I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 176 The Wronged Soul Comes Demanding Life! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize!)

Because of the development over the years, Jiang Hushen has a certain amount of assets in Xiangjiang, enough for him to buy a fairly spacious house.

Except for occasionally bringing some women back to spend the night, he lived alone in this home for a long time.

It is precisely because of this that the huge room seems a bit empty and lonely.

However, Jiang Hushen is actually used to it.

Now, he doesn't feel anything is wrong.


Just when he was about to sit on the sofa and watch TV for a while, something strange happened suddenly.

Inside this huge room, bursts of strange "573" wind suddenly appeared!

Although it wasn't obvious at first, it caught his attention instantly.

There was a thud, and Jiang Hushen couldn't help but frown.

Because he felt that something was not quite right about the current situation.

The doors and windows in my house are obviously closed, but why is there a sudden disciplinary inspection?

he thinks.

The current situation should be no small matter!

It's not as simple as imagined!

Could it be that Mo Qiqi’s wronged soul really came back to seek his life?

After thinking of this, an unparalleled feeling of panic immediately arose in his heart!

At the same time, I saw him immediately looking around.

But it's a pity.

There was silence all around, not even a human figure!

Under such a situation, Jiang Hushen's emotions actually rose to his throat.

He didn't know what the situation was at the moment, so he felt even more uneasy.

Jiang Hushen believes that if it is really the opponent's wronged soul who comes to claim his life, it will be simple and direct!

What he fears most is that the other party is completely unknown.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hushen couldn't help but pick up something and hold it in his hand.

At the same time, he shouted loudly to the surroundings: "You, where are you? Get out of here, get out of here!"

He shouted while waving something in his hand.

It seems to be quite crazy.

What he held in his hand was a broom.

At this moment, waving in his hand, it seems to have a feeling of being vigorous!


But there was nothing around him that responded to him!

This makes him look like a person who is not very smart.

But Jiang Hushen doesn’t seem to care about this!

In his eyes, the most important thing for him now is to find the enemy hidden in the darkness.

Although, he doesn't know whether that enemy exists or not!

But doing this can obviously bring him a kind of psychological relief.

It made him feel that he could feel more at ease in this way!

The room was still extremely quiet.

It's almost audible.

But at this time, he was looking at everything around him carefully.

But no matter how Jiang Hushen looked around, he still couldn't find anything. In this huge house, I am indeed the only one!

Over time, this made Jiang Hushen feel.

Have you made too much of a fuss?

Is there actually no danger in this place?

But at this moment, Jiang Hushen suddenly realized something. When he calmed down, he discovered that "someone seemed to be staring at him" in an inconspicuous corner.

At first, Jiang Hushen didn't believe it.

How could someone be staring at me in this place?

But in just a moment, he really noticed some clues...

I followed the direction and looked over.

Jiang Hushen really discovered that there was a figure standing quietly in the darkness.

And that figure is undoubtedly his dead ex-wife!

Mo Qifei!


Jiang Hushen screamed.

At the same time, his legs suddenly softened and he fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a sour smell came out.

That's right.

He was so frightened that he peed!

Because no matter how he behaves, it doesn't matter. But all those disguises are actually fake.

For Jiang Hushen.

When his dead ex-wife suddenly appeared in front of him, it was a very scary thing for him!

He couldn't help but swallow, and asked tremblingly: "You, you, you, are you a human or a ghost?"

At this time, I can still ask a question.

For a person like him, this is considered to be a great courage.

But that person 2.9 shadows did not speak.

At this moment, he just stood there quietly.

The room was still extremely quiet, which made his heart tremble and at the same time he felt an unprecedented fear.

"Jiang Hushen, have you forgotten me?"

Mo Qifei said nothing, but a voice came from behind him.

It was a hoarse male voice.

In an instant, Jiang Hushen couldn't help but tremble all over.

He realized that this seemed to be something very terrifying!

Turning around tremblingly, Jiang Hushen happened to face the figure standing behind him!

A man who looks like a ghost!.

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