I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 405: Get out of the way, I'm going to start pre10ding

"Hahaha, Lao Zhao, have you seen it, they are going to withdraw!

In the farmhouse, Ye Yu pointed at the TV and smiled happily.

Poor Philip IV didn't know that his plan had been seen by everyone, even Ying Zheng, the enemy's lineup, saw his every move.

"Hmph, if you want to escape, how is it possible!" Ying Zheng snorted coldly, "Don't worry, sir, no one from the Macedonian Empire can escape!"

"These barbarians really don't have the bearing of being a ruler." Li Shimin smiled disdainfully, "This is the case in Tianzhu, and the Macedonian Empire is also like this. A group of barbarians who have not been educated by my Tianxia Wang Dao are too embarrassed to say that they are rulers, Really funny!

"That's right, Brother Shi Huang let these foreign barbarians see what a real teacher of kingship is! 35

"Don't worry. 35

Ying Zheng nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the army of Da Qin had already marched under the city of Macedonia, an invisible storm that could be rolled up even by the hundreds of thousands of troops even breathing, the terrifying murderous aura, and the suffocating aura condensed into a black cloud pressing down on every Macedonian. heart.

Under Wang Ben's order, hundreds of mortars were pushed out and aimed at the city wall in the distance. Philip IV looked at the black gun muzzle, although he couldn't understand what it was, but a burst of A deadly dangerous breath shrouded his heart, as if being stared at by the god of death.

"All of them, reload!"

Wang Ben waved the command flag in his hand, and stared at the city head in the distance with excitement in his heart.

This is the first country in Europe to attack from Daqin, and it must win beautifully!

What's more, he and countless younger generations of later generations are paying attention to Da Qin's every move, and this guy Wang Ben's spirit of pretending to force suddenly burned again.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ben suddenly took out a cigar and lit it for himself, and blew out a smoke ring in a dashing manner, waving the flag in his hand as if he was getting wind.

But what he didn't know was that his actions made countless people in later generations almost stare out of their eyes.

"Damn, is this a cigar?

Ye Qian looked at the big and thick thing in Wang Ben's mouth in disbelief.

This shape, this size, this material is clearly a real cigar!

"Professor Li, did we have cigars more than two thousand years ago in Tianxia?" Ye Qian turned his head and looked at Li Xue blankly.

Li Xue shook her head and smiled bitterly. Daqin even has hot air balloons, so what kind of thing is a cigar.

"Anchor, zoom in a little bit, let's see clearly. 66

"Wori, it's really a cigar! Who is this dude? This smoke ring is better than my thirty-year old smoker."

"Although this guy is like an idiot with a cigarette, I somehow feel a little handsome."

"1 Am I helpless?

"In the application for the World Heritage, the cigar has been hammered, and it was invented by us in Tianxia. The Guba people are plagiarizing our heritage, and we must apply for the World Heritage! 35

Guba's netizens are stunned, what's the situation?

I just lie down and watch the play without saying a word, how could a cauldron be thrown on my head?

And where did these ancient Tianxia people come from?

Looking at the big and thick cigar in Wang Ben's mouth, all Guba people fell into deep thought. This thing seems to be exactly the same as the cigar we made. Could it be that the cigar was really invented by Tianxia people?

And still more than 2,000 years ago?

"Your Majesty, are we going to launch a general attack now?" Wang Ben ran to Ying Zheng's side and said excitedly, "Your Majesty, with just one salvo, I promise to tie the city of Macedonia in one fell swoop!"

Meng Tian and others also echoed: "Your Majesty, attack! 35

"Yes, Your Majesty, now is the best chance to let them run away!"

Xiang Yu threw the Bawang halberd on the ground, and said in a loud voice, "I am willing to lead the charge!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng shook his head with a smile on his face.

"This war does not require you to come, nor mortars, just one person!

Wang Ben and the others were taken aback.

"Your Majesty, are you?"

Ying Zheng did not explain, but slowly walked out of the army formation and slowly walked under the city of Macedonia.

Wang Ben and others were stupid, and so were all the audience.

"Who is this person?

"Damn, wearing a dragon robe, isn't this the first emperor?

"I'm squatting, the First Emperor is on a personal expedition, and Laozi is on fire!"

(cgfg) "I know what the First Emperor wants to do, is it possible that he used his arrogance to conquer the Macedonians?

As soon as Qin Shihuang stepped onto the battlefield, all the cameras were aimed at Ying Zheng.

The domineering side leaked, Ying Zheng, who was running like a tiger, appeared in front of various cameras around the world, which made everyone in the world couldn't help but widen their eyes, especially the people of Tianxia, ​​who were even more excited and burst into tears!

The first emperor, this is the history of Tianxia, ​​no, it should be said that he is the most powerful and greatest emperor in the world!

No one thought that one day he would see Qin Shihuang appear in front of him, even though he was just a projection.

Ying Zheng seemed to be looking at the city of Macedonia, but in fact his eyes stayed on the gate of crossing the world.

Looking at Ye Yu's mighty and domineering self on the screen, Ying Zheng silently praised himself in his heart.

As expected of me!

Ying Zheng raised his eyes, opened and closed his eyes and saw the release of silent domineering. He looked at Philip IV above the city and said lightly.

"I am the first emperor of Qin, and our barbarians will not leave the city to surrender quickly, otherwise, the few people will trample the city!


Philip IV looked at Ying Zheng below with a bewildered face, what is this guy doing?

Could it be that this is the tradition of the oriental people calling the array?

Joseph stared at the dragon robe on Ying Zheng's body and frowned, suddenly leaned over to Philip IV and said, "Your Majesty, that seems to be the emperor of the East, he seems to be asking us to surrender!

"Surrender, ridiculous?"

"One person dares to make us surrender, court death! Archer, shoot him to death for me! 35

Philip IV sneered, staring at Ying Zheng below with murderous intent in his eyes.

Emperor of the East? Exactly!

Today even if their Macedonian Empire is destroyed, he will pull an emperor as the back!

"Whoosh whoosh!'

With an order, on the top of the city, you, the countless archers, aimed at Ying Zheng below. There were countless sounds of breaking through the air, and the long arrows flew towards Ying Zheng like locusts.

"It's over."

Ye Qian's face was pale, and cold sweat instantly soaked his whole body.

The first emperor will not die in Macedonia today, will he?

"Hahaha, good, great, your first emperor is going to die!"

Those Europeans exclaimed excitedly: "Do I know, your historical records in Tianxia are wrong, Shi Huangdi didn't die during his eastern tour at all, he died in the Macedonian Empire!

"Hahaha, your first emperor died in the hands of our great Macedonian Empire!"

In Tianxia, ​​the Internet was dead silent. At this moment, no one came out to refute these crooked nuts of Damn it. Everyone stared blankly at Ying Zheng on the screen, in disbelief.

Could it be that the First Emperor really died abroad?

If not, how did he survive the flying arrows all over the sky?

When all Tianxia netizens were most desperate, suddenly, a loud dragon roar sounded on the screen.

So people raised their heads at the same time, only to see a brilliant golden light shining on Ying Zheng's body in the battlefield.

In the golden light, all the arrows turned into ashes and dissipated.

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