otherwise, once his father stepped into the eastern land, it is estimated that he would have nothing to do with him later.

"Your Majesty, what should we do..." One of the generals under Philip IV was trembling with fear, and said in a panic: "These people are not good people, do we want to fight against them?


Philip IV gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "This is our home court, we must fight!"

"Prepare the warriors, be sure to stop them!


Following the movements of Lao Zhao's subordinate Qin Jun, a sneer appeared on Ye Yu's face.

He looked at the scene of the European seminar on his mobile phone and murmured in his heart.

"It's time to show you the colors!"

"System, turn on space-time projection!"

"Space-time projection is on... Determining the projection position..."

"Open successfully!

As the last sound of the system fell, an invisible wave of time and space spread out from Ye Yu's courtyard, and ripples of time and space rippled out.

When we arrived at the location of the European seminar, there was a small splash in the ripples of time and space.

Europe, workshop site.

"Professor Li, Professor Li, wait for me!

Alex followed Ye Yu and Li Xue with a bitter face. If he knew that Li Xue was so determined, he should not have been hilarious in the first place.

But no matter how he called from behind, Li Xue didn't turn her head back. Since she had already made up her mind to leave, no one really could stop her.

The summer students behind him are also extremely determined.

There are no masters here, and there is a place for masters. Since they are not welcome here, they will not be served!

All the way out of the academy, Li Xue felt extremely relaxed.

She has been in a foreign country for more than ten years. As one of the secret sons of a foreign country buried in Li Zaicun, she has not returned to her hometown for so many years. Although life in foreign countries is good, she is still not as comfortable as in China.

And now, taking this opportunity to leave Bridge Sword is also just an opportunity.

The Great Elder has already sent a message to the Li family members all over the world through special channels, the immortal master will appear in this world, the world will change, and the Li family village will appear in the world, no longer need to hide in the deep mountains!

Tianxia when everyone in Lijia Village around the world wants to return as soon as possible!

·For flowers 0


Thinking of these two words, Li Xue felt a burst of excitement in her heart.

This is the belief of their Li family for thousands of years, and she doesn't know what the immortal master is. She just wants to return to Tianxia as soon as possible to see the beliefs of all of them!

"Professor Li, are we going back to Tianxia now?" Ye Qian quickly followed, staring at Li Xue.

This wave of Li Xue's professor is really handsome, which makes him admire.

Who can give up the Ph.D. of Qiao Jian and go back to Tianxia, ​​only Professor Li!

It just so happened that they went back together this time, and they would no longer have to suffer from this bird's anger in foreign countries.

"Let's go! 35

Glancing at Alex, who was following quickly behind, Li Xue showed a sneer on his face, and flung his ponytail handsomely before leaving.

At this moment, the surrounding scene suddenly distorted, and everything around disappeared in an invisible wave.

Cars, highways, high-rise buildings all disappeared, only the dazed crowd remained in place.

Weird time and space fluctuations swept the surrounding hundreds of kilometers, and in the fluctuations, the blue sea and plains quietly appeared.

On the plains, well-equipped troops appeared all the time. There were about 50,000 people. There were 7,000 people in the middle with spears. There were tens of thousands of cavalry guards on both sides. The key parts are all armored, which looks very sophisticated.

"Fuck, what's the matter, what the hell?"

"Damn hammer, this, this is the projection of time and space! Damn, the projection of time and space has appeared again, what happened this year, is it the third time? 35

"I don't know why, but I suddenly have a bad feeling... Isn't this another conspiracy by the Tianxia people?"

"Trick the hammer, you look at these pictures, this can be fake, you look at this team, it's so handsome, which dynasty's army is this?"

"Hey... this, this is the Macedonian phalanx!" Alex sluggishly watched the space-time projection appear, and when the army he was looking at appeared, the whole person trembled and became instantly excited.

He hurriedly shouted into the conference room: "Come out, come out and see, it's the Macedonian phalanx, and the Macedonian phalanx has appeared in front of us!

"Hahaha, I'm right, the Macedonian phalanx is really good, it's definitely the most powerful team in the world!

Alex was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and he was right.

Look at this mighty warhorse, look at this fine weapon, that country in that world is the rival of the Macedonians!

Is the old ancestor invincible! Six.

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