I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 113 Desperate, Yang Xin Was Electrocuted! (Please Subscribe)

"Yang Xin, come and accept your fate!"

"Your lifespan has come to an end, and there is only death waiting for you!"

Bai Wuchang's faint and resentful voice sounded.

When dealing with people like Yang Xin, Zhou Chen knew.

In fact, it doesn’t require much energy at all!

It can be done with just one impermanence!

As Zhou Chen, who has become impermanent, approaches step by step.

Yang Xin also trembled suddenly.

no doubt.

He was aware of a deep fear.

In other words, it starts from the moment you receive the death notice.

This fear has been lingering in his mind.

Only now.

When he really saw the scene of Wu Chang taking his life.

The last bit of defense in my heart finally dissipated completely at this moment.

That's right.

He was completely consumed by fear.

The next moment, his legs went weak.

The whole person fell to the ground with a plop.

"I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong!"

"I'm going back and shutting down the training institution! Please, please don't kill me!"

Yang Xin also ignored the mud on the ground.

He knelt down directly on the ground and kowtowed.

It seems that he wants to do it this way.

Come to atone for your sins!

However, Yin Chang ignored him at all.

In his mouth, he just let out a sinister sneer.

"Is it enough to close the training institution? Then how will the souls of those who died under your hands rest in peace?"

The voice of impermanence.

It shocked his soul instantly.

At this moment, Yang Xin only felt the temperature around him.

In an instant, it dropped to freezing point!

He doesn't know either.

What should I say now?

All I can do is kowtow and beg for mercy!

Bang bang bang!

I hope that in this way, I can exchange for forgiveness from the other party.



But the other party had no intention of letting Yang Xin go.

I saw a powerful burst of power.

The Soul Hooking Chain attacks instantly!


Accompanied by a shrill scream.

Yang Xin's body has been directly penetrated!

at the same time.

His soul has already fallen into eternal purgatory!

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Xin looked around.

He only saw a scene of chaos and nothingness around him.

I also felt a very depressing feeling coming over me!

Under that feeling of depression, Yang Xin's brows furrowed tightly.


He realized that an even stronger feeling of fear was coming!

"Yang Xin, I died so miserably!"

"You killed me, I want you to come!"


a voice sounded.

Yang Xin looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a figure suddenly appearing behind me.

For a moment.

He recognized the figure.

It is money that strengthens oneself!

Qian Ziqiang, who was electrocuted alive by himself!


Yang Xin opened his mouth.

He was shocked.

At the same time, I want to escape.

But then, I saw a few more figures appearing.

Those figures are all the children who died in his hands before!

did not expect.

They all showed up!

And gathered in this place.

People gathered from all directions and surrounded Yang Xin.

Yang Xin was so scared that he peed!

He collapsed on the ground, shaking all over.

"I was wrong, I know I was wrong. Please let me go, I will burn a lot of paper money for you later!"

"I have an old man above me and a young man below me, but I still don't want to die!"

He was really scared.

At this time, I kept begging for mercy.

"Then have you ever thought about us? Have you ever considered our feelings!"

Qian Ziqiang shouted at the top of his lungs.

"You soaked me in the deep pool in the back mountain, and no one has discovered it yet! I'm so cold and in so much pain!"

A girl came over.

Her whole body was swollen from the soak.

Open your mouth and spit out countless mud inside!

"."I was randomly thrown into the valley and eaten by those wild beasts! I want you to taste the same pain as me, and I want you to know my pain!"

Another person came around.

"We should get him shocked too!"

"What he did to us in the beginning, we will do to him now!"

It was Qian Ziqiang who came up with a solution.

"Please, I don't want to be shocked! I really know I'm wrong. I just did it to support my family and make a little money!"

Yang Xin said with a sad face.

However, it is a pity.

They had no intention of listening to Yang Xin.

At this time, Zhao's medical equipment was also taken out from somewhere.

It was directly put on Yang Xin's head.

Yang Xin still wanted to resist, but he was restrained.

Completely incapable of resisting!


Terrifying current surged into his body.


The series of electric currents directly caused Yang Xin to scream in agony.

Yang Xin was in severe pain all over his body!

I just feel like every tiny part of my body has been scorched by electric current!

Yang Xin only felt unparalleled pain!

Such torture.

Will be with him forever!

And in his ears, only the arrogant laughter was left.

That was the wild laughter of the people he had killed now!

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