I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 201 A Complicated Murder Case (Please Subscribe And Customize)

While Ouyang Meng was checking the files, the others just stood aside quietly.

They all remained silent, fearing that their voices might disturb Ouyang Meng.

Just like that, some time passed.

Ouyang Meng finally closed all the files, and after seeing this scene, other people also realized something.

They immediately looked at Ouyang Meng and asked with some concern: "Detective Ouyang, how are you? Did you find anything?"

Especially the director, now even more nervous.

It was as if he was afraid that Ouyang Meng would give some bad results.

And what about "Four Nine Three" Ouyang Meng?

She obviously noticed the director's strange expression.

Therefore, she just smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Director, I have discovered some useful information now. I can even be sure that this case was definitely not the fault of the judge!"

"Isn't it the fault of the judge?"

Everyone was very shocked and didn't know what Ouyang Meng meant by what he said.

In fact, Ouyang Meng was not sure at the beginning.

She also doubted whether the judge was responsible for this case. Because after Ouyang Meng saw the files for the first time, he realized that these cases were really incredible.

It’s exactly the same as the judge’s method!

But when she thought about it, she realized that it seemed like that!

Although the way these people died seemed bizarre and strange, much like the handiwork of a judge, other than this reason, the people here had nothing in common.

As soon as these words came out, the director and others felt something strange.

They frowned and looked very confused, as if they didn't understand what Ouyang Meng meant.

In fact, Ouyang Meng knew that it wasn't that they couldn't understand, but that they couldn't figure out some of the key points.

If you think through some of these things, it is actually not very easy.

For example, now, Ouyang Meng continues to analyze this case for everyone.

"You see, although these people have good guys and bad guys, and they seem random, they actually have one thing in common!"

Ouyang Meng said and looked at everyone again.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other for a while.


Everyone pondered for a while, but still seemed unable to understand.

However, at this time, the director had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he had thought of something.

But that spiritual light just flashed by, and didn't really show much.

It was as if there was a fog in his mind that completely isolated him from his true thoughts!

This actually made the Director feel very depressed.


Soon, something else appeared in the director's mind.

But this time, he clearly thought of something.

When the other directors saw the director like this, they were very curious: "Director, have you thought of the secret in this?"

As he spoke, everyone looked at him.

At this time, the director nodded repeatedly and said: "Well, I did think of something. I also want to thank Detective Ouyang. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would never be able to figure it out in my life!"

The more he said this, the more confusing it became.

Everyone looked at the director blankly, waiting for the director to give an answer...

At this time, the director also saw what the team members were thinking, and explained with a smile: "These deceased people, without exception, are all involved in murder cases!"


As soon as everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

There is also more recognition of what the director said.

When those people died, everyone also conducted a new round of investigation, such as the family background of these deceased people.

Everyone discovered that these dead people were actually people involved in murder cases.

They all killed people at different times, but some were gang fights, and some were accidentally killed.

For example, the Wang Kecheng family is very typical among them.

Three years ago, Wang Kecheng's wife Zhou Min was molested by a gangster.

Wang Kecheng had a dispute with him, and the gangster struggled with Wang Kecheng, but was accidentally killed by Wang Kecheng.

At that time, Wang Kecheng was sentenced to self-defense and did not bear any legal responsibility.

But no matter what, it can be regarded as a murder case.

As for some other deceased persons, some of them in 2.9 were in a similar situation to Wang Kecheng.

And this is what Ouyang Meng said they have in common.

"Is it a revenge killing? Have the relatives and friends of the people they killed come to take revenge?"

one of the detectives asked in confusion.

But at this time, Ouyang Meng shook his head: "No, it shouldn't be like this. Because their motives for killing and the time of killing are different. Among them, the earliest and the latest are even more than ten years apart! If they really want revenge, It’s not like this, right?”

After she said this, everyone thought about it and felt that Ouyang Meng's words made sense. .

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