Stopping here,

Uchiha Madara’s heart was no longer calm. What kind of gift would it be? It was really exciting!

""Summoning technique, Impure World Reincarnation!"

Qin Yu whispered, forming a seal and putting his palms together, and two coffins suddenly appeared!

Uchiha Madara's eyes moved slightly, is this the technique of that bastard Tobirama Senju?

"Qin Yu, you.."

"Shh, just watch, the surprise is coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, the coffin lid was opened!

A handsome young man in his early 20s and a middle-aged man in red armor walked into Uchiha Madara's sight!


Uchiha Madara's eyes flashed with excitement, and all eyes were focused on Senju Hashirama in an instant, unable to move away!

Qin Yu:"......"

Fuck, is the big pillar the only thing you have eyes for?

The guy next to him is your brother, you gay bastard!

"Hey, Madara, didn't you see the other person?"

Qin Yu had to remind him, he was really worried that Uchiha Madara would be immersed in his friend's world and couldn't extricate himself!

"I know, it's Izuna!"

Uchiha Madara's voice was extremely flat. He glanced at Uchiha Izuna and looked away, but Qin Yu felt his inner grief!

Qin Yu was a little dazed. In Madara's heart, he had deep feelings for Izuna. Because of this, he blamed himself even more! He blamed himself for not protecting Izuna, and even for not avenging him, so that he didn't know what to say when he saw him again!

Uchiha Izuna and Senju Hashirama also opened their eyes at this moment.

Izuna was immediately full of vigilance, and touched his eyes in confusion. Am I still alive?

And when he saw Uchiha Madara, his heart skipped a beat. He opened his mouth but didn't speak. Seeing the old Madara, his heart ached slightly!

"Really brother..."Brother?"

What's going on? Why doesn't my brother look at me?

"Huh? I'm resurrected? No, this is Tobirama's technique?"

Senju Hashirama yawned, looked left and right, and finally looked at Qin Yu and the others, his tone full of frivolity,"Hey, did you resurrect me?

Handsome brother, and domineering....Grandpa!"

Qin Yu's mouth twitched slightly, this idiot!

Uchiha Izuna only saw Senju Hashirama at this time, and immediately dodged, staring at him intently, and shouted coldly,"Senju Hashirama, it's you!!!"

What's going on? How many years have passed?

"Bastard!!!" Uchiha Madara also gritted his teeth. This idiot couldn't recognize me

?....So sad!

"Izuna? You were resurrected too?"

Senju Hashirama looked at Izuna in great surprise, then his face changed and he looked coldly at Qin Yu and the others!

"No matter what your reasons are, you shouldn't play with the souls of the dead! And you shouldn't disturb Izuna!"

Love the house and the dog. For Izuna, Hashirama has always been more sorry than Madara.

After all, it was his own brother Tobirama who killed her. This is also one of the reasons why Madara finally left Konoha!

"Enough, you idiot!!"

Uchiha Madara could no longer tolerate Hashirama's blockhead, and immediately kicked him!

"Hmm? This kick looks so familiar?"

Hashirama was a little confused when he saw the kick, and he didn't even react. But when he was kicked away, he suddenly realized it! Boom!


Madara's angry kick was really very powerful, and he wanted to kick this idiot to death!

"Haha, Madara, it's you!"

Hashirama Senju was embedded in the wall and didn't care at all. He laughed with a look of great surprise, which made people feel extremely embarrassed!

This kick still had the same taste!

After breaking free, Hashirama Senju looked at Uchiha Madara in surprise,"Madara, you are not dead, right?"

"But you are so old and ugly now, I didn't recognize you!"

Ban, you are not dead?

You are so old, what have you done in these years?

Uchiha Madara's eyelids twitched constantly. If Hashirama was not invincible now, he would definitely beat Hashirama to death!

"Shut up, Senju Hashirama, my brother is the most handsome!"

Uchiha Izuna stood in front of Uchiha Madara and looked at him with a cold expression!


Uchiha Madara's eyes were filled with relief, but brother, I don't need your protection!

Seeing the embarrassed face of Dazhuzi, Uchiha Izuna turned back and looked at Madara carefully, with a smile in his eyes,"Brother, you are indeed not as handsome as before."

Uchiha Madara's face darkened, when you are old, can you be handsome?

"Stop it all!"

Qin Yu rubbed his forehead. He couldn't bear it any longer. This family ethics drama could stop!

Is this a love triangle or a love cycle? Qin Yu said he couldn't bear it any more!

"Brother, who is he?"

Uchiha Izuna looked at Qin Yu in front of him in a trance!

The black and gold robe, the handsome face, the plainness but the indescribable majesty!

"I will tell you in detail later!" Uchiha Madara looked at Izuna lovingly, then ignored the Great Pillar and looked at Qin Yu,"It's time to fulfill your promise!" After being scolded by the Great Pillar and Izuna continuously, Uchiha Madara could no longer stand this old body!

Qin Yu nodded slightly, and then amazing vitality emanated from his hands!

Senju Hashirama, who had developed a strong Yang escape technique, was also shocked at the vitality at this moment. This person actually materialized the vitality!

"Endless source of life - life giving!"

Suddenly, a stream of vitality entered Uchiha Madara's body!

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