In an instant, the two extremely powerful ninjutsu overlapped with each other, turning into a raging wave of fire, sweeping towards the three little ones of the empire.

Its terrifying power was hot and fierce!

After the wind and fire escapes were superimposed into a composite ninjutsu, the power of this move was even close to S-level ninjutsu!

The terrifying flames surged towards the three people like a wave, as if to swallow them all up.

"Earth escape - Earth flow wall!"

Nagato quickly formed a seal, and chakra continued to flow into the soil of the earth, forming a huge earth wall under the feet of the three people.

The earth wall kept changing and rising, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a steep mountain range several dozen meters high!


Kakuzu's ninjutsu attack instantly blasted a big hole in the mountain range, and pieces of the earth wall fell off, and the dark color of the flames was very terrifying.

"That red-haired brat has such terrifying chakra." Kakuzu looked at the three people on the high wall with his green eyes, slightly retracting his contempt, and a murderous intent appeared on his face. It must be very satisfying to kill three geniuses!

"Water Style - Great Explosion Water Wave!!"

Yahiko made a seal and shouted loudly, standing on the high wall and spitting out waves of water like a tsunami, the terrifying huge amount of water rushed downwards, like a waterfall pouring down.....

"Another desperate one, it's too much..."

Kakuzu's eyelids twitched, and he dodged and stood on the water

""Hoo, Konan! Nagato!"

The A-level ninjutsu was very stressful for Yahiko, who was lying on the ground, panting and shouting!

"Got it!"

Xiao Nan flew in the air, spreading his wings behind him!

"Paper Dance - Paper Rain!"

The two wings quickly shot out countless pieces of paper, which were extremely thin and had a sharp aura.


""Puff" pieces of paper fell into the water, splashing waves, and the corners dodged one after another!

"Earth escape - earth fort!"

Nagato stood on the wall and made a seal. Ten earth escape forts appeared on the wall of several dozen meters. Huge earth balls shot out from the forts....

""Boom boom!"

The earth ball hit the water surface and rolled up a huge wave. The impact almost made Kakuzu lose his balance. The continuous attack of paper rain shells made Kakuzu completely angry!

A little guy foolishly exhausted his chakra, do you two want to exhaust it and die too!

"Since one of you has fallen, you two should die!"

Kakuzu's eyes showed a hint of coldness. He didn't want to waste time, so he started to go all out.

Swish! Swish!!!

The terrifying black lines surged wildly from his body, like a demon crawling out of hell.

Then several masks suddenly emerged from his back under the wrapping of black lines.

The black tentacles on his arms, back, and mouth made Kakuzu look extremely terrifying!

"Go to hell, you ignorant little devil!"

"Fire escape, hard work!"

"Wind escape, suppress harm!"

"Earth escape, earth spear!"

The wind helps the fire, the earth spear attacks!

In an instant, it was another super compound ninjutsu of wind escape and fire escape, but this time it was also combined with earth escape.

The three terrifying ninjutsu attacked Konan in the sky, and before it took off, it brought up waves of air!

Moreover, Kakuzu went all out, and it was not just three ninjutsu, it was bound to kill with one blow!

The two masks reached under the earth wall under the black line, and cast two more ninjutsu towards Nagato.

"Water escape! Water curtain tent!"

""Lightning escape! Pseudo-darkness!"

A heart spewed out a powerful water cannon, and the surging water surged. The terrifying thunder and lightning struck along the water cannon. It was another extremely powerful compound ninjutsu!

Boom boom boom! Violent explosions occurred in the sky and on the high walls. The rain of paper in the sky turned to ashes, and pieces of soil fell from the earth wall, splashing water.....

Seeing this, in the distance where the forest was not visible, Qin Yu's eyes lit up,"Smart child!"

With the guidance of the Three Ninjas of the Empire and the Six Paths Sage, the growth of the Three Littles of the Empire was extremely objective.

"This is the end of your arrogance..."

Facing the three children, Kakuzu was extremely confident and disdainful, then frowned slightly.

"No, the orange-haired kid who ran out of chakra and fell down before was not on the earth wall....."

Oh no!

Kakuzu felt a sense of crisis rising in his heart, but....

Too late!!

A figure with orange hair suddenly rushed out from behind Kakuzu standing on the water. It was Yahiko, with a blue chakra ball spinning rapidly in his hand!



The Rasengan hit Kakuzu and rolled him up. The terrifying impact force sent him flying.....

"Water escape technique - Water bullet technique!"

The red-haired figure slid out from the earth wall and fired countless water cannons from his hands in all directions, like bullets shot out at a very fast speed!

"Shikigami no Madoka - Paper Spear!"

A tree transformed into the appearance of Konan, with pieces of paper flying up from its body. The condensed spears were extremely sharp and shot into the air in an instant!

"Boom boom boom!"

Kakuzu's body was beaten into a sieve, a spear pierced through his heart, and a huge hole appeared in his abdomen due to the twisting of the Rasengan! Blood spurted out, Kakuzu fell into the water, creating waves, and his body sank!

"Konan, Nagato, well done!!"

Yahiko emerged from the water with a big grin, his slight breath revealing immense excitement!

"That guy just now was a Kage, right? The three of us killed a Kage, that's great!"Konan and Nagato couldn't help but get excited. With His Majesty's help, they, who had just become jonin, actually killed a Kage.

This is something they can brag about for a year!

The three of them worked very well together, testing, confusing, and attacking. If it was any careless Kage, he would have been seriously injured if not killed, but.....

Just when the three were excited, a cold and angry voice came from behind them!

"You bastards, you destroyed both of my hearts, go to hell!"

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