I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 39 The Defense Is Broken In One Second, And The Death Notice Arrives!

Inside the KTV.

Zheng Yong and his gang of boys seek excitement in exciting music.

They don't have any psychological burden at all.

Because too many such things have been done.

As a result, they no longer care about this kind of thing.


Among Zheng Yong’s younger brothers.

But there was one person who didn't look very happy.

"Mengzi, what's wrong with you?"

Zheng Yong also came to this person and seemed to ask kindly.

"Brother Qiang, do you think Xu Mingming's mother will come to trouble us?"

The man called Mengzi raised his head and looked at Zheng Yong nervously.

He is Zheng Yong's younger brother.

But a new person.

I haven't been following Zheng Yong for a long time, so I haven't gotten used to some things yet.

When Zheng Yong heard this, he laughed.

The boys next to him also laughed after hearing this.

Zheng Yong said: "You don't think that a lonely middle-aged woman can have any impact on us? Stop joking!"


The younger brother was still a little worried.

"What's there to worry about? Brother Qiang has been completely settled!"

"That's right! It's impossible for that old woman to cause any big waves!"

The younger brother around me no longer cares about this.

As for Zheng Yong, he held the wine glass and said in a weird voice.

"Let me tell you, this old woman's husband and son are dead, so it's pointless for her to be alone in the world. If she could go down and stay with her dead husband and son, it would be great for the family to be reunited!"

After saying that, he laughed heartily again.

"Yes, this will save us a lot of trouble, hahahaha..."

"And Xu Mingming's damn father, how can he be a hero? I think he's just a charlatan!"

"In this case, we should wish that dead ghost's family an early reunion!"

"Yes, I wish their family will reunite soon!"

Their last bit of worry also completely disappeared at this time.

Instead, it was an unparalleled arrogance.


But the fierce man seemed to still have some worries: "Brother Qiang, by the way, have you heard about the death notice?"

"Is that what a bullshit judge?"

After a few glasses of wine, Zheng Yong was already a little tipsy.

But his eyes were full of disdain!


"I heard that the judge is very powerful, we..."

Mengzi was still a little worried.


However, Zheng Yong didn't care at all.

He slammed the table hard and made a dull sound.

In an instant, Mengzi was startled.

And all the younger brothers in the audience also became quiet at this time.

Mengzi was startled, and his voice was a little hesitant: "Brother Qiang, I, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Yong snorted coldly.

"Everyone on the Internet likes to hype this guy up to the sky, saying that there is no evil person in the world that he can't kill! I still don't believe it, can he really kill me?!"

Zheng Yong poured himself another glass of wine.

His kind of person.

He is a complete evil person!

He also knew the circumstances of what he was doing.

He also knows what bad things he has done!

But he doesn't care at all!

He was pampered and raised by his father since he was a child. He would treat anyone or anything he didn't like with the utmost malice!

Whether it's beating up the cleaning aunt, or driving a drunk driver and hitting someone, resulting in two deaths and one being maimed!

Anyway, his father will help him settle these things!

Therefore, Zheng Yong is not afraid of punishment at all.

I don’t believe that the so-called judge can really judge me!

"Yes, who is our Brother Qiang?"

“Our brother Qiang’s father is dominating the Magic City and he’s not afraid of any bullshit judge!”

"Come if he dares, and let's make him suffer the same fate as Xu Mingming!"

The losers also joined in.

Amid everyone's crazy praise, Zheng Yong was even more proud and proud: "Yes, yes, let's continue drinking!"

"Yes, drink and drink!"

A series of sounds followed closely.


at this time.

A gust of wind suddenly appeared.

Several people present could not help but tremble.

"What's going on? Why is there a sudden gust of wind?"

Zheng Yong frowned.

Several other people also looked at each other in confusion.

However, one person was completely shocked.

He opened his mouth wide, showing a look of shock: "Brother Qiang, look..."

This person is none other than Mengzi.

Zheng Yong thought it was Mengzi making a fuss again.

He was about to scold him, but he looked in the direction of Mengzi's finger and found something appearing on the sofa.

That's an envelope!

In an instant, Zheng Yong seemed to have sobered up a little.

he knows.

The so-called death notice comes in the form of an envelope or a text message!

Could it be that……

Zheng Yong instinctively picked up the envelope.

After taking it apart and taking a look, sure enough, it was a death notice!

The five large scarlet characters are extremely dazzling!

In an instant, Zheng Yong was so frightened that he trembled.


He screamed.

Then, he suddenly fell down on the sofa.

When the other boys saw this, they were somewhat surprised: "Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, what's wrong with you?"


They also noticed the death notice in Zheng Yong's hand.

In an instant, the whole place exploded.

"Death notice? It's actually a death notice!"

"This thing is actually real?"

"Brother Qiang, what should we do? What should we do!"

All the boys were in chaos.

They set their sights on Zheng Yong!

After all, Zheng Yong is their eldest brother.

They hope to get life-saving solutions from Zheng Yong!


Even Zheng Yong.

Now he also has a frightened look on his face!

That's right.

Zheng Yong was scared!

Don't look at it, he seemed to be fearless just now.

But when death actually came, he was still very scared!

At this moment, his face turned pale.

Even my hands are trembling!

But in front of all the younger brothers, Zheng Yong still had to show his fearlessness.

He took out his cell phone, and then pretended to be calm and said: "It's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll call my dad, he will definitely have a solution!"

With that said, he walked into the bathroom.

At the same time, he dialed his father Zheng Tao's number.

Toot toot…

At this time, Zheng Tao was also having fun.

But suddenly.

I saw my son calling.

He quickly put down what he was doing and answered the phone: "Hey, Aqiang, why are you calling so late? Are you short of money?"

"No, dad..."

"I-I received a death notice!"

Zheng Yong felt like he was about to burst into tears.

Even though he seemed to be very strong in front of all the younger brothers, when he returned to his father, his psychological defense was instantly broken!

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