"Hahahaha, good kill!"

"Da Qin is awesome! 35

"These Daqin people don't talk about martial arts, they don't talk about martial arts!

"Fuck you, motherfucker, didn't you have dry skin just now!

Looking at this bloody and cruel scene, Tianxia's netizens are all screaming with excitement, while those Europeans are miserable, and they all feel like their worldview is collapsing.

His beliefs have always been beaten like dogs, these Daqin people are simply monsters!

"It's not fair, it's not fair!

Alex's blushing flushed, and he shouted in disbelief, "It's not fair that the Macedonian soldiers are not ready!


Li Xue gave him a cold look, "40,000 people have to pay attention to fairness when 3,000 people were killed and lost their armor and armor?"

"I've said it long ago, before the dynasty created by blood and fire, your so-called glory is completely worthless! 35


Alex's teeth tickled with anger, but he couldn't refute it with his mouth open.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the so-called No. 1 combat power in Europe was completely a jerk in front of the elite Qin army. Whether it was combat experience or equipment, Da Qin could throw them dozens of streets away.

In the EU Combat Joint Conference Room, each of the EU military bosses watched 783 real-shot video paintings on the screen, and each one of them looked ugly as if they had eaten shit.

From the time-space projection, they felt bad.

Until the appearance of the hundred large ships in Daqin, these people felt even more relieved.

What's going on with the summer people these days, have they all hung up?

Yuelan, Gaoli, Dongying, they can still ridicule and ridicule when they are hanged and beaten, but at this time, when Daqin kills his own door, they can only feel the mood of Dongying Korean people, it is like eating shit Just as uncomfortable.

Who knows what it's like to watch their ancestors who have boasted for countless years being trampled under their feet to sing and conquer.

"What's going on, why is this war never recorded in our history?" An old general with gray hair slapped the table and stood up and roared: "Who can tell me what it is? what happened?

"Are these summer people sent by God to humiliate us? Do they want to drive the whole world over?"

Everyone in the conference room looked ugly.

Who would have thought that these Da Qins are so strong, they are simply not human, and the powerful (cgag) Macedonian phalanx in front of them is like a little chicken and they are allowed to handle it.

"It's about the equipment!"

The man with the hook nose said in a deep voice: "Look, most of the iron and bronze utensils used in the Macedonian phalanx are iron and bronze, while the Daqin uses steel weapons, so the Macedonian army is not an opponent of Daqin at all!

"Yes, it's not Macedonian food, it's Daqin's failure.

"Where did they get the steel weapons from, this shouldn't be..."

"Yes, there are steel weapons that existed more than 2,000 years ago?"

"Da Qin still has grenades, what are steel weapons?"


The white-haired general was so angry that his nose was crooked, he slapped the table with a slap on the table, and his face was hideous.

"I just want to know now, how to recover the loss, not let you discuss what weapons Da Qin used, can't I see the steel weapons Da Qin used?

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

Everyone in the conference room bowed their heads like defeated quails and said nothing.

Things have developed to this point, what can be done.

If the scope is small, it's fine, but this time-space projection can involve hundreds of kilometers. Netizens all over the world are paying attention to this war, not to mention the European Union. Even if all countries in the world add up, it will be difficult to calm down. This has changed.

In any case, the European pot is doomed.

It can be expected that after this incident, Europe's international status will plummet, and it will no longer be able to pretend to be in front of the people of Tianxia in the future.

Because no matter what you are pretending to be, people from Tianxia can say that my ancestors beat your ancestors!

What the hell is going on here!

Suddenly, a general said softly.

"There is a way, if the whole world is killed by Daqin, then don't we mean that we have no losses?"

The world of Daqin, the kingdom of Macedonia.

In front of Da Qin's powerful combat power, the Macedonian army was completely stunned.

Offensive, they are as powerful as a broken bamboo crossbow arrow is outrageous.

Guard, they are rock solid, no cavalry can hurt them!

How to fight this, hit a hammer!

All Macedonian soldiers have collapsed. It's not that they haven't encountered hard bones over the years, but Daqin, this is no longer a bone, this is Optimus Prime!

Without an order, the Macedonian phalanx suddenly collapsed, and the remaining 20,000 to 30,000 people fled wildly, screaming and screaming, only hating that their parents didn't give them more legs.

"Come back! Come back to me quickly!"

"Stop them, they are run away, get back for me!

Philip IV yelled wildly, and even drew his sword and killed two deserters, but it didn't help. In the face of Da Qin's powerful deterrent, he couldn't deter the soldiers at all by killing two people, and he could only make the soldiers run faster. Hurry up.

"Damn! 35

Philip IV was so angry that his teeth were itching, he was breathing heavily with his sword in hand, and a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the Qin army soldiers who were killed in the distance.

In his eyes, this army is like a devil from hell. 3,000 people fought against nearly 50,000 people. Not only did 50,000 people lose their armor and armor, but not even one person was injured and died. A man-to-man war?

"God, this..." Many of the surrounding soldiers had weak legs, and only the horseback they hugged tightly could support themselves from falling off the horseback.

"Your Majesty, let's go!" A pale-faced general ran to Philip IV's side panting, and said in a panic: "Your Majesty, let's go, we are not their opponents at all!

"Go, can't go! Philip IV said bitterly: "I am Philip IV, the son of the great Alexander the Great, and I must not insult the blood of Alexander!


All the generals were dumbfounded, is it the time to be stubborn now? If you don't take your life, you will lose your life!

"Quick, take your majesty away, quick!"

Gritting his teeth, the general immediately recruited people to take Philip IV directly onto the warhorse and left.

Da Qin's combat power is really too terrifying, and if he stays here for another hour or two, his life will be lost, so it is better to take it.

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