I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 6 A Sensation On The Entire Internet! The Case Is Deadlocked


People from the Sheriff's Department arrived.

Because the crime occurred at Zhao Xinrong’s home.

Therefore, the director of the Public Security Department personally came to investigate!

Even the investigators with rich experience in handling cases couldn't help but take a breath when they saw this scene in front of them.

More than a dozen corpses.

He fell to the ground in a mess.

Even though it was only three or four stories high, they still suffered brain splits and bloody heads after falling!

The solid marble floor at the entrance of the villa is covered with red and white things!

in the air.

The smell of blood is spreading!

Some young investigators couldn't help but ran to the side and vomited!


The Sheriff's Department set up a cordon.

Numerous investigators investigated.

They first found the girl who called the police.

At this time, she was still huddled in the room on the second floor.

It wasn't until the investigators took her out of the room that her panic calmed down a little.

From the girl's mouth, the investigators learned the incredible story.


They didn't quite believe it.

But there is surveillance in the villa, and the death process of these people can be seen clearly.

Just like what the girl said!

Especially the scene where everyone lines up to go to the rooftop and jump off the building.

It deeply shocked the investigators’ outlook!

This way of death is so weird!

Originally, the girl was still the first suspect.

But judging from the surveillance, the girl was obviously frightened at the time.

No matter how you look at it, these people look like they are committing suicide...

"It seems that they committed suicide!"

The director frowned.

We can only draw this conclusion.

Although, even this conclusion is not very convincing.


"Absolutely impossible!"

Just then, a voice sounded.

Everyone looked around and saw a slightly wealthy middle-aged man running over from a distance.

After the people from the Sheriff's Department notified him.

Zhao Xinrong, who was at the entertainment club, quickly put down what he was doing.

Came over as quickly as possible!

He couldn't believe that his son would commit suicide by jumping off a building.

But when he saw the dozens of corpses covered with white cloth, he felt dizzy and almost fainted to the ground.

The bodyguard beside him immediately supported him.

After a long time.

Zhao Xinrong finally came to his senses.

"Mr. Zhao, please be patient."

"According to the situation at the scene, Mr. Ling indeed committed suicide!"

The director said earnestly.

"Suicide? It's impossible! Let me ask you, what reason does my son have to commit suicide? Why did he commit suicide!"

Zhao Xinrong's eyes were red.

He glared at the director, his tone full of endless anger.


The director was speechless for a moment.


People like Zhao Yongliang are definitely playboys.

There is no way he could have committed suicide!

Moreover, this case is weird from the inside out!

The director didn't know how to answer.

"You must catch the murderer and avenge my son!"

Zhao Xinrong's face was almost distorted.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao, please don't worry."

"Regarding this case, we will set up a special investigation team to investigate!"

"Don't be too impatient. It's not good for your health if you're anxious!"

The Director said with relief.

Early the next morning.

The case made the news.

Front page headlines!

In an instant, it caused a heated discussion among netizens!

"Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil! I know this Zhao Yongliang, he is a playboy who has done many evil things. It seems that this is his retribution!"

"Deserve it! All the bad guys in the world should die like Zhao Yongliang!"

"Yes, please kill yourself if you see this news. Thank you!"

"I think it's the female ghost in red who is seeking her life! Their deaths are so weird, how could they be suicides?!"

"That's right! He defiled the girl and caused the girl to commit suicide!"

"It's fine now, people are here to seek revenge! Die well!"

Various comments flood countless online platforms.

But without exception.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded!

at the same time.

A remote old rural house.

Li Qian's father was offering incense in front of her portrait.

The daughter is dead, the wife is dead.

He didn't want to stay in that sad place anymore.


I returned to my hometown in the countryside.

The news of Zhao Yongliang's suicide was being broadcast on the old TV in the living room.

"Xiao Qian, are you back?"

"I heard from your cousin that many people on the Internet said that you came back to seek revenge on that scumbag!"

"It would be great if that were the case..."

"Please come back and visit your parents. Dad misses you so much..."

Looking at his daughter's smiling face on the portrait, Li's father burst into tears and could no longer hold back his tears.

He watched the reports on TV and felt happy in his heart.

It doesn’t matter if he is an innocent soul seeking his life!

No matter if he committed suicide or not!

Zhao Yongliang deserves to die!

Have a good death!

In the Sheriff's Department.

Zhao Xinlong has a strong background and puts a lot of pressure on him.

As a result, all investigators had to work overtime to devote themselves to this case.

In the conference room.

The most elite investigators in the city are gathered here.

The director's eyes swept over them one by one.

Then, he said: "Everyone, I think our focus now is to find out why Zhao Yongliang committed suicide!"

The investigators nodded.

This is the biggest doubt in this case!

"Looking at the surveillance video, Zhao Yongliang seems to have been greatly frightened!"

"I wonder, could it be some kind of hallucinogenic drug?"

At this time, a senior detective spoke.

Song Chen.

One of the most experienced detectives in the city.

"Well, it's possible."

The director affirmed: "Even though Zhao Yongliang is still underage, he is involved in everything!"

"He has a history of taking drugs. Judging from his behavior, it is indeed possible that he is having a hallucination!"

There have been similar cases in the past.

"However, this creates another problem."

"Who on earth drugged him!"

The director changed the subject again.

Anyway, it can't be that girl.

From the moment he was hooked up in the club and he was drugged, they have investigated all the surveillance along the way.

The girl was the victim of Zhao Yongliang's desire.

Ordinary, the suspicion has been eliminated!

"Maybe this is a high-intelligence crime!"

"Someone drugged Zhao Yongliang and others outside of surveillance, causing them to hallucinate and commit suicide!"

Song Chen put forward another idea.

The detectives present nodded in agreement.

As expected of the most senior agent, he really dares to think!



Another person said: "But no drug ingredients were detected in Zhao Yongliang's body!"


The director frowned.

"Our testing department also thought of this and conducted an autopsy as soon as possible."

"I found that Zhao Yongliang only drank a small amount of beer today, so there is no possibility of drug hallucination!"

"According to our investigation, Zhao Yongliang has a good drinking capacity. A small amount of beer will not make him drunk!"

The man said again.

As soon as these words were spoken, the case reached a deadlock again.

No one can explain this weird jumping case...


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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