I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 110 Regret? It's Too Late! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

A few days later.

People from the Public Security Department found Qian Ziqiang's body in the mountains.

And this time.

Qian Ziqiang's body has begun to rot~.

There are even some traces of wild beast bites on the body!

After seeing this scene.

Ji Wenqin couldn't hold himself any longer on the spot.

She didn't expect that she just wanted her son to get rid of Internet addiction.

But this happened!

As for Qian Haifeng, although he has always been angry about his son's ineffectiveness.

But at the end of the day.

Qian Ziqiang is also his son!

If his son died like this, wouldn't his old Qian family be doomed?

He doesn't want to see his family end like this!


After he saw this scene.

There was also a feeling of melancholy in my heart.

"Son, why did you leave mom and leave like that!"

Especially Ji Wenqin.

She almost fainted from crying!

Countless feelings of regret surged into my heart instantly.


It's already too late!

Just in time.

Ouyang Meng is in this place.

When she saw such a tragedy happening, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart!

Such a tragedy.

It is often caused by multiple reasons.

Among them, family education is also a very important part.

As a detective, Ouyang Meng is also very knowledgeable about the psychology of some criminals.

she knows.

There are quite a few criminals.

In the beginning, it was closely related to family education.

Especially after listening to Qian Haifeng's story.

She believes that Qian Ziqiang is just skipping classes and surfing the Internet instead of falling further, which is already a sign of great self-control.

It can be said like this.

Qian Ziqiang's current fate is inseparable from their high-pressure tutoring environment.

we can even say.

That’s the main reason!

But now, the deceased is gone.

Even if Ouyang Meng thinks so in his heart.

It was impossible for her to tell.

I can only comfort him from the sidelines.

At the same time, he watched the forensic doctor carry out Qian Ziqiang's body.

But soon.

Ouyang Meng discovered a problem.

There seemed to be something wrong with Qian Ziqiang's body.


She immediately bent down and inspected it.

It was discovered that there were many purple bruises on Qian Ziqiang's body.

Apparently he was beaten like this!


Ouyang Meng quickly stopped Qian Haifeng and his wife.

Qian Haifeng and his wife also looked confused at this time.

"Do you know what caused these injuries on Qian Ziqiang's body?"

Ouyang Meng asked.

"have no idea!"

Ji Wenqin shook his head.

She is in a bad mood now and doesn't want to know what's going on.

"This little kid usually goes out to fight with others. Maybe he left it behind when he was fighting with others!"

Qian Haifeng said so.

However, Ouyang Meng didn't think so.

Because of the injuries on his body, it was obvious that he had just stayed there not long ago.

It made her feel.

Qian Ziqiang’s death may not be that simple!

Perhaps, it has something to do with this training institution.

Ouyang Meng also learned about this training institution online.

It is said that this training institution has so-called electrotherapy.

And he especially likes to punish those disobedient students.

The Sheriff's Department has also investigated before.

But found nothing.

There is no evidence that they used electrotherapy!


There are many cases of children escaping from this institution and then being buried in the mountains.

It is precisely because of this.

Ouyang Meng decided that he would investigate this organization carefully!

at the same time.


In a training institution.

Yang Xin is sitting at the table in the office playing mahjong with others.

The sound of mahjong was clattering.

Several people around the table were shouting and yelling.

I can tell.

They are very proud now.

Although under his hands, seven or eight children were already dead.

But because he thinks he is resourceful, he handles everything well.


Even until now.

No one came to settle the score!


Yang Xin was very proud.

"Boss, it's all thanks to you. Without you coming up with such a way to make money, we wouldn't be able to live such a good life now!"


One of his men looked at Yang Xin with a smile.

"That's right! We are more determined to follow the boss!"

Another subordinate also echoed.

Being supported by so many subordinates, Yang Xin felt very good about himself.

He laughed and said: "Okay, very good. From now on, if I have something to eat, you will definitely have something to drink! Everyone, follow me and work hard. The days when we can make big money are just around the corner!"


Everyone echoed.

Next, they started shouting and screaming.

Played until night.

Everyone then went back on their own!

As for Yang Xin, he usually lives in the training institution.

There is a dedicated room for him, which is fully equipped.


He also made special appointments with a few girls.

Now, he is probably waiting for me in the room!

Yang Xin walked up with a smile.


Then he noticed.

The room was actually empty!

Where is the girl?

This surprised Yang Xin.

And very quickly.

He noticed that there was a letter on the table.

A very quaint looking letter spoon!.

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