I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 23 The Goddess Detective! Master Of Profiling!

Magic City Public Security Department.

The detectives were extremely busy.

Just like the previous case of Zhao and his son, this time, they still couldn't find any useful clues!

And just when everyone is busy.

A piece of news came.

The famous goddess detective in China comes to the magic city!

She will help the Public Security Bureau investigate Hu Xiaoyan’s case!

This surprised and delighted the detectives in Magic City!


Inside the Sheriff's Department.

The director came in with one person.

This is a beautiful figure!

She is 1.7 meters tall, has a beautiful appearance, and wears a pair of high boots.

Wearing a black windbreaker, he looks quite heroic.

Her hair was just hanging casually on the back of her head.

As she walked, her hair flickered slightly.

It's like black waves, undulating, giving people a very unusual free and easy atmosphere!


She is the famous goddess detective in China.

Ouyang Meng.

His grandfather and father were both detectives.

He is also a leading figure in modern detective science in China!

She herself has repeatedly solved major cases.

He is a famous profiling master in China.

PhD in Criminal Psychology!

Compiler of trace science textbooks!

Every year, he is assigned to be responsible for the criminal investigation of some large cases.

She reasoned that the case didn't even require surveillance.

Just relying on the traces left at the scene and profiling, the general facts of the case can be restored.

It’s amazing!

Soon, the entire Sheriff's Department fell silent.

All the detectives' eyes fell on her.

"What are you doing standing still? Everyone, hurry up and give us a warm welcome!"

The director broke the silence.

Immediately, the audience burst into warm applause.

Bang bang bang bang...

Everyone applauded.

This is the idol of many of them!

She is a goddess-level figure!

Previously it could only be seen in publicity.

I didn’t expect that I would be able to see a living person in person today!

The excitement in my heart can no longer be contained.

"Okay, that's almost it. Let's get down to business quickly."

"After you finish your work here, I have to go to Hongdu!"

Ouyang Meng is a very direct person.

She has little interest in those messy social etiquette, only the case itself.

This time, I received a mission.

Go to Hongdu to investigate the case of Zhao and his son.

But the case of Hu Xiaoyan happened again midway.

It just so happened that she happened to be changing trains at the Magic City High-speed Railway Station.

So I simply changed the mission temporarily and dealt with the matters in the Magic City first!

"Okay, please come this way!"

The director brought Ouyang Meng to the office.

In the office, all kinds of information are already spread out on the table.

But Ouyang Meng already had a preliminary understanding of the case on the way here.

Next, she quickly flipped through the case information here.

Includes many on-site photos and more.

I also have some additional information that I didn’t know before.

After reading these contents.

Ouyang Meng started the profiling work!

In addition to being a well-known detective, Ouyang Meng is also a well-known criminal profiler in the industry!

Others on the sidelines could only stare.

they know.

When Ouyang Meng is working, he is most afraid of being disturbed by others.

Therefore, the room was extremely quiet.

There is only the sound of pen and paper touching!

Soon, Ouyang Meng put down the pen in his hand.

The so-called profiling is to judge the psychological state of the profiled subject based on clues such as environment, life traces, and behavioral patterns.

Thereby analyzing his personality, living environment, occupation, growth background and experiences, etc.

Everyone came up to take a look.

Discover what Ouyang Meng analyzed through profiling.

It's almost exactly the same as the picture in the surveillance video!

The whole audience was shocked.

This is too awesome!

They have truly seen the strength of the master profiler!

"Detective Ouyang, have you discovered anything?"

the Director asked nervously.

In this case, their superiors gave them a very tight time limit.

It made him very anxious.

Now, naturally, he couldn't wait to ask.

"She didn't commit suicide!"

Ouyang Meng answered very simply.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

She was so sure it wasn't suicide!

This is indeed shocking.

In fact, everyone in the Sheriff's Department knows it.

The murderer behind the scenes is the judge!

But the judge comes and goes without a trace, like a ghost in the darkness, elusive.

Apart from the strange death notice, there is no direct evidence to prove that the judge is the murderer.

Even if the judge exists.

The Sheriff’s Department has no direct evidence!

The Sheriff's Department's only clue to him was the death notice.

According to the video, Hu Xiaoyan seemed to be crazy the whole time.

A man was holding Buddha cards and rosary beads, shouting into the air.

It looks fierce at first.

But not long after, the Buddhist amulets and rosary beads in Hu Xiaoyan's hand spontaneously ignited and exploded.

She seemed scared again.

Kneel down and beg for mercy.

Finally, he used the fruit knife on the coffee table to cut open his abdomen and take out all his internal organs.

We are all professionals, and of course we know that in this situation, it cannot be classified as homicide!


It can only be characterized as suicide.

According to the profile, Ouyang Meng also got several new clues!

Ouyang Meng handed the notebook to everyone: "I think Hu Xiaoyan must have seen the murderer before he died!"


Everyone was surprised.

Has she seen the murderer?

But judging from the surveillance, Hu Xiaoyan is basically alone!

As if seeing everyone's confusion, Ouyang Meng continued: "This requires continued investigation, but what is certain is that she must have seen the murderer!"

No one spoke.

if it is like this.

Could it be that when Hu Xiaoyan committed suicide, the judge was actually hiding in her home?


Outside the surveillance perspective?

But how come there are no traces of anyone else coming in or out of her home!

The surveillance was called out again.

Everyone gathered together and looked at the surveillance cameras at Hu Xiaoyan's house carefully.

For many agents present.

No matter how many times they have seen this scene, they still feel overwhelmed.

But Ouyang Meng frowned from beginning to end.

The expression on his face was indifferent.

There seemed to be no ripples at all!

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

The director asked again.

"Hold on."

After watching the surveillance video, Ouyang Meng had some thoughts in his mind.

"Besides, I don't know if you noticed it."

"When Hu Xiaoyan was talking to herself, she frequently mentioned one person."

Ouyang Meng said again.

"Li Minghao!"

Everyone blurted out.

"Yes, that's the person!"

Ouyang Meng nodded, "According to the information obtained by the Public Security Department, Li Minghao should have had a close relationship with her for a long time!"

"We know this too!"

The director nodded.

When Hu Xiaoyan graduated, Li Minghao appeared at the gate of their school.

That scene was seen by many people!

Hu Xiaoyan’s best friend Wang Fang can also confirm this!


From Hu Xiaoyan’s bank card.

The Public Security Department also found records of Li Minghao sending money to Hu Xiaoyan during his school days.

The record lasted for several years until Hu Xiaoyan graduated!

"But what does this mean?"

The director asked again.

"It means there must be an unknown relationship between the two of them!"

Ouyang Meng's eyes were sharp.

Her tone was crisp and firm.


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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