When Sun Jian's body was returned to the institute, the institute immediately started the experiment.

The results of the experiment made everyone inexplicably horrified.

The density and hardness of Sun Jian's bones were almost the same as the hardness of steel, and the weight was 1.8 times that of a normal human bone!

You must know that even the world champions have a slightly higher bone density than normal people, and the density of Sun Jian's bones is beyond the scope of normal human beings, more like the immortals recorded in myths and legends!

In the conference room, Xu Linian stood in front of the screen and said excitedly: "With Sun Jian's bone density, his body can withstand thousands of kilograms of tremendous force, and his explosive power is ten times that of an average human!

As we all know, we humans can only exert less than 20% of our muscle potential, because our bones limit us to use our full strength, but if the bone density can reach the level of Sun Jian, which is "seven-two-three", he will He will be transformed into a real beast on earth, even a sword can't cut off his bones!

"Sun Jian, he should be a real cultivator in history, stronger than those cultivators in modern times! 35

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room.

After the First Emperor appeared, everyone has been looking for traces of cultivators, but those cultivators in modern times have long been unable to retreat, and they cannot open their doors to the heavens by means of technology.

And Sun Jian was the first trace of a cultivator they really found!

This is very exciting news.

Because through this skeleton, they can get a glimpse of the world of the cultivator!

"Professor Xu, I heard that a bronze book was found in Sun Jian's tomb. Is this book related to the Immortal Master?"

Everyone in the conference room looked up at Xu Linian on the stage.

Xu Linian took a deep breath and pressed the remote control in his hand with a serious face.

The picture on the screen changed, and the picture of the bronze book suddenly appeared on the screen.

Everyone in the conference room opened their eyes.

"It turned out to be a bronze book?"

"Look, this is still written in vernacular!

"I seem to have seen the word Immortal Master..."

Xu Liniantai raised his hand: "Everyone is right, the text on the bronze book has been tested by us, and it was directly pressed by a human finger. According to the calculation of the phalanx, it should be Sun Jian's finger!""

Without waiting for everyone to be shocked, he continued: "The book records in detail the various changes that took place during the Three Kingdoms period.99

"Contrary to our understanding, it is recorded in the book that Cao Cao received the help of the immortal master, successfully established the Great Wei Empire, and at the same time eradicated Yuan Shao, Liu Biao and others, not only quelled the war in the Three Kingdoms, but also radiated the territory of Great Wei to the Northern Territory!"

"After Sun Jian surrendered to the Great Wei, he was the general of Zhennan to open up the territory for the Great Wei, and finally all the countries in Asia south of Tianxia were taken into the hands of the Great Wei.""

"After eradicating those Hu people, the Great Wei flourished in shipbuilding, and then, like the First Emperor, went on an expedition to Europe..."

Xu Linian spoke in a eloquent manner, and everyone in the conference room listened attentively.

Their thoughts were flying, as if they had returned to that incomparably powerful and prosperous dynasty.

The Great Wei cavalry trampled all directions, and the dragon flag of Tianxia was planted in every land.

The counselor Yu Fan Lunjin seeks power in the world, and the military commander Ma Qiankun’s force is shocking.

It was an era that did not exist in ancient history, and it was also an era that Tianxia people were most proud of.

"Through the blessing of the Immortal Master, the soldiers of the Great Wei have super-strong fighting power, and their lifespan has been greatly extended. 35

Xu Linian said in a deep voice: "According to the dates recorded in the bronze book, it was already 291 AD when Sun Jian wrote this book. At that time, Sun Jian should have been 136 years old, but he was still able to write on the pages of the bronze book with his fingertips. This kind of book is enough to see how powerful the blessing of the Immortal Master is.

"Everyone, we should excavate Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum as soon as possible. Even Sun Jian can have such a powerful force. There must be more secrets hidden in Shi Huang's Mausoleum. Maybe, there is the legendary method of cultivating immortals!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in the conference room quietly became hot.

Cultivation of immortals is really too attractive to modern people.

Cultivating immortals and looking for longevity, warm-blooded and carefree, treading on the lotus and dragging the waves to cleanse the sword bones, and relying on the emptiness to control the wind to shape the holy soul.

Happy and longevity, no one can resist the temptation of cultivating immortals.

"Professor Xu, the development of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is extremely difficult, are you sure?" Suddenly, a scholar with glasses stood up and looked at Xu Linian with a burning gaze.

Xu Linian was silent for a while and said: "The biggest difficulty in excavating the First Emperor's Mausoleum is the huge amount of mercury in the First Emperor's Mausoleum... 35

"It is said that after the death of the first emperor, mercury was used as the river in Kyushu, and the dragon coffin was hanging above the Milky Way, and he always inspected the five mountains of Kyushu. Once the mercury that was buried in the ground for more than 2,000 years was seen to spread, it would have a very serious impact on the surrounding environment. , So we are not going to start construction on a large scale, but just excavate a passage from the northeast corner of the First Emperor's Mausoleum to the interior of the Emperor's Mausoleum."

"That's good!""

The scholar nodded excitedly: "There must be a huge secret in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor that we don't know!

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened from the outside with a 'bang', and a young man rushed in anxiously from the outside.

"Teacher, it's not good, the news that we are going to excavate the First Emperor's Mausoleum has been exposed, and now the Internet is about to explode!"

"And just now, all countries in the world have sent emails, they say that the First Emperor's Mausoleum is a treasure in the world, and they want to excavate with us!"


Xu Linian's complexion changed, excavating the First Emperor's Mausoleum was the decision of the high-level, and only a very few people knew about this news, so it was leaked so quickly?

"This group of damn traitors!" Don't think about it, there must be spies from countries such as the United States among the high-ranking people, and they deliberately leaked the news.

Xu Linian took the phone and looked at it. Sure enough, the Internet has completely exploded. There is news that the First Emperor's Mausoleum will be excavated everywhere. Even the news of Sun Jian's tomb just discovered on 5.6 has also been leaked.

"Teacher, what should we do now?" The young man looked at Xu Linian in a panic, "Many people are now surrounded by the foot of Mount Li, which will definitely have a great impact on our excavation work!"

"Let the army come forward to help us defend the First Emperor's Mausoleum!" Xu Linian said after a moment of silence: "The excavation of the First Emperor's Mausoleum is very moving and cannot be concealed!

"According to the official announcement of our research institute, we will start excavating the Tomb of the First Emperor tomorrow?

"Then...what about those foreigners?"

"Let them get out of here!" Xu Linian smiled coldly: "What is the treasure of all mankind, it is clearly the secrets in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!

"Tell them that the first emperor is the first emperor of my Tianxia, ​​even if it is his imperial mausoleum, it is owned by me in Tianxia, ​​and I don't need their help in Tianxia!

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