I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 47 Information Bombing, Forcing You To A Dead End!

"Smelly cousin, you still owe money, right? If you don't pay back the money, I will blow up your address book!"

"Come and see, this is your beautiful photo! Later I will post your photo in your school and make you famous in your school!"

Countless information, like a barrage of information.

Bombarding her phone from morning to night.

Sometimes, there are still phone calls.

On those calls.

Liu Yue could hear a familiar voice.

It’s Yu Bin!

Yu Bin tried his best to humiliate her!

He is totally different from before!

How good he was before, how evil he is now!

Those vicious words penetrated deeply into her soul.

She just felt like her heart was bleeding!

Taking one last look at the phone, Liu Yue slowly closed her eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

She jumped down and fell into the rolling river.

when she was discovered.

The corpse was already swollen and deformed!

After forensic identification, family members were notified to come and identify the body.

The family members who came from other places felt as if the sky had fallen when they saw their unrecognizable daughter.

Her mother even went to the hospital crying!

This is their only daughter!

As ordinary workers, their families are not rich to begin with.

He worked hard to support his daughter in college, hoping that she could change her life and future.

In the end, it ended up like this!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen slowly opened his eyes.

This fraud gang has committed many crimes.

They commit crimes on the run, making investigation extremely difficult.

If they continue to roam around in society, they will definitely cause more tragedies!

Think of this.

A death notice was sent out!


Zou Lingchen and Yu Bin were enjoying themselves.


Glasses clinking.

Immediately afterwards, they drank the wine in one gulp.

Looking at the remaining wine in the glass, Yu Bin sighed: "Speaking of which, that Liu Yue was indeed beautiful. It's such a pity that she died like this!"

Zou Lingchen looked at him with a half-smile.

"What? Do you have a crush on him?"

"I remember that you, kid, have been among thousands of flowers, and not a single leaf has touched you!"

There was a hint of ridicule in Zou Lingchen's words.

"Are you kidding? I think it's a pity that she is so good-looking, but she doesn't bring us the profits we deserve!"

Yu Bin snorted.

"This is true! Who would have thought that she would jump into the river and commit suicide? Otherwise, she would definitely bring us more benefits!"

Zou Lingchen agreed with his words.

However, they feel sad about such things.

But he doesn't take it to heart.

Because in their opinion, the death of a Liu Yue is just like the death of a dog!

The worst thing is to look for the next prey!

"Look, these were taken near the university recently. What do you think of these?"

at this time.

Zou Lingchen took out his cell phone.

In the photo album of his mobile phone, there are some more selected prey.

After taking the phone, Yu Bin quickly noticed someone.

That is a young and beautiful female student.

He was dressed very simply, and at first glance he looked like he was from an ordinary family.

"It's her!"

Yu Bin made a choice.

"Brother, you have great taste! I also think this one is the most beautiful!"

Zou Lingchen laughed.

"The more beautiful you are, the more benefits it can bring to us, hahahaha!"

Yu Bin also laughed.

"In this case, I wish us success!"


The two laughed heartily.

It seems like there is a bright future waiting for them!

However, at this moment.

A text message was sent on the phone.

Zou Lingchen prepared to row away.

But five shocking big characters came into his eyes.

Death notice!

For a moment.

It made him feel like he was getting an electric shock!

I almost threw my phone away!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Zou Lingchen's abnormality, Yu Bin also looked at him curiously and asked.

"Die, I received a death notice!"

Zou Lingchen was even a little incoherent.

Yu Bin couldn't believe it.

But when he took Zou Lingchen's phone and looked at it, he found that it was really like this!

A text message.


It is the death notice that has been uploaded on the Internet!

The notice stated that Zou Lingchen would die tomorrow night.

And Yu Bin is the day after tomorrow!

Instantly, a chill surged through Yu Bin's body.

The bustling nightclub seems to have become extremely eerie!

"How, how could this happen?"

"what should we do!"

"what do I do!"

Compared to Zou Lingchen, Yu Bin looked more frightened.

Because compared to killing him directly, this kind of early death sentence makes people more frightened!


In a factory.


An old, middle-aged man was waiting in line for food.

He is Liu Yue's father, Liu Junhui.

After finishing his meal dully, he sat in a corner of the cafeteria and began to eat.

"Isn't that Lao Liu? What's wrong with him!"

"Yes! Come on, let's take a look!"

Two workers passing by saw him and thought something was wrong with Liu Junhui?

Sit down opposite him.

Then, he asked very curiously: "What's wrong, Lao Liu, look at your unhappy face..."

However, Liu Junhui did not answer them.

It's like treating them like air.

Just when the two men were about to continue questioning, they saw another worker walking over.

He winked at them and told them to leave quickly.

The two men followed wisely.

Then, he asked one of them: "What's wrong with Lao Liu?"

"Not his daughter yet!"

"Hey... you said, why did you commit suicide by jumping into the river after working so hard to support your daughter in college? Since then, Lao Liu has never thought about food or drink. He is like a walking zombie, he has lost a lot of weight! "

the man replied.

When the two workers heard this, they were slightly startled.

He looked back at Liu Junhui and said nothing more.

In my heart, I couldn't help but sigh.


How could such a good person end up on this path of no return?

This is a lingering shadow lingering in the hearts of Liu Junhui and Kong Li.

Outsiders don't know the reason.

But Liu Junhui knew why his daughter committed suicide.


The Sheriff's Department found an online loan APP on her phone.

There are also hundreds of insulting text messages and phone calls.

And, through her classmates and roommates.

I also learned that her consumption has changed in a short period of time!

From being diligent and frugal, he has become a lavish spender!

According to various clues.

The Sheriff's Department made a judgment and came to a conclusion.

It was precisely because Liu Yue was addicted to high consumption and excessive consumption that she fell into the whirlpool of online loans.

The situation is getting deeper and deeper, and the money is still not paid.

Only then did he lose his mind and go to a dead end!

And her boyfriend has a very strong suspicion!

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