
The timing of its appearance is also fortuitous.

Almost the moment before Ouyang Meng opened the door!

What's even more surprising is that.

Last night, there was no suspicious person coming in or out of the Sheriff's Department at all!

How weird!

This really doesn't seem like something a human can accomplish!

It seems.

It is the judge who proves it to the world in his own way.

The reason for doing this!

Is this the power of the Judge?

There was silence in the Sheriff's Department.

"Everything is revealed."

"I'm going to visit Li Minghao's home and restore his innocence!"

Ouyang Meng expressed his thoughts.

She felt that compared to looking for the judge.

The most important thing is to clear Li Minghao's name and let the public know the truth of the matter!

In Hu Xiaoyan’s call records.

There is no specific location of the mine.

But when Li Minghao died in the mining accident, the other party made a special call to her.


Hu Xiaoyan just learned about Li Minghao’s death!

Li Minghao is dead.

But he still has to bear the charge of being a murderer!

This is undoubtedly the greatest injustice to him!


The Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau announced its investigation into Hu Xiaoyan.

Although the judge was not identified, under the investigation of Ouyang Meng and others, more exciting secrets were discovered!

"Shocked! An innocent urban beauty is actually a murderer!"

"The goddess detective shows off her power and the truth of the old case comes to light!"

Shocking headlines like this flood the Internet.

But no matter what, this type of title is really effective!

Netizens were attracted.

After reading the entire case, everyone was shocked.

I really didn't expect it.

A woman who looks so pure and charming on the outside is actually such a vicious heart!

It was even revealed that Hu Xiaoyan colluded with human traffickers and sold homeless people to black mines.

In the end, Li Minghao died in a black mine!

Not even the body has been found!

This also made people on the Internet express their infinite sympathy for Li Minghao.

To know.

When that case happened.

But many people also scolded Li Minghao!

If courtship doesn't lead to murder, is this still true?

But now the truth is out.

Only then did I realize that it was Hu Xiaoyan who was causing trouble!

"It seems that the saying that people should not be judged by their appearance is very reasonable!"

"I want to apologize for my previous remarks. The judge is not a demon who kills innocent people indiscriminately, he is the enforcer of justice!"

"Crime does not distinguish between age and gender. We almost wronged a hero!"

People who were previously opposed to the judge have now changed their opinions and become supporters of the judge!

And those who hide in the darkness.

Those trolls brought by the evil ones are people who are ready to pour dirty water on the judges.

Their plan came to nothing when the truth was revealed!

the other side.

Li Minghao's house.

On TV, the latest developments in the case are being broadcast on the news.

Although it is currently unclear which black mine Li Minghao was sold to.

But he is indeed dead.

This news was also announced to the public!

The old couple were also watching the news.

As the truth of the case emerged, the two elders cried with joy!


After so many years.

Li Minghao was finally redressed!

Since learning that his son was a murderer, both relatives, friends and fellow villagers have gradually distanced themselves from the family.

This pair of old people can only live alone in the village.

People in front and behind are talking about them being the parents of murderers!

They can't even lift their heads!


The grievances have finally been cleared away!

"Son, did you see that? You are not a murderer! You are not a murderer!"

The old man stood up excitedly.

He came to Li Minghao's portrait, lit a stick of incense and inserted it into the incense burner.

"Minghao told me that what I said in the dream is true!"

"Minghao also knows that he was wronged, and he died unjustly!"

"If you have a soul in heaven, give your parents another dream and let them know where you are..."

The old lady wiped away her tears and was speechless.

Li Minghao has been missing for so many years.

His parents already thought he was no longer alive.


Nowadays, there are no dead bodies.

This has also become an eternal regret in the hearts of the two elders.

It is also their only wish in this life!

The truth is coming.

But the truth came too late!

This case has dealt a heavy blow to their family.

What is lost can never be undone!

And the culprit of everything.

It’s Hu Xiaoyan!

That vicious woman!

It was she who pushed Li Minghao to the point of eternal destruction!


Now she is dead too!

Died at the hands of the judge!

Be the judge.

The judge gave them justice!

The judges let their sons no longer have to bear the infamy of being a murderer!

"I don't know who this judge is? It is precisely because of his existence that we can see the moment when Minghao is brought to justice in our lifetime!"

"Yes! I hope he can punish more bad guys so that our family's tragedy will not happen again!"

The two elders were filled with emotion.

Boom, boom, boom.

That's when.

There was a knock on the door.


Father Li stood up.

He felt very strange.

Because no guests have visited their home for a long time.

The door opens.

What he saw was a young woman.

There were still some people standing beside her.

They're all dressed up as agents from the Sheriff's Department!

The young woman is none other than Ouyang Meng.

"Hello, uncle and aunt. My name is Ouyang Meng. I came here today with people from the Public Security Department to clear Li Minghao's name!"

Ouyang Meng seemed very polite.

Before she came, she investigated Li Minghao's family.

I knew that these two old people were Li Minghao's parents.


They looked much more haggard than they looked on the file.

no doubt.

After Li Minghao died, it brought a huge blow to their lives!

The two people who were originally relatively strong became extremely rickety and old.

"At the same time, we have something else we want to talk to you about."

Ouyang Meng added.

she noticed.

After learning his identity.

The second elder's expression changed obviously.

Especially Father Li, his face was full of displeasure.


Their arrival is not welcome!

This is understandable.

after all.

Li Minghao has been slandered as a murderer for so many years!

And the Sheriff's Department failed to clear his name.

Looking at their home, it looked dilapidated.

Except Ouyang Meng.

The other agents also felt guilty.

If they could have solved the case earlier, maybe the family's situation would have been different, right?


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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