I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 161 Killing In A Deserted Village! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

That’s Po Meng!

Po Meng is a template that Zhou Chen rarely uses.

Because she is basically a support type and doesn't have any very strong aggression.

But now, it was also taken out by Zhou Chen.

Po Meng's appearance was so ferocious and terrifying that she scared those people to the point of peeing in an instant. Countless people were poured into Mengpo soup, and their whole bodies fester and died instantly.

When the remaining people saw this, they fled in panic one by one.

They still want to escape from here!

But then, terrible things unfolded before their eyes.

No matter how hard these people tried, they couldn't escape from the scene.

No matter where they flee, there will always be a ferocious and terrifying ghost "Four Four Three" blocking them!

The entire mountain village was as terrifying as becoming a Shura purgatory!

At this time, Zhou Chen obviously did not intend to take the lives of these people easily.

He seemed to be playing this cat and mouse game full of banter!

Just like that, after half the night of torture.

These people have all been killed!

The entire mountain village was in a mess.

There are corpses everywhere!

It looks shocking.

But this mountain village is located in a very remote place, and there are no ordinary residents in it. They are all members of the Tianwu sect.

Therefore, no one knows how long it will take for the Public Security Department to discover them.

After doing all this, Zhou Chen left this place.

Now he has other things to do!

Get rid of Wu Jinshan!

Who is Wu Jinshan?

Don't look at it, he seems to be just Huang Yuxia's offline.

But in fact, he is not a good person!

This man was a robber years ago.

There was even a murder case on his body.

But in the early years, criminal investigation methods were underdeveloped, and he was able to escape punishment, which led to him surviving until now!

Zhou Chen will not let him go!

the other side.

Wu Jinshan, who was in cahoots with Huang Yuxia, was sleeping in bed.

Huang Yuxia sent him a message before leaving.

Said she would be away for a few days.

As for the reason, I didn’t say it at all.

In Wu Jinshan's view, this is not a big deal.

After all, I am just a person responsible for sales!

After Huang Yuxia succeeds, she will give part of the money to herself. Therefore, this gives Wu Jinshan an opportunity to make money almost while lying down.

As for what consequences it will bring?

He doesn't care at all!

And now?

He was getting ready for bed.

But suddenly, I felt that my consciousness seemed to have entered a very mysterious dark space.

In this space, there is a person standing quietly opposite.

This made Wu Jinshan feel very strange.

Because, he felt that the person's outline was very familiar.

You can tell at a glance that it's probably the back of an acquaintance.

But who are they?

He didn't know this.

However, Wu Jinshan didn't lean forward slowly and forcefully.

After a while, he had already reached the other party. At this moment, he finally saw the person's appearance clearly.

It’s actually Huang Yuxia!

This surprised him greatly!

Why did Huang Yuxia appear here?

What the hell is going on!

Countless questions came to mind.

After thinking of this, he walked towards Huang Yuxia.

"Huang Yuxia, what kind of place is this?"

Wu Jinshan asked.

At this time, Huang Yulu said nothing.

She just looked at Wu Jinshan indifferently.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Drawing a sneer, he looked at Wu Jinshan with a strange expression...

As for Wu Jinshan, being stared at by Huang Yuxia like this made him feel a chill all over his body.

This made him feel very uncomfortable!

However, he still does not realize the seriousness of the matter.

Seeing Huang Yuxia like this, Wu Jinshan just frowned and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why are you laughing? You told me before that you were leaving for a few days. Where are you planning to go? Tell me quickly!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward, intending to push Huang Yuxia.

But the moment he touched Huang Yuxia, an endless cold breath suddenly emerged.

This made him realize that the person in front of him was definitely not Huang Yuxia!

He couldn't help but take two steps back.

There was also a very serious look on his face.

"who are you?"

Wu Jinshan asked tremblingly.

"Wu Jinshan, I'm in pain!"

"Come and save me, come and save me!"

The other person looked very painful.

At this time, there were bursts of pleading sounds.

While crying and howling, he moved towards Wu Jinshan.

Moreover, what made Wu Jin feel terrible was.

The flesh and blood on the opponent's face continued to fall off at this time, giving people a very terrifying and shocking feeling!

This feeling is really scary!

So much so that Wu Jinshan swallowed his saliva and kept retreating from his steps.

It seems that he wants to put as much distance between him and her as possible!

But that Huang Yuxia seemed to have no intention of letting him go, and continued to approach him with her teeth and claws bared.

Gradually, Wu Jinshan noticed.

There is no retreat behind me!

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