I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 59: Friends And Friends, They Fly Away When Disaster Strikes! (Eight Updates, Please Be The

"Come on, let's keep drinking.

Inside the club.

Hu Feifan and the others continued to have a good time and drink.

But suddenly.

Hu Feifan noticed that there was an extra text message on his phone.

He could have clicked on it.

Found that it was actually a death notice!

Five shocking characters made him sober in an instant!

His expression changed.

The content of the death notice is exactly the same as what is said on the Internet!

It’s a judgment on yourself!

At this moment, the wine glass in Hu Feifan's hand instinctively fell to the ground.


The wine glass shattered.

This sudden move shocked everyone present.

Everyone looked at Hu Feifan.

I found that Hu Feifan's face was pale, and even his whole body began to tremble gradually.

"Hu Feifan, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Mr. Wang trembled slightly.


"I received a death notice!"

Hu Feifan's voice was trembling, and he was almost crying.

The matter of the death notice is now well known to everyone.

Especially some 903 people who have done many evil things, they are really paying attention silently.

Hu Feifan is one of them!

Even though he usually seemed very arrogant, when the death notice came to him, he felt an unprecedented fear in his heart!

As he spoke, he handed his cell phone to everyone.

After taking a look, the whole audience started talking.

They had also heard about the death notice.

It's just that no one thought that a death notice would come to an acquaintance!

"Hey, Feifan, what are you so afraid of!"

"If you ask me, this must be someone joking with you!"

Someone who was also a little fresh meat said with relief.

In addition to the CEOs of major entertainment companies, there were also some artists from the same companies present.

Many of them expressed indifference to this.

"That's right! Are you kidding us? You're doing misery here with us, why did the judge on the Internet find you?"

"I wonder if there will be a kind of misfortune behavior in the future, which is to use the fact that one is targeted by the judge to create hype!"

"Judges and teachers, I have been targeted by the judges. I will die tomorrow. Can you let me advance to realize my dream?!"

As soon as the little fresh meat finished speaking, some people also started joking.

As soon as these words came out, many people started laughing.

The atmosphere in the field became more lively.

But seeing everyone like this, Hu Feifan always had a sad look on his face.

"Look, my death notice is exactly the same as what is said on the Internet. If you don't believe it, you can take a look!"

As Hu Feifan spoke, he handed the phone to everyone again.

At this moment.

Everyone also fell silent.

They looked at the text message carefully and found that it was exactly the same format as the death notice circulating on the Internet!

Not only that.

Dial this number back and it will be empty!

Everyone was quiet.

Everyone looked at each other for a while.

Could it be said that this death notice is true?

Birds of a feather flock together.

Those who hang out with Hu Feifan are not good people!

They also know that now the judges will not only punish the people on the notice!

Many people who are close to the people on the notice will also be affected.

Don't look at the fact that they were still making fun of the judge just now.

But in their hearts, everyone is still scared to death!

They don’t want to be affected by Hu Feifan!

"What do you think I should do?"

"We are all such good friends. You can't just watch me being killed by the judge!"

Hu Feifan looked at everyone with a sad face.

He was really scared to death.

At this time, I can’t wait to seize every life-saving opportunity!

But he just finished speaking.

I saw a little fresh meat getting up.

Without saying a word, the man hurriedly ran out: "Well, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

Next, several more people came one after another (bgdb).

Some even say hello, and some don’t even say hello!

As if he was afraid that if he took one step too late, he would be affected by Hu Feifan!

"Don't go, please don't go!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the room, Hu Feifan became anxious.

He quickly stood up and was about to face someone.

But the man dodged and slipped away from under Hu Feifan's nose.

As for Hu Feifan, he made a mistake.

He almost fell to the ground.

"Old Mo, Old Mo, you can't just die without saving me!"

"You are my best buddy, you must help me!"

Hu Feifan looked at another person.

This is his best friend in the industry, named Mo Yuchen, who is also a young talent in the same company as him.

As he spoke, he grabbed the man's clothes.

But when Mo Yuchen saw Hu Feifan rushing towards him, it was like seeing the god of plague.

Desperate to escape!

"Go away, don't come here!"

Mo Yuchen waved his hands repeatedly.

However, he couldn't help it at all.

Hu Feifan grabbed his clothes and held his arm tightly, not wanting him to leave at all!

"Old Mo, I know you must have a way!"

"Even if there is no other way, just help me find a way! I don't want to die!"

Hu Feifan was so frightened that he burst into tears.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Mo Yuchen was also anxious.

He flew up and kicked Hu Feifan in the stomach.


Hu Feifan stood unsteadily.

Fell on the table.

All those cups and saucers were smashed to pieces!

The drinks in the glasses and the food on the table were scattered all over the floor.

At the same time, Hu Feifan's bright clothes were also dirty!

"Feifan, don't blame me!"

"Everyone who is given a death notice will die, and I don't want to die!"

Mo Yuchen looked at him and said.

At the same time, he turned around and left.

Is this what you call a friend?

Even though he seems to be polite to me on weekdays.

But at the critical moment, he ran faster than anyone else!

Hu Feifan's heart.

A burst of unwarranted anger!

Seeing more and more people leaving, Hu Feifan simply said with a sudden heart: "Let's go, why don't you leave! Anyway, if I die, you won't be able to live!"

"We are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and I also have your handle in my hand!"

"You go away, I will tell you all these facts! I will let you be killed by the judge, and we will all go to hell together!"

Hu Feifan picked up a wine bottle and smashed it on the ground.


Shattered instantly!

Those who were still preparing to flee suddenly stopped.

At this time, they all looked at Hu Feifan in horror.

Especially Mo Yuchen, who was holding his neck and shouting: "Hu Feifan, are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm just crazy!"

"Even if I die, I will drag you all to hell too!"

Hu Feifan was so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened. .

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