Naturally, it was the warship of the CP9 organization leader Spandain who carried out the artillery attack!

He had no intention of allowing any of the inhabitants of O’Hara to leave the island alive.

It was one reason to prevent the scholars of O’Hara from being confused, but the bigger reason was because of the orders given by the Five Old Stars before he came!

The people of O’Hara, know so much!

In this world, the more and more details you know, the greater the sin in your body.

Especially on an island like O’Hara, which has no strong armed forces at all, and if it weren’t even for the fact that someone could take advantage of the chaos to escape, the destruction of this island would not have required such a mobilization of the navy to launch a demon slaughter order!

The reason why the Five Elders would let the Cyborg, who is the Admiral, launch a mass killing weapon like the Demon Slaying Order, is because they didn’t intend for O’Hara to let anyone else live!

However, a limited number of people, including Spandyne, guessed this order from the World Government.

As for people like Kuzan and Yuanyuan, who had previously asked the civilians how to deal with them, of course, it was impossible to imagine that Spandain would launch a cannonball attack on the ship carrying the civilians so decisively!

Otherwise, when Yuan Yuan asked Kuzan before, Kuzan would not have been able to give her such an answer.

And now, after seeing the destruction of the ships on which these O’Hara civilians were located, Yuan Yuan angrily confronted Kuzan.

“Kuzan! Didn’t you say that this Demon Slayer Operation wouldn’t involve civilians? Why was the ship directly wrecked? ”

Kuzan could clearly feel the anger of Yuan Yuan beside him, but his heart was also full of anger.

Kuzan had personally asked CP9’s prefect Spandan before, and it was also Spandain who personally told him that he would spare these innocent civilians, otherwise, Kuzan was not the commander of this Demon Slaying Order, so why did he say that to Yuanyuan?

And now?

This guy didn’t even hesitate, and even the vice admirals didn’t know that Spandain would choose to launch a cannonball attack on a ship full of O’Hara civilians.

It turned out that he deliberately said those words to deceive himself?

And at this time, Spandain finally made a move again, he picked up the golden phone bug in his hand and spoke.

“The Demon Slayer Order operation has officially begun! On the island of O’Hara, there is no one left alive after today! ”

You must know that before this, Spandain even asked some sailors to inform the people of O’Hara of the Navy’s movements, just so that the civilians in O’Hara could evacuate the island.

As a result, they boarded the ship, and before they could leave, they were destroyed by shells, and no one on board was spared.

It’s not just Kuzan and Yuan who are confused and angry, even these ordinary sailors also have this kind of emotion.

But unfortunately, for these sailors, compliance with orders is the first thing they need to maintain, even if this order makes them very incomprehensible and suspicious.

So when Spandain issued the order to fully open the demon slayer, even if these sailors did not understand, they could only aim the gun emplacements on the warship at the island of O’Hara.

As a navy, no matter what kind of order the commander-in-chief gives, they have to obey this way!

Just as the warships were ready to cover a large area of artillery attack on O’Hara, suddenly everyone heard a shout of rage.


For this voice, these sailors who participated in the Demon Slaying Order were naturally no strangers, and almost all of them turned their eyes to the roaring Vice Admiral Kuzan.

Even if Kuzan, Sakasky and the others were defeated at the hands of Luo Yu at the beginning, it did not have much impact on their prestige in the naval headquarters.

After all, a monster of Luo Yu’s level is probably only able to deal with Lieutenant General Karp, Immortal Stone General, and Black-Wristed General now.

In the hearts of these ordinary sailors, the future Kuzan and others will be able to take over the position of the three of them and become admirals!

And now, since Vice Admiral Kuzan told them to stop, the sailors naturally won’t hesitate at all!

Kuzan, who had brought the sailors to a halt, did not hesitate at all, and rushed directly to the warship where Spandayne was.

After everyone saw his movements and the momentum exuded from his body, they even thought that Vice Admiral Kuzan was going to kill Spandain directly.

Although many people are very unaccustomed to the CP members under the World Government, this does not mean that they are qualified and capable of doing something to the CP members.

You must know that the only people who can move these CP members are the people of the world government.

Their navy did not yet have this power, not even Kuzan, a vice admiral in the navy headquarters.

But even so, a trace of panic rose in Spandain’s heart.

As the commander of CP9, he naturally knows the strength and character of Kuzan very well.

Even if you look at the entire CP organization, there are not many people who can defeat this guy, and those people are basically members of CP0, and he Spandyne does not have that kind of strong strength.

Otherwise, I’m afraid he would have already been a member of CP0.

And the reason why Spandain denied it very happily when Kuzan asked him if he would implicate the civilians of O’Hara was because he was worried about this guy’s sudden upset.

Is he going to do it to himself now?

The members of the CP organization on the warship surrounded Spandain, and with Kuzan’s hostility towards Chief Spandain, they naturally wanted to prevent this guy from making a move against Commander Spandain.

But Kuzan wasn’t as reckless as the rest of them thought.

If you really choose to do something to this guy, I’m afraid the impact will be even far greater than this demon slaying order.

The world government will also use this as an excuse to interfere in the top echelons of the navy, and in this way, it will definitely affect Marshal Steelband and Vice Admiral Karp.

Kuzan is usually just too lazy to use his brain on all kinds of things, but that doesn’t mean he can’t think!

Otherwise, how could Kuzan become one of the three admirals of the future Navy?

After landing on the warship, Kuzan asked as he glared at the protected Spandain.

“Spandain! Didn’t you tell me before that this demon slaying order wouldn’t involve civilians? Why did you give the order to attack ships full of civilians! ”

Kuzan’s words aroused the doubts of all the sailors present, who were obviously just non-threatening civilians, but Spandain did not even hesitate at all, and directly killed everyone.

Is such a move really in line with the justice of their navy?

Justice needs to be defended by the Navy, but Spandain would never have any concerns about this.

Hearing Kuzan’s questioning, Spandain had a mocking smile on his face.

“Vice Admiral Kuzan, you don’t really think that the demon slaying order issued by the World Government and the Navy will be terminated or let go because of these civilians, right?”

“Since you are a vice admiral, it stands to reason that you must know the true meaning of the demon slaying order better than me, so why do you ask such a question?”

As soon as the words fell, Kuzan’s momentum couldn’t help but stagnate.

Of course, he knew very well what it meant to launch the Demon Slayer Order.

But who was the target of the previous Demon Slaying Order? Who is it now?

Why did Kuzan never complain about the pirates who died at the hands of the navy? Why did you ask Spandyne what he planned to do with the civilians above O’Hara?

Isn’t it because these civilians themselves are the targets of the Navy’s protection?

Even the reason why Kuzan chose to join the navy in the first place was to be able to kill countless pirates, so that more civilians no longer need to fall into panic because of the pirates’ evil.

And the result!

Their navy is now going to raise a butcher’s knife against civilians, how can Kuzan, who has always cared most about justice, accept it!

Now just by questioning Spandain, Kuzan was already suppressing his anger.

Otherwise, how could these guys who surrounded and protected Spandain be his opponents!

“You guy…”

Kuzan’s body was gradually foggy, and he really couldn’t stand the attitude of this guy to the civilians of Spandain, even if he would be severely punished afterwards.

We must not sit idly by and watch the innocent civilians on O’Hara Island also be persecuted by this guy!

And at this time, Sakasky, Flying Squirrel, Stoloberry, and Yuan Yuan, the four vice admirals who also participated in the operation of the Demon Slaying Order, also came to this warship.

However, the lineup was also split in an instant.

Of the four of them, only Yuan Yuan chose to stand by Kuzan’s side.

After all, Yuan Yuan and Kuzan have the same idea, that is, they don’t want to see the civilians of O’Hara implicated in this naval operation.

On the other hand, the three guys of Sakasky, Flying Squirrel and Stoloberry, although they did not stand directly next to Spandain, did not stand in the same position as Kuzan to explain their attitude.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Yuan frowned and said.

“Sakaski, Flying Squirrel, Stoloberry, are you sure you want to help this guy kill these innocent civilians? Do you know what the justice of our navy represents? ”

Hearing Yuan Yuan’s words, the faces of the flying squirrel and Stoloberry couldn’t help but change.

They naturally knew that the duty of the navy was to protect civilians, but even so, this demon slaying order was ordered by the admiral Steel!

These vice admirals can’t disobey the orders of Marshal Steel.

Just as Yuan Yuan was about to continue to say something, Sakasky suddenly said with a cold face.

“What does the justice of the Navy stand for? It means that no sin can be let go! ”

“Since you want to let these O’Hara guys go, can you guarantee that there are no O’Hara scholars among them who want to take this opportunity to escape?”

“Or can you make such a guarantee, Kuzan?”

Hearing this, Kuzan and Yuan Yuan fell silent at the same time.

But silence does not mean they agree with Sakasky’s claims.

Sakasky, in order to prevent this from happening, even agreed to Spandain’s move to kill everyone in O’Hara!

It’s no wonder that there are rumors about the three of them in the Navy Headquarters.

Kuzan, who was the most enthusiastic of people, ate the extremely cold frozen fruit, but Sakasky, who was very indifferent to anything and people, had the extremely hot magma fruit.

In this regard, countless people have doubted whether the abilities of the two of them will be better if they are exchanged.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t have had that opportunity.

And Kuzan and Sakaski, who have completely opposing abilities, have always looked at each other very unpleasantly, especially in this kind of thing, the two can be said to never agree with each other’s views.

Seeing that they were silent, Sakasky spoke again.

“Kuzan, Yuan Yuan, the Demon Slaying Order is a decision made by Marshal Steelbones Sky himself, are you two doubting whether Marshal Steelbones’ decision is correct?”

“Also, do you know what will happen to those who stop the Demon Slaying Order? All those who dare to stop the Demon Slayer Order must be wiped out! ”

The cold air on Kuzan’s body gradually dissipated, and Yuan Yuan’s hand that was originally holding Jin Biluo slowly let go.

They could not care about the huge price to be paid to stop the Demon Slaying Order, but they definitely couldn’t ignore the orders of the Admiral Steelbone.

You must know that as a navy, the first rule is to absolutely obey the orders given by their superiors.

When Sakasky saw the expressions on the two of them, he knew that they had given up the dangerous idea of stopping the Demon Slayer Order from proceeding.

In that case, this Demon Slaying Order can be continued!

Seeing them compromise, Spandain finally couldn’t help but laugh triumphantly.

Kuzan, one of the three monsters of the dignified naval headquarters, still has to bow to himself in the end.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was the commander-in-chief of this demon slaying order, how could Spandain have such an experience!

He is now more and more obsessed with the feeling of being able to control the Demon Slaying Order, and after this time, he must be the commander-in-chief if there is a Demon Slaying Order in the future!

“The Demon Slayer Operation continues, no one will be left on O’Hara Island!”

Even the two vice admirals, Kuzan and Yuanyuan, could only compromise, and their sailors naturally could not refuse such an order.

The ten top warships that participated in this demon slaying order launched a dense shell covering bombardment of O’Hara not far away at the same time!

Dr. Kuroha was already overjoyed when he first saw the destruction of the ship carrying civilians.

He could feel that the Navy had no intention of sparing anyone above O’Hara this time.

And now, the end of the shelling of the world-famous O’Hara has come.


Wherever each shell hits, someone disappears, and even the last wails of life cannot be heard.

Seeing this, Dr. Kuroha couldn’t help but weep.

All of this is because of the decision he made in the first place!

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