I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 43 So What If The Injustice Is Redressed? This Person Has Passed Away And Cannot Return!

Another night.

Ji Lanjuan was walking in the alleyway home pushing a barbecue cart.

The street lights stretched her shadow, adding to the feeling of loneliness.

"Lanjuan, have you heard?"

"The murderer who killed your family Ming Ming is dead! Ming Ming's case was overturned and he was exonerated!"

It’s the same old lady as last time.

She saw Ji Lanjuan's dejected look, so she immediately stepped forward.

Ji Lanjuan was slightly startled when she heard the old lady's words.

Then, he smiled bitterly: "Madam, please stop comforting me. Zheng Tao, Zheng Yong and his son are so powerful, how can they be easily defeated?"

"I am not kidding!"

"This has been all over the local news this afternoon."

"I'm too old to remember. You know how to surf the Internet. You can check it on your mobile phone!"

The old lady looked serious.


Seeing the old lady like this, Ji Lanjuan was a little doubtful.

"Of course it's true, you can watch it on your phone now!"

The old lady replied.

Ji Lanjuan ignored the old lady and pushed the cart back home.

Take out your phone and prepare to check today's news.

Smartphones were something Xu Mingming taught her when she was still alive.

When she clumsily opened the news website, the front page headline that greeted her eyes was the news about the death of Zheng and his son!

"The father and son of the devil's bullies will finally be judged, and the unjust death of the sunshine boy will be brought to justice!"

"The son of a hero was slandered, and now the truth is finally revealed!"

Various news headlines caught her eye.

Click on the news and browse the content.

Tears finally burst out of my eyes uncontrollably!

"Finally, finally the truth is revealed..."

"Guoping, Mingming, have you seen it? The case has finally been brought to light! Mingming, you no longer have to bear the infamy of being a school bully!"

Ji Lanjuan cried with joy.

She knows that there is still justice in this world.

Although this justice comes too late!

But it can make the husband rest in peace and the son can be freed from his grievances.

All of this is worth it!

The next day.

Early in the morning.

There was a knock on the door.

Ji Lanjuan was stunned, as a woman living alone, who would come to visit her?

She got up and went to open the door.

I found a few people standing at the door.

The leader was a dashing young woman.

Behind her, there were some uniformed agents standing.

"Lao Zhang? Xiao Qiu!"

"You, you are..."

There are still a few familiar faces among those detectives.

It was Xu Guoping's former colleague!

"Excuse me, are you Ms. Ji Lanjuan, the wife of the heroic agent Mr. Xu Guoping?"

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Ouyang Meng."

"It's really presumptuous to come to visit suddenly, but we are here to see you. I don't know the way, so I let Lao Zhang and the others lead the way..."

Ouyang Meng introduced himself.

Ji Lanjuan noticed that they were really carrying big and small bags in their hands.

"Ah, come in!"

Ji Lanjuan let them into the house.

Walking into Ji Lanjuan's home again, Lao Zhang and the others had mixed feelings.

I vaguely remember the scene where several of their close colleagues gathered and chatted here before.

Eating Ji Lanjuan’s barbecue and chatting over wine was so lively!


The house is still the same house.

But everything has become dilapidated and vicissitudes of life!

Xiao Qiu asked with concern: "Sister-in-law, how are you doing these days?"

When he was a new agent, it was Xu Guoping who helped him grow up.

For Xiaoqiu, Xu Guoping is both a teacher and a brother.

"What can I do? It's just me, living like this casually..."

Ji Lanjuan smiled sadly.


Live casually.

In the past, Ji Lanjuan was a very capable and clean woman.

Everywhere in the house was kept spotless.

And now?

There were piles of unwashed dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen sink.

There are still some uneaten leftovers in the pot.

Ouyang Meng took a look and found that they were just simple vegetarian dishes.

In the past, although their life was not rich, they were still a peaceful and happy family.

But now...

The death of her husband and son was a huge blow to Ji Lanjuan!

In such a home full of vicissitudes, dilapidation, and depression, the certificates and meritorious achievements hanging on the wall of the main room have become a great irony!

Xu Guoping is a heroic agent!

In addition to the title of hero he was awarded at the time of his final sacrifice, he also received many awards for his military exploits while he was still alive.

His medals and achievements are everywhere on the wall!

It is worth noting.

No matter how dilapidated the home is, those achievements are always spotless.

That's Ji Lanjuan cleaning up every day!

I don’t want these honors belonging to my husband to be tarnished!

Perhaps, this is the only thought between her and her husband.

She did not let her husband's honor be tarnished.

But they, the Sheriff's Department.

But it brought dust to the hero’s family!

Watching this scene, Ouyang Meng was filled with emotions.

She was also happy to know that Zhao and his son were finally punished.

But Si was gone and everything came too late.

Fortunately, Ji Lanjuan's mood was considered stable.

It's not as extreme as Li Minghao's parents.

at last.

Ouyang Meng left some more money.

And let Lao Zhang and Xiao Qiu come and see Ji Lanjuan more!

Inside the villa.

Jiang Chen was still sitting on the sofa.

He always looked so calm.

But the death of the Zhao father and son and their minions also sounded the alarm for Jiang Chen!

This made Jiang Chen feel a little uneasy.

"Master, what do you think?"

Jiang Chen looked at Monk Fa Yuan sitting opposite him.

On TV, the case about Zhao and his son was being broadcast.


Fa Yuan long chanted the Buddha's name.

At the same time, he nodded slightly and said: "According to what the poor monk saw, this so-called judge is determined to belong to ghosts and gods!"

"There are many opinions on the Internet. Some say he is a supernatural ghost and god; some say he is a hero with superpowers; others say he is a highly skilled and highly intelligent criminal!"

"Master, can you conclude that he is a ghost based on video data alone?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"That's right!"

"Even from the video alone, it can be seen that there is a strong negative energy at the murder scene!"

"It can be seen from this that this judge must be extraordinary!"

Monk Fa Yuan said firmly.


Jiang Chen couldn't help but take a breath.

This monk is really good, you can see the strength of Yin Qi!

It seems that I have found the right person!

Thinking of this, he continued to ask: "In that case, according to Master's opinion, is there any way to deal with him?"


"Mr. Jiang can go to Guyun Temple."

"Under my Buddha's eyes, such evil spirits will not dare to act rashly!"

Fa Yuan replied.

Guyun Temple is the temple presided over by monk Fa Yuan.

"That's great! I'll ask my assistant to donate 1 million to your temple later!"

Jiang Chen was so happy.

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