the next period of time.

Hu Xiaoyan endured the most painful torture!

Her body was cut open.

He watched helplessly as his internal organs were taken out.

Bloody and shocking!

The main thing is.

This injury is not a one-time event.

But again and again, without interruption!

Let her feel the pain of being disemboweled over and over again!

In fact, every torture is completely different.

Once, her body was impaled on a huge iron hook like a pig in a slaughterhouse.

The huge iron hook pierced directly through the back of her neck!

Countless blood spurted out, making her feel suffocated.


Even so.

Those butcher-like white coats have no intention of stopping!

Continue to punish her by disemboweling her belly and removing her heart!

Don't know how long it has been.

Hu Xiaoyan's heart was filled with despair.

And she returned to the illusory space again.

Is it all over?

Hu Xiaoyan thought in her heart.

But the next moment.

She saw the scene in front of her change again.

He actually appeared in a very long, narrow and dark passage.


It seems like a mine tunnel?

Hu Xiaoyan thought so.

At the same time, she seemed to realize something was wrong.

Li Minghao died in the mine tunnel!

Could it be that……


Just as she was thinking this, she heard a violent roar.

Look up.

Countless boulders suddenly fell down!

She immediately ran hard!

The survival instinct took over, making Hu Xiaoyan want to leave here.

But the landslide behind him continued.

It was like a tarsal maggot, chasing after her so hard that Hu Xiaoyan had no way to escape!

Strange to say.

Those landslides are always at a certain distance from Hu Xiaoyan.

It seems to have its own consciousness!

He didn't want to crush Hu Xiaoyan to death at all, he just admired her struggling to survive!

This made Hu Xiaoyan feel extremely scared.

It's as if the God of Death is always behind him, giving him no chance to stop!


Hu Xiaoyan already felt a little tired.

Her legs felt as heavy as lead!

She wanted to stop and take a break.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw the huge landslide coming rumblingly behind him.

Such a situation.

Just let Hu Xiaoyan have to continue running desperately!

Suddenly, she stumbled.

He staggered and finally fell to the ground.

And the rolling rock landslide behind him finally swept up with force!


It erupted with a loud bang.

Hu Xiaoyan was hit by a huge falling rock!

All over the body, pain like broken bones and destroyed internal organs erupted!

That is an unspeakable pain!

Even, it is ten thousand times more painful than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

Hu Xiaoyan let out a heartbreaking scream!

This is the pain Li Minghao felt after his final death!

Now, Hu Xiaoyan finally feels it!

And the scary thing is.

This pain will not end just once.

Instead, it was applied to her again and again!

The painful screams echoed in this illusory space for a long time.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan..."

I don’t know how much time passed.

A shrill voice sounded.

Hu Xiaoyan, who was trapped in the rubble, raised her head and looked forward, only to see a very terrifying and ferocious face face to face!

It was a bloody face!

The brain had been smashed to pieces, and countless red and white things flowed out of it.

Get it all over his face!

Although the man was completely unrecognizable, Hu Xiaoyan could still recognize him.

He is none other than Li Minghao!

Li Minghao is completely dead!

However, now it turned into a resentful spirit and came to him.

"Li Minghao, don't look for me. Your death has nothing to do with me!"

"You died in a black mine. You go to the mine owner, not me!"

Hu Xiaoyan was already crying.

But I didn't expect that until now, she still refuses to repent!

"No! You sold me to the black mine!"

"It was you who killed me! It was you who ruined my future. It was you who made my parents die alone. I want to kill you, and I want you to come down and bury me with me!"

Li Minghao shouted as if he was hoarse at the top of his lungs.

"no no……"

Hu Xiaoyan was already crying.

She didn't know what to say now.

"Give us back our lives, give us back our lives!"

At this moment, another voice sounded.

I saw another figure appearing from all directions.

Those people were broken and missing limbs.

Some, like Li Minghao, looked bloody, while others had their stomachs disemboweled, with their empty abdominal cavities dangling in front of Hu Xiaoyan.

no doubt.

These people are all homeless people who were sold by Hu Xiaoyan before!


Together with Li Minghao's wronged soul, they came to seek revenge from Hu Xiaoyan!

This vicious person!

The person who killed them!

But Zhou Chen and Li Qian just watched with cold eyes.

Watch her being tortured!

Those innocent souls stretched out a pair of hands and tore Hu Xiaoyan's body tightly.

They tore off Hu Xiaoyan's hair and tore Hu Xiaoyan's mouth apart!

Opening up Hu Xiaoyan's abdominal cavity, he was like a hungry wolf, devouring Hu Xiaoyan's flesh and blood unscrupulously!

Although Hu Xiaoyan suffered such horrific torture, one thing always made her feel incredible.

That was her consciousness, always awake.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!"

"Li Minghao, I shouldn't take advantage of your feelings for me..."

"Victims whom I cannot name, I should not have sold you to those men in black for money..."

"Please forgive me this time. I will correct my mistakes and I will burn paper for you so that you can be reincarnated as soon as possible..."

Hu Xiaoyan finally began to admit defeat.

She said sadly, even a little incoherently.

However, Zhou Chen was completely unaware.

He smiled coldly and said: "It's up to Li Minghao and others to let you go. All I have to do is let you meet them!"


Zhou Chen didn't care about her anymore.

He turned and left, followed closely by Li Qian.

"No, don't go!"

"Please, I don't want to die!"

Hu Xiaoyan, who was behind her, howled at the top of her lungs.

Unfortunately, Zhou Chen could no longer listen to her words.

Li Minghao and others also swarmed up at this time.

They seemed to be like a tide, completely engulfing Hu Xiaoyan!

Hu Xiaoyan's ears heard endless hisses.

The dead tore her body apart and ate away at her soul.

Let her feel the most terrible torture forever!

Hu Xiaoyan owes them this!

Until the soul turns to ashes and disappears!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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