I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 145 The Counterattack Of The Genius Onmyoji (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Inside the ward.

Zhou Chen lay quietly.

Beside him, the doctor was doing a comprehensive examination on him.

"Mr. Zhou, I am very happy to congratulate you. Your body has recovered to 80%."

"It is estimated that you will be fully recovered in another month. My suggestion is to stay in the hospital for another month after complete recovery. In this way, you can recover more comprehensively!

The doctor introduced.

"Yeah, okay."

Zhou Chen nodded noncommittally.

He wasn't in a hurry anyway.

It doesn’t matter when you leave the hospital!

As for the doctor, he nodded again: "Well, in that case, I won't bother you!"

After saying that, he walked out of the house.

Seeing the doctor leaving, Zhou Chen lay down quietly again.

It's getting late.

He is ready to sleep and rest.


Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was sleeping, but he was immediately awakened by something.

When he opened his eyes.

At this moment, I saw something like a mist appearing in the room.

In the mist, a figure suddenly appeared.

Surprisingly, it was Zou Mingwei who died in his own hands before!

It's just that Zou Mingwei is now.

He obviously looks ferocious and terrifying!

Like an evil ghost from hell!

It gives people a shocking feeling!

But, for Zhou Chen.

Such a thing cannot cause any harm to him at all.

The opposite of.

An afterimage shot out of Zhou Chen's body.

He slashed directly at the phantom of Zou Mingwei!


The shadow was instantly destroyed!

Everything is calm again!

As for Zhou Chen, he snorted lightly.

Not a single movement.

He knew that someone must be eyeing him again.

At this time, I am secretly thinking of ways to deal with myself!

Of course Zhou Chen would not let such a thing develop.

He sneered and waved his hand at the same time.

In the system, a picture slowly emerged.

Zhou Chen wanted to see who was secretly attacking him behind the scenes!


There was a muffled sound.

Yuan Xinya jumped up instantly.

He swayed slightly and fell to the ground!

"Xin Yajun!"

Yamamoto immediately stepped forward and planned to help Yuan Xinya up from the ground.

But Yuan Xinya waved his hand directly: "No need!"

His body was suspended in the air, as if being held up by an invisible force.

Soon, he stood up again.

He is a person who pays great attention to his external image and does not allow himself to be humiliated like this.

Therefore, Yuan Xinya's eyes flashed slightly.

A very dissatisfied anger emerged from his eyes.

At this time, Yamamoto finally stood in front of him.

And asked solemnly: "Xinyajun, what happened just now?"

Yuan Xinya did not answer immediately.

Because at that moment, the energy and blood all over his body surged.

Until now, I haven't been able to fully recover.

After a while, Yuan Xinya finally regained some of his previous stability.

Immediately, I heard him say as if talking to himself: "I just used the Yin and Yang technique to detect the location of the judge, but for some reason, a very powerful force appeared."

"It seems to have prevented my conscious exploration, and also directly shocked my power back!"

Yuan Xinya's face was still very solemn.

Moreover, there was one thing he did not say.


That was the moment just now, which was enough to shock his consciousness greatly.

If he hadn't been strong enough, he might have been injured by this force!

Therefore, this made Yuan Xinya secretly amazed.

The strength of the opponent cannot be underestimated!

At the very least, you have the ability to fight yourself!

But when he thought of this, Yuan Xinya smiled coldly.

In contrast, he didn't take it too seriously.

Because for Yuan Xinya, he has not encountered an opponent who can fight with him for a long time.


For a long time in the past, he has been known as the most outstanding young genius in the circle of Onmyoji in Sakura Country.

There has always been no one who can be his opponent.

But now the situation is completely different!

The emergence of such a strong opponent made Yuan Xinya feel an unprecedented sense of excitement.

That’s right, it’s exciting!

For Yuan Xinya, this person indeed brought a great challenge.

His eyes turned cold suddenly.

Then, he waved his hand.

Then something appeared!

These things include paper charms, paper figures, etc.

Obviously they are all tools of the Onmyoji!

As those things appeared, Yuan Xinya also began to mutter something.

As the most outstanding young onmyoji in Sakura Country, of course he always carries these tools with him.

Immediately afterwards, those paper symbols were suspended in the air.

With Yuan Xinya as the center, a circle is formed.

Moreover, the paper figures that originally fell on the ground also floated one by one.

A very strong dark wind appeared in the entire villa!

This made Yamamoto tremble!

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