I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 52 Yu Bin Died Tragically! (First Update On The Shelves, Please Be The First To Order)

"Please, please spare me.

"I know it was wrong, I know it was wrong. I can contribute all my money to the victims as compensation!"

Yu Bin was really scared to the extreme.

In order to survive, he now dares to make any demands!

But Zhou Chen, who was opposite him, had no intention of paying attention to Yu Bin.

"If you can wash away your sins by spending money, then how can there be justice in this world? You are so ridiculous!"

Zhou Chen's voice was still cold and emotionless.


He stood in front of Yu Bin.

And this moment.

The soul seduction chain comes out smoothly!

In just an instant, his soul was pulled out of his body!

Yu Bin only felt his body light up.

next moment.

He had already arrived in a very mysterious illusory space.

The temperature here is extremely high!

It's like a stove!

But for Yu Bin, this is not the most terrifying thing.

The scariest thing is.

He saw a huge copper pillar standing not far from him!

And on top of that copper pillar, there was a district tied up.

Look closely.

It is the dead Zou Lingchen! 16

At this time, Zou Lingchen let out a series of screams.

His body, on the red-hot copper pillar, kept turning into coke and then recovering again.

So, the cycle goes back and forth!

Seeing this scene, Yu Bin was dumbfounded.

Isn't Zou Lingchen dead?

Why did he appear here again!

Looking at the scene here, Yu Bin suddenly had a feeling in his heart.


Is this the legendary hell?

Could it be that he is already dead and is now in hell, undergoing punishment?

Once such an idea emerges.

In an instant, waves of fear arose spontaneously!

"Do I want to be tied to a copper pillar and tortured like him? No, I don't want it!"

Yu Bin's mentality was about to collapse.

Of course he didn't want that to happen to him.

But next.

A faint voice sounded.

"Some things are not up to you whether you want to or not. You have committed such a serious crime and you deserve to be sentenced here!"

It was Zhou Chen who showed up!

"No, I don't want it!"

"I won't die, I can't die!"

"Yes, this must be an illusion, it must be an illusion you cast on me!"

Yu Bin's eyes widened.

He covered his head with both hands and shook it vigorously.

Obviously, he didn't want to believe it.


However, Zhou Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

Zhou Chen waved his hand lightly.

Yu Bin was controlled by a force and tied directly to the copper pillar.

Instantly, a heartbreaking pain came!

How could Yu Bin bear this?

He let out a heartbreaking scream!

The burning heat of the copper pillar penetrated deeply into Yu Bin's body and was imprinted on his soul!

"Help, help!"

Yu Bin tried to struggle, but it was of no use.

His soul will pay for his sins in such eternal burning!


The sky is bright.

"What's going on here?"

"Why did we suddenly fall asleep?"

The guards woke up slowly, knowing nothing about what happened last night.

"not good!"

They soon realized something.

The cell where Yu Bin was held was opened.

Yu Bin was found to have died tragically!

His body turned into a lump of charcoal.

And his mouth was wide open, which was very painful!

Yu Bin is dead!

Yu Bin is actually dead!

How can this be?

Did the judge knock out all the guards in the prison last night?

The guards couldn't believe it.

They hurried to the monitoring room.

Fortunately, the monitoring was not lost!

During the surveillance, the guards saw what happened last night.

But the pictures shown in the surveillance are so creepy and weird!


When the time is about to come.

These guards fainted for no reason!

No outsiders have sneaked in, and there is no poisonous gas or smoke filling the prison.

Moreover, if there is really poisonous gas or something like that.

Why are all the prisoners in prison okay?

It happened that only the guard fell asleep?


I also saw a strange monk outside the prison!

After the monk gestured in the air for a while, he died inexplicably outside the prison!

But Yu Bin was even worse.

He knelt on the ground first, as if begging for mercy from the air.

Then, he banged his head against the wall again.

His head was bruised and bloody.

In the end, his whole body spontaneously combusted and he burned himself into a piece of black coal!


This is too terrible!

Even though the guards are well-informed, they have never seen such a scene!

Is this the power of a judge?

Still human?

They couldn't believe it!

In their opinion, the power of this judge is as powerful as a ghost!

Everyone gasped.

There was even a chill in my heart!

the other side.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

He accomplished the job!

"Congratulations to the host for killing Zou Lingchen and Yu Bin and completing the mission!"

"Get 30,000 merit points!"

"Congratulations to the host, for completing five missions and successfully activating the Judge Zhongkui template!"

The system's beeps rang one after another.

Zhou Chen was quite satisfied.

Unlocking the Zhong Kui template made him feel that his strength had greatly increased!

Things are no longer what they used to be!


Even without the help of the soul command, he can still kill the monk Fa Yuan!

With thirty thousand merit points, you have to think carefully about how to use it.

Zhou Chen thought for a moment.

I first used 10,000 merit points to exchange for a 100-day life span!


I can live for a while again!

Then, 330 days later, he exchanged 5,000 merit points for cash.

You can’t live without money!

Zhou Chen used all the remaining 15,000 merit points to draw a lottery!

Silver turntable!

start up!

Zhou Chen held his breath.

Quietly waiting for the lottery results!


With a flash of light, a second-level soul pill appeared.

Next, the second time.

Another second-level soul pill!

"It can't be the soul pill for the third time, right? You have to give me something good!"

Zhou Chen thought to himself.


There was a flash of light.

Soon, a figure appeared!

This is an old lady with a slightly stooped figure!

Wearing ancient costume, holding a long crutch in his right hand.

The left hand is holding a bowl.

Beside her, there is a large vat.

There is steaming soup in the big vat.

Po Meng!

Another template!


Zhou Chen was very satisfied.

Now, I have five templates: Impermanence, Niu Tou, Ma Mian, Meng Po and Zhong Kui.

And after he transforms into a judge, he can control the other four templates and make them assist in the battle for his own use!

Zhou Chen was very satisfied.

he knows.

That monk Fa Yuan would definitely not deal with him without reason.

behind his back.

There must be a master messenger!

Now that his own strength has become stronger.

Then, it’s time to find the mastermind behind the scenes to settle the matter!

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