I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 207 The Goddess Detective Is Missing! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

She looked around again and found nothing unusual.

But she knew that just because she couldn't see that guy, it didn't mean that he really didn't exist.

on the contrary.

She also needs to be more vigilant now.

She was not sure where those unknown enemies would suddenly appear.

However, it is precisely because of this.

Her vigilance is getting higher and higher.

After another moment, she suddenly realized something. That is, not far from me, in a corner of the house, there seems to be a black shadow.

The black shadow didn't look particularly conspicuous, but just one glance made Ouyang Meng deeply attracted.

Because that's obviously a person!

A person suddenly appeared in his home!

This, of course, frightened Ouyang Meng. After all, the door to her home was locked tightly, and there was no way anyone could break in unexpectedly.

And since this person can suddenly enter his home, it proves that he is definitely not an ordinary person.


Probably not a human at all!

When he thought of this, Ou Rimeng immediately became vigilant.

She looked at the person opposite and asked with an alert look on her face: "Who are you?"

But the man didn't answer at all.

This made Ouyang Meng's heart skip a beat.

If this is the case, then you must be more careful. After all, no one knows who that guy is!

If the other party is some kind of evil spirit, I, as an ordinary person, will not be able to deal with him!

But the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt.

At this moment, the figure was getting closer and closer to Ouyang Meng.

Although the speed was not very fast, it was indeed approaching Ouyang Meng's direction bit by bit.

This really made Ouyang Meng feel something wrong: It seems that this guy is really an evil ghost?

Moreover, it is an evil spirit that is targeting me!

The more he thought about it, the more vigilant Ouyang Meng became.

Gradually, as the evil ghost got closer and closer, Ouyang Meng became extremely frightened.

And at this time, she no longer had any other emotions, only fear completely enveloped her heart!


In the ward.

It was getting late at this time, and the neon lights outside the window were flashing.

Zhou Chen lay quietly on the bed.

He was playing with his mobile phone boredly, but suddenly he saw a piece of news: the goddess detective disappeared mysteriously!

Originally, he was ready to cross it out casually.

But after looking at the photo of the female detective, Zhou Chen couldn't help but shudder.

Because he discovered that the missing female detective turned out to be Ouyang Meng!

Although he has not met Ouyang Meng in person, he has seen Ouyang Meng through the system and has a certain understanding of Ouyang Meng.

Zhou Chen had sent some clues to Ouyang Meng through various channels several times before.

He knew that Ouyang Meng was a detective with a very sense of justice.

Precisely because of this, he felt that Ouyang Meng's disappearance must be related to some evil forces, and maybe he was kidnapped by some evil forces.

"No, we can't let such a kind-hearted female detective encounter anything unexpected!"

Zhou Chen thought secretly in his heart.

He felt he needed to do something!

So Zhou Nong immediately started thinking.


Something suddenly occurred to him.

Since I can use the system to target the bad guys, can I use the system to target the good people?

If possible, then he can use the system to locate Ouyang Meng's location!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen immediately asked the system: "System, can I directly lock the location of any person?"


"As long as the host imagines that person's appearance in his mind, he can locate the other person's location. Even if the other person is dead, he can still find out the cause of his death!"

The system voice sounded.

"so smart?"

Zhou Chen felt a little surprised.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel relieved.

This is actually because he has mastered the abilities of the four great judges, such as Judge Cui Jue, the one in charge of the Book of Life and Death. 600

Because of this, Zhou Chen had the ability to grasp the details of the other party's life and death.

Since the system has expressed its affirmation, Zhou Chen has nothing to be confused about now.

He closed his eyes and began to outline Ouyang Meng's information in his mind.

Fortunately, although Zhou Chen had no contact with Ouyang Meng, Ouyang Meng's appearance was clear in the pictures he saw in the system and in the information displayed in the newspaper.

Therefore, Zhou Chen easily discovered Ouyang Meng's traces.

And for him, all this is actually not a troublesome matter!

at the same time.

In an unknown corner.

At this moment, Ouyang Mengzheng had just woken up from a coma.

And when she opened her eyes, she saw many people standing in front of her.

She looked closely.

I found that to be precise, there was only one person among them, and the others were a group of translucent shadows.

And he knew that person himself.

It’s none other than Huo Qiangpeng!

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