
New World, above the waters of the Holy Land of Maria Giorgia and Marin Fandor.

As always, Charlotte Lingling, following the smell again, found the naval battleship with the dessert of Fishman Island——

After dozens of days of cultivation in the gravity cultivation room.

The strength of all the pirates of the Rocks Pirate Group has made a qualitative leap.

However, if you only improve your combat effectiveness and do not experience actual combat, you can never break through to become a strong person.

Therefore, at the behest of Lokes.

Through universal capsules and arbitrary doors.

The members of the Rocks Pirates are haunted.

Every three to five, go to the stubble of the navy.

The pirates’ targets were concentrated on the naval warships that transported supplies to the Draco.

Unless it’s a general guarding it.

Otherwise, even if it is a lieutenant general, the pirates will not pay attention to it.

Under the attack of the cadres who passed through the gravity cultivation room and the pirates.

Even if it is a lieutenant general, in this case, it is difficult to win, and it can only be able to get out.

It’s overwhelmed.

The Navy headquarters and the world government were furious.

The powerful of the naval branch within the four seas were summoned to the new world.

Among them, including young people with heavy fruit ability, a lifetime!

Also a future general, Fujitora.

At this time, Fuji Hu was a teenager, his face was still immature, and his face was full of youthful spirit.

However, his eyes were already blind.

Above the eyelids, there are two scars.

Fuji Hu’s face was serious, and his face was an old man who was extremely inconsistent with his age, as if he had entered middle age in advance.

The experience of blindness taught him a lot.

Therefore, Fujitora, who got the opportunity to be drafted, worked harder than any navy.

At this time, he has already shown his head, and with his ability to summon meteorites from the sky, he was the marshal of the navy at this time, and the steel bone was empty.

Promoted to major general.

Responsible for the escort of desserts on Fishman Island.

And the bait to lure Lingling’s action!

Above the bow of the boat, Fuji Tiger closed his eyes and held his staff and knife tightly in his hand.

His sight and smell were domineering, and he had already felt the sudden appearance of Campus.

and warships that bounced out of Camps.

Above the warship, through a door that was as inaccessible as an abyss.

The pirates under Charlotte Lingling’s command are led by the short long bread.

Rushed onto the warship and quickly ran to a key position.

This set of raid drills, the pirates have carried out dozens of times.

The sailors on the naval ships were panicked in the face of the naval warships that suddenly appeared around them.

The next moment, the pirates of the Rocks Pirates actually poured out from the naval warships and rushed towards their ships.

The sailors looked shocked.

Despite the fact that they suffered special training, no one except Fujitora knew that such a thing would happen!

Above the bow of the boat, Fuji Tiger frowned.

Sure enough, it was the same as the previous reports of the defeated lieutenant generals.

Suddenly, another naval warship appeared next to the warship.

Then, above the naval warships, I don’t know where the pirates of the Rocks Pirates poured out.

Their strength is incomparably strong, and even the naval elites of the Navy headquarters are not their opponents.

And Charlotte Lingling will come from afar on the huge waves.

Fuji Hu pressed the hilt of his sword slightly and calmly gave the order to meet the enemy.

In the distance, Charlotte Lingling, who laughed maniacally, was also as depicted by the intelligence.

It has entered the range of Fuji Tiger’s domineering capture.


In the distance, General Zefa has already rushed over!

Fuji Tiger gritted his teeth!

Even if the enemy is a high-ranking cadre of the Rocks Pirates! The top powerhouse in the world at the moment!

Next, whatever! He’s going to hold her back!

Be sure to wait until General Zefa comes to support!

Fuji Tiger’s cane sword was drawn for half a point, and the ability of heavy fruits was activated.

In the sky, there was a booming sound.

It’s a meteorite that was pulled by the vine tiger,


The naval warships at Fujitora’s feet, under the influence of his ability, greatly reduced their weight.

Quickly moved away from the Navy warship that the Rocks Pirates had emerged.

Although the crew of the Rocks Pirates who have already boarded the ship are all strong.

It is also common to use some combat methods that are combined with universal capsules and are not encountered in normal battles.

However, once the distance is opened.

Navy! It has the advantage in numbers!

I saw the speed of the Fuji Tiger warship suddenly increase.

Charlotte Lingling looked angry.

The huge waves in the shape of a rainbow of notes under your feet carried Charlotte Lingling at speed.

“Abominable! Don’t run! My sweet tooth! ”

And the pirates on the naval warship occupied by Lingling also showed different expressions on their faces.

Speeding up, he chased after Fuji Hu and the others.

Charlotte Lingling is majestic above the waves.

His beautiful long hair was scattered behind him, and the Napoleon on his head had been turned into a command knife.

And Camps, under Lingling’s order, quickly smashed into the warship on which Fuji Hu was riding.

Fuji Hu’s brows frowned slightly, and he noticed that the universal capsule Homiz, which was only the size of his thumb and rushed quickly.

That’s the universal capsule – it can suck up a warship’s stuff in an instant!

“Hell Brigade!”

Fujitora shouted!

Against Camps, a huge gravity was released.

Under gravity, Camps’ speed was slowed.

But, actually! It was still flying faster than the Fuji Tiger warship.

Fuji Tiger looked surprised.

And Charlotte Lingling received news from Camps.

The corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

A hundred times gravity?

The people on that ship! Have the ability to manipulate gravity?

Fortunately, when she was training in the gravity cultivation room, she always liked to let these Homiz come to suffer with them.

Now, Camps, for a hundred times gravity, can also have a lot of patience!

Fuji Tiger’s brows frowned slightly, he was also a devil fruit eater.

You can’t fall into the sea.

However, it was finally delayed until the end of the skill chant.

The meteorite above the sky has been smashed towards Charlotte Lingling.

The time for chanting has passed –

Previously, several meteorites he dragged by gravity had smashed into the pirates’ warships according to Fujitora’s control.

And the initiator, Charlotte Lingling!

If you can successfully subdue Charlotte Lingling!


This little thing that keeps chasing them!

It will definitely disappear too!

Fujitora simply gave up on lightening naval warships.

Instead, he concentrated on controlling Campos and attacking Charlotte Lingling.

And, Camps, too, is getting closer and closer to the warship –


Junior Kuzan used the ability.

At Zefa’s behest, Fujitora was supported remotely.

Several miles of sea level under the Fujitora were frozen.

Camps, too, came under the control of Kuzan.

And in the sky – there are huge meteors.

One after another, they smashed into the warships infested by the Rocks Pirates.

and Charlotte Lingling.

Look at the meteorites that keep getting bigger.

“Wei Guo!”

Charlotte Lingling shouted loudly and slashed with her sword.

The meteorite in the sky, the sword qi split by Charlotte Lingling, was split in half.

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