I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 116 New Mission: Wrongful Souls In The Water (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"Hey, you can't actually say that. Those parents are certainly wrong, but they are more ignorant or helpless!"

"Yes! If conditions permit, who wouldn't want to give their children a favorable environment?"

For a while.

Various discussions arose on the Internet.

no doubt.

This topic is very heavy.

Many people are concerned about their children's education again.

But thankfully.

It is precisely because of this case that many parents who originally had similar ideas have now given up on sending their children to Internet addiction centers.

It can be considered a blessing among misfortunes!

And, there are many parents among them. "Four Zero Seven"

I even started to reflect on my own education methods.

Silently observing all this, Zhou Chen knew.

For those parents.

Although it doesn't allow them to make changes immediately.

But such a situation is at least a good start.

It will make those parents aware of the problems they encounter in education.

As for myself.

You still have to continue to become stronger!

"Congratulations to the host, for killing Yang Xin and completing the mission!"

"Get 50,000 merit points!"

The system prompt sounds.

Zhou Chen opened the system mall.

Now, he has fifty thousand merit points on hand.

Zhou Chen is still planning to use it all for the lottery!

Anyway, he has enough money and lifespan now.

And compared to others.

It’s more important to work hard to become stronger!

Think of this.

Zhou Chen directly opened the golden carousel.

Fifty thousand merit points.

Let’s do a five-round draw!

Zhou Chen did not hesitate.

Soon, all 50,000 merit points were consumed!

Swish, brush, brush!

Five rays of light flashed one after another.

Next, the results of the lottery were displayed in front of him.

The results of four draws were unsurprising.

They are all third-level soul pills.

But with the last draw, a golden light emerged.

This made Zhou Chen very satisfied!

He held his breath intently, wanting to see what kind of thing would be behind this golden light.


The light faded.

A handsome man wearing armor and cheeks appeared.

Fish gills are handsome!

Just like the leopard-tailed Yin Shuai.

They are all one of the Yin Commanders in charge of the birds in the sky, the beasts on land, the insects on the ground, and the birds in the water.

And the fish gills are handsome.

It is Yin Shuai who is in charge of the birds in the water!


"Having the fishy gills Yin Shuai makes me even more powerful!"

Zhou Chen was very satisfied with this.


He opened the book of sins again.

I want to see what other tasks are available!


With the book of sins opened.

New mission presented!

[Mission Code: Wrongful Souls in the Water!]

[Target: Zou Mingwei]

[Reward: 50,000 merit points (merit points can be used to exchange items in the mall and can be exchanged for money at 1:100)]

[Time of death: within one week]

[Target introduction: Zou Mingwei is a fishing boat captain]

[Ordinary ocean fishing harvests could no longer meet Zou Mingwei's needs, and he began to seek greater benefits. 】

[For example, fishing for some protected animals, even serving as spies for foreign forces, and illegally mapping data and information on some seaside restricted areas in Dragon Kingdom. 】

[And several of his crew members discovered his secret. As a result, he was directly killed and silenced, pretending to be dead after accidentally falling into the sea!]

[But the fire could not be contained, and the crew members’ families still learned the news. 】

[As a result, Zou Mingwei hired a murderer and pretended to kill the crew member's family accidentally. 】

[As for Zou Mingwei himself, he continues to be at large and live a good life!]

As the mission description unfolds...

Picture after picture also poured into Zhou Chen's mind.

In the wind and rain.

A fishing boat is sailing on the sea.

Perhaps because of the heavy wind and rain, they didn't have any good results today.

And watching it all.

The crew members all looked very frustrated: "Captain, tell me, it's so good for us to stay at home today, why do we have to come out? No, there is nothing good to gain!"

The crew complained a lot.

As for the captain Zou Mingwei.

He couldn't help but laugh when he saw the crew saying this.

Then, he replied: "Although that is true, we are in this business after all. If we don't go out to sea to fish, we will have nothing to eat!"


What else did the crew want to say.

But the next moment, Zou Mingwei took the lead and said: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense now. Let's turn around and go back. If we continue like this, we probably won't gain anything.


The crew members responded one after another.

Next, they reversed direction.

They all drove the boats back.

Reached 4.8 shore.

Everyone began to count the fish in the fishing net.

But as feared earlier.

This time, they were not able to gain much.

Looking at the slightly empty fishing nets, the crew members felt quite disappointed.

But the good thing is.

The captain was not too bad to them.

Regardless of whether the harvest is big or not, the captain will give them the rewards they deserve!


No one said much.

But no one knows.

When the crew members all left, Zou Mingwei did not leave.

He is conducting secret transactions with some mysterious people!

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