I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 210 Huo Qiangpeng’S Retribution Is Coming! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

When Huo Qiangpeng saw this scene, he was immediately frightened.

Because the size of this horse face is so huge, it is like a hill in front of him.

In comparison, I am like an ant.

In fact, he is indeed like an ant.

Because the opponent's offensive was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

And hit him hard with one blow.

Huo Qiangpeng was completely unable to resist!

Under such an offensive, all he could do was to accept his fate obediently.


Only a loud noise was heard.

Huo Qiangpeng thought that he had no chance of surviving his attack. But what he didn't expect was that the opponent's blow could not hurt him.

Not even a feeling of shock.

This made him feel very surprised.

Huo Qiangpeng couldn't help but open his eyes and looked around.

As a result, I found that I now appeared in a very strange space.

There is a strange atmosphere everywhere in this space. Dark, dilapidated, and full of smog.

This made him shudder, thinking that he might be in a very strange place now.

It was precisely because of this that he realized whether he had entered something similar to the world after death.

He looked around again and found that this seemed to be the case!

Because there were shadows all around.

The phantoms looked like people, but they didn't look like ordinary people, because those people had no breath of living people at all.

Their whole bodies looked very dilapidated, like a group of dead people!

Seeing these people walking around, Huo Qiangpeng's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but realize that he might really be dead!

The people in front of me are really a group of fierce ghosts.

When he realized this, he started to look around.

He wished he could find something to leave around.

But unfortunately, the next scene didn't seem to be what he had hoped for.

Not only did he not find any place to leave, but his whereabouts were discovered by the enemies!

It was precisely because of this that Huo Qiangpeng realized that a fear was coming.

If you were discovered by the other party, wouldn't it be the only way to die?

He didn't want to die in front of those people!

Therefore, Huo Qiangpeng is of course trying to find a way to leave here.

He kept running away, running around everywhere, hoping to escape from here.

But unfortunately, no matter how he fled, there was no way to escape from the scene.

Moreover, countless powerful ghosts have appeared in front of him.

Those fierce ghosts surrounded him, giving him no chance to escape.

This made Huo Qiangpeng realize that he might really have only one way to die now!

It’s over!

I have been operating in Xiangjiang all my life just to have an extremely high status.

But now it's better, everything will be in vain!

Huo Qiangpeng is actually very unwilling!

He was unwilling to accept that everything he had managed was in vain.

But even so, he has no fear now.

On the contrary, he actually forced himself to remain calm. Seeing those ghosts rushing towards him, he swung his fist and hit the nearest ghost.

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But the fierce ghost just took it easily and withstood Huo Qiangpeng's attack.

Moreover, Huo Qiangpeng also realized.

This person was so familiar, very similar to someone I had known before.

At first, Huo Qiangpeng couldn't remember it.

But just a moment later, his brain seemed to be electrified, and he thought of something in an instant.

This person is none other than Lao Zhang!

The merchant who once died in his own hands!

This really shocked him deeply, and made him feel a chill sweeping through his heart.

Unexpectedly, Nie Zhang actually appeared here again.

Moreover, Lao Zhang had a very scary smile on his face.

Obviously he looks like he wants revenge on himself!


Looking at the person in front of him, Huo Qiangpeng had deep fear in his eyes.


It’s fear!

This made Huo Qiangpeng realize that he was now being avenged by an wronged soul!

Moreover, those innocent souls can directly launch the most terrifying offensive against him, which Huo Qiangpeng cannot escape or avoid!

Therefore, infinite panic emerged in Huo Qiangpeng's heart.

He couldn't help but tremble suddenly, and an unprecedented chill swept over his penis.

"Lao Zhang, please let me go!"

"I know I was the one who was sorry for you back then, but there was nothing I could do about it. If I had the choice, I would definitely not do such a thing!"

Huo Qiangpeng began to beg him for mercy.

Now, he no longer looks as aggressive as before.

Instead, he became a very humble person.

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