I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 196 Resurrection Of The Dead (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

So Feng Jue looked at him coldly: "Mr. Huo, some things may be different from what you think!"

"What's different?"

Huo Qiangpeng frowned slightly.

"I know who you are looking for. They are a person named Zhu and a person named Lu, right?"

Feng Jue said.

Huo Qiangpeng couldn't help but tremble slightly. He didn't expect that this guy could see through his own thoughts?

But when I thought about it, there was actually nothing to be confused about. After all, these two people are indeed among the most capable assistants under him.

And the most important thing is that the two of them also died at the hands of the judge. "Zero Three Zero"

If I could summon them, in a sense, I would have defeated the judge's ideas!

Belonging is a kind of resistance to the judge!

Seeing that Feng Jue had already exposed the problem, Huo Qiangpeng asked in a deep voice: "Yes, I just want to find them. I just don't know, "Can Master Feng do it?"

"If they died normally, I could find a way to find their spirit bodies. It's a pity that they died at the hands of the judge!"

Feng Jue shook his head helplessly.

"Is there any difference between the two?"

Huo Qiangpeng was a little puzzled.

"Of course, and there is a big difference!"

Feng Jue replied, "Although I don't know what state they are in now, one thing I can be sure of is that their spirit bodies no longer exist!"

"No longer exists? What do you mean!"

Huo Qiangpeng was still puzzled.

"That's what it means!

Feng Jue replied, "After everyone dies, they will actually leave their spiritual bodies in the world. But for ordinary people, even if they die, I can still find a way to communicate with their spiritual bodies. . Even if they reincarnate, I can still know where they are! But those two people are different, they have completely disappeared from this world!"

As soon as these words came out, Huo Qiangpeng was slightly shocked.

"What? There is such a thing!"

This made Huo Qiangpeng feel very incredible, "In other words, their souls are gone?"

"Although I don't know whether they are out of their wits or not. But to the outside world, it is no different from being out of their minds!"

"After all, if they were just imprisoned by some powerful existence, it would have the same effect."

Having said this, Feng Jue paused.

However, he quickly continued: "I have heard people say before that the judge is probably a supernatural being. It may even be a legendary ghost. If that is the case, then their souls are also Maybe he was caught and taken to the underworld!"

When Feng Jue said these words, he seemed to be joking.

It was as if what he was talking about was a very inconspicuous thing.

But when Huo Qiangpeng heard it, he felt secretly frightened.

Because he had never been exposed to these things before. He only felt that a very mysterious world was unfolding in front of him!

That world is full of unknown areas.

It was precisely because of this that a different kind of emotion arose in his heart.

After being silent for a while, Huo Qiangpeng continued: "According to what you said, we have no way to deal with him? Also, if the judge is really a supernatural being, aren't you afraid, Master Feng?"

While he was talking like this, he was also looking at Feng Jue with a serious face...011803416Feilu202222320]

Obviously trying to get Feng Jue to give him a more reasonable answer!

When Feng Jue heard this, he smiled faintly: "I don't think that the other party is a ghost or god. I guess at most, he is someone like me. It's just that his strength may be stronger than mine. ."

"He is stronger than you, so you dare to go against him!"

Huo Qiangpeng said thoughtfully.

"What's the point? In this world, it's not all about strength and weakness. And for people like me, it's very interesting to kill people who are stronger than me."

"This is not the first time I have killed a strong person. It can even be said that most of the people I killed were people stronger than me!"

When Feng Jue said this, there was a rather sharp edge in his eyes.

It was as if he was mentioning something very interesting, and his expression was even a little excited! 3.2

Looking at him, maybe this is as attractive as a challenging game to him!

Huo Qiangpeng didn't say much.

Moreover, his most important focus now is on his subordinates.

I saw him continue to say: "So now that they are summoned by you, can they help me carry out various tasks?"

"That's right, they are just like they were when they were alive in the past. It's just that they are much more powerful than before! I think they should be more than enough to deal with the judges!"

Feng Jue replied. .

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