Rocks nodded.

Apparently satisfied with the effect.

Morpheus, on the other hand, is pupil shrinkage!

Sure enough, so fast.

The Battle of the Valley of the Gods is coming?

In the original book, this is the doomed battle of the Lokes Pirates.

Even if it is the strong on the Rocks Pirates.

But it is also not united enough.

And the headquarters of the navy, which dominates the world, does not eat dry food.

In the end, Rocks lost to the Navy.

Morpheus’s face showed some sadness.

I don’t know if the ending will change this time.

It is said that the world line will end.

For such a big event, even if he invented arbitrary doors and universal capsules.

The Rocks Pirates are estimated to still be destroyed.

Right now, how to save your life in that battle is the most important.

After the meeting, the meeting is adjourned.

He immediately drew a prize for this hundred billion berry!

“All right! Be quiet! Be quiet! I still have something to say! ”

The loud voice spread.

Bring the coercion of the strong – overlord color domineering – the temperament of the king.

Lockes, calmed the atmosphere of the audience.

And Lockes, too, looked at Morpheus with a smile on his face.

“Morpheus, you have not been on the ship for a long time, what are your intentions?”

“If you are not willing to follow us, I will allow you to leave with this money!”

How can you get down after getting on the pirate ship.

Anyway, that group of Draco is not a good thing.

Even if the rumors are true, the historical outcome of the dog cannot be changed.

It was Rocks who died anyway.

He Morpheus doesn’t have to die.

Help Rocks kill a few Draco with noses.

Morpheus couldn’t have been more than happy.

In full view.

Morpheus nodded heartily.

“How else can that drop? Draco’s gang of turtle grandchildren! I also saw that they were upset! ”

Morpheus’s response resonated with the audience.

Although Morpheus is only a civilian cadre.

However, his inner status in the entire Rocks Pirate Group has risen a few points.

Lockes had a somewhat satisfied look on his face.

His domineering vision can envelop the entire ship.

He knows exactly what all the members of the Rocks Pirates are.

The atmosphere has been mobilized!

Next, it’s time to make a final effort!

to improve your odds in that battle!


“Answer from each of you! I’ve seen it all! ”

“One more month to go!”


“Whether it’s a recruit who has just joined the Pirate Regiment!”

“Still an old friend who has been adrift with me for more than ten years!”

“In this last month! Just need to do one thing! ”

“That’s getting stronger!”

“The World Government has accumulated strength for so many years!”

“The means of accumulation are by no means few!”

“That! It may become the last battle of our pirate group! ”

“Every day for the next day! You all only need to do one thing! ”

“That is! Become stronger than the last moment! ”

“A month later!”

“Let’s have a good fuss!”

“Let’s shred the darkness of that world government!”

“Dominate the darkness of the world! It can only be our Rocks Pirates! ”

Lockes’ voice resounded throughout the ship.

Some pirates have begun to do push-ups on the spot.

It is worthy of dominating the world and making the future four knights willing to submit to Lokes!

This grand ambition and infectious power made Morpheus secretly admire.

Rocks spread his hands.

Signaling that the meeting is over.

Someone said! How ambitious is it! How far people can go!

From the moment you become a pirate to survive!


Just become the king of the world!

Cut those arrogant Draco, currently the world’s largest dark Draco!

As your own goal!

Step by step!

Got to this day!

He has always been preparing for this goal, and he has not hidden his ambition!

And now, fulfill his ambitions! The opportunity to achieve his goal has finally arrived!

Although Morpheus’s unexpected appearance added a lot to his plan.


Even if Morpheus doesn’t show up!

Lockes, too, is here today, for this meeting.

For this matter, he has been planning for a long time!

The people on the entire ship roared with great momentum!

The sea surface was shaken by this amazing roar.

On the Rox fleet, there is a training ground specially designed to improve the combat effectiveness of pirates.

An ordinary pirate in the Rocks Pirates.

All of them are subjected to rigorous training like an army.

Not only that, but they are more unscrupulous than the military.

This is also the reason why Lokes can become a sea hegemon.

A month later, the battle of the Valley of the Gods.

If it goes well!

It will be the beginning of his becoming the king of the world!

Morpheus and Whitebeard looked at each other.

The two of them had just returned from cultivating on Ruskayana Island.

I really won’t rest for a while.

Greeted the captain and cadres.

Morpheus returned to his cadre.

Without hesitation, take 100 billion beri in those ten universal capsules that have just arrived!

Redeem for Change Points!

【Redemption successful! 】 】

[Change points increased by 10 million! ] 】


Without hesitation.

Morpheus chose the lottery.

The number of change points produced by universal capsules and arbitrary gates is still accumulating.

Now, it is better to increase the upper limit of your ability as soon as possible!

【Diamond-level lottery! On! 】

[Nail! 】

[Unlock skill: Overlord color domineering: winding! ] 】

A memory of the overlord-colored domineering technique came into Morpheus’s mind.

Morpheus beamed.

It’s a diamond lottery!

The first shipment is out of dry goods!

In previous battles, Morpheus had seen Whitebeard use overlord-colored domineering winding.

The black-red lightning-like substance surrounds it, which is really domineering!

However, he wants to learn, and it is really not so easy to master the know-how!

The attack strength of the Overlord Color Domineering Entwined Enhanced Attack is much greater than that of the Armed Color Domineering Entwined!

The future Four knights Kaido has also been mentioned!

That’s a skill that only a handful of top powerhouses can master!

It’s basically a watershed that distinguishes the top powerhouse from the ordinary strong!

When the time came to cross, Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece, could not fully master the overlord color winding!

Right now!

The system has already helped him master this skill!

[Nail! 】

[The development level of frozen fruits has increased by a thousand! ] 】

[The range and intensity of the impact of frozen cold air have been greatly improved! ] 】

【Unlock skills! Frozen Time Capsule! Ice Age! Ice Pheasant Beak! 】

A string of memories sprang into Morpheus’s head.

Combined with Morpheus’ original memories.

There was a pheasant demonstrating these techniques for Morpheus!

You can use the words of the Ice Age ——

I’m afraid that now, Morpheus has also become a general just by virtue of the degree of development of the Devil Fruit!

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