I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 168 Jiang Hushen Borrows Money (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

She was silent for a while, and finally sighed and said: "Hey, I can't decide this matter alone. One hundred thousand yuan is not a small sum of money. Let's go back and discuss it with Lao Zhao!"


Jiang Hushen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well, if you don't mind, you can wait a few days!"

Mo Qifei replied.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

"Qifei, you must try your best to convince him!"

Jiang Hushen seemed a little uneasy.

So, he continued.

After hearing this, Mo Qifei nodded: "Well, don't worry. Lao Zhao is still very good, I think he should agree!"


Jiang Hushen nodded again and again.

Finally, he reluctantly turned around and left.

After he left, Mo Qifei also turned around and returned to the house.

In the window of the house.

There was a ten-year-old girl lying on her stomach looking out.

The little girl looked very pitiful, with her big eyes rolling around.

"Rongrong, what's wrong?"

Mo Qifei walked into the house, looked at the little girl lying by the window, and asked with some confusion.

"Mom, was that person just now dad?"

The little girl named Rongrong looked at Mo Qifei beside her in confusion.

Mo Qifei was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"Did dad owe a lot of money outside, so he came here to ask for money from us?"

Rongrong asked again.

Although she was not old, she had listened to some of the conversation between the two just now.

So, she asked with some freedom.

Mo Qifei was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that her daughter would actually ask these questions. She was only ten years old, an age that should have been innocent and innocent.

But what about now?

But we have to face these things!

This made Mo Qifei feel very guilty.

She didn't know how to explain it to Rongrong.

Thinking of this, I could only sigh deeply.


Zhao Zewen is back.

Mo Qifei did not hide what happened during the day from her husband.

She told her husband everything.

Moreover, I am also seeking my husband’s opinion.

And Zhao Zewen is indeed a very reasonable person!

After hearing this, he did not directly reject the other party's request. There was just a long silence.

But the reason why he fell into a long silence was because he was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

After a while, Zhao Zewen finally spoke: "Is he sure he will work hard to make money [?"

Mo Qifei nodded: "That's what he said."

Next, Zhao Zewen fell into silence again.

But after just a moment, he spoke quickly.

"Actually, you have divorced him. How he is doing, whether he is alive or dead, has nothing to do with you."

"But after all, you have been married for ten years, and you also have a daughter. So, if something happens to him, it will be impossible not to help at all!"

Zhao Zewen said this first.

After listening to his words, Mo Qifei felt slightly relaxed in her heart.

To be honest, Zhao Zewen is considered very good among many second-married husbands.

He did not discriminate against Rongrong because she was not his biological daughter. Instead, he treated her as his biological daughter.

Moreover, Zhao Zewen was not as repulsive to Jiang Hushen as he imagined.

Even before that, he helped Jiang Hushen find a job.

But Jiang Hushen did not ask for the job at that time. Zhao Zewen said that if Jiang Hushen was really willing to change his ways, the job could still belong to him.

At this time, Zhao Zewen added: "..." If he is really willing to change his ways, we can sign a contract with him. In the contract, clearly outline all responsibilities. For example, how long does it take for him to pay off the money he owes? This can be regarded as giving him a restraint!"

After hearing her husband's words, Mo Qifei felt joyful in her heart.

It was precisely because of this that she immediately said to Zhao Zewen: "In that case, I will tell him about this!"

"OK, all right!"

Zhao Zewen nodded.

the next day.

Mo Qifei told Jiang Hushen what happened.

When Jiang Hushen heard this, he was immediately happy: "Really? That's great!"

(Qian Zhao Zhao) While speaking.

Mo Qifei handed over a bag: "There is 100,000 yuan in it. After you take it, you can keep some of it after paying off the loan shark. "Just use it to start a small business!"

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Jiang Hushen thanked him profusely.

Soon, he didn't even stay a moment longer, took the bag and left directly!

Watching his retreating figure, Mo Qifei felt deeply uneasy in her heart.

She always felt that there might be nothing going on here.

But for a moment, I couldn't figure out what was going on.

She had no choice but to hope that Jiang Hushen would really know that he was wrong this time and could completely change his ways!

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