I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 62 The Judge Is Here, How Dare A Kid Do Something Wrong? !

The little ghosts let out bursts of weird laughter and crawled towards Zhou Chen with their teeth and claws bared.

They are not fast though.

But there are a lot of them!

As his bell shook, hundreds of little ghosts appeared!

On the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling!


It looks dense!

It makes the situation in this room look like it has become a hell!

"This is a magic weapon left by my master, called the Soul-Calling Bell. With this magic weapon, I can control countless little ghosts for my use!"

"I don't believe it, so many brats can't deal with one judge!"

Musang's words were sharp.

There was also a fierce edge in his eyes.

All the little devils he raised were babies who died young!

These babies have already left this world before they have seen the world.

Therefore, they all have great resentment!

After so many years of accumulation, Master Jiangtou and his apprentice have raised more than a hundred little devils!

Helping them do all kinds of shameful things.

Countless benefits have been obtained!

At this time, these little ghosts appeared.

Even the 16 Yin Qi in the house has become much stronger!

Musang believes that those who are severely sentenced will definitely die!

Hu Feifan, who was still fearful before, saw this scene and his worries were all gone.

In his eyes.

These little ghosts originally looked ferocious and terrifying.

At this time, they all became their own protectors!

It is the patron saint who protects himself from being killed by the judge!

"Hahaha, judge!"

"Aren't you a bully? Now let's see what else you can do!"

Hu Feifan laughed arrogantly.

"That's right! Do you want to seek justice? As long as I'm here, you can't touch him!"

"Not only that, you are going to die here today!"

Musang also echoed.

"Fried fans and sleeping powder, bullying others online, hitting people with cars..."

"Hu Feifan, you have committed a heinous crime! Now that you are dying without regrets, you will eventually perish forever!"

A faint voice came from Wu Chang's mouth.

It was as if he was condemning his sin!

But Hu Feifan is now in full swing!

With this formation and the blessing of countless little ghosts.

Of course he didn't think he could die in front of the judge!


After hearing this.

Hu Feifan spat hard and sneered.

"Hahahaha! Yes, I did all the things you mentioned. I admit it, but so what?"

"What can you do to me!"

"That Yin Xiaodie deserves to die!"

"I sleep with her because I think highly of her! Otherwise, how can a poor man from the mountains have the right to stand with me?"

"And that old woman, she deserves to die even more!"

"I have a car worth millions. Not only was it damaged by her, but the dirty, foul-smelling blood was splattered all over the car, and there was no way to clean it up!"

"Such a lowly and low-class person, it would be a good thing if I didn't dig up her grave!"

Hu Feifan's eyes were about to burst.

He unscrupulously slandered the victims who died tragically at his hands.

His words revealed unparalleled arrogance!

Such a devil!

There is no repentance at all!

That being the case.

Zhou Chen doesn’t intend to be polite to him!

"Kid, obey the order and kill!"

at the same time.

Musang gave the order.

Immediately afterwards, the soul-calling bell in his hand rang even more intensely.


As the bell rang, those brats obviously got the order!

It made a series of strange screams and swooped towards Zhou Chen like locusts!

"How can a mere brat make a mistake?"

"The judge is here, the only way for you is to die!"

Seeing the kid coming towards his face, Zhou Chen didn't show any emotion at all.

A majestic and majestic voice sounded.

The next moment, a huge figure appeared!

Sitting upright in front of everyone, he is full of supreme courage.

He is just like the judge who punishes evildoers.

Zhong Kui!

The judge showed up without any action.

An unparalleled coercion spread to the entire audience!

Those brats who looked menacing a second ago were all as quiet as chickens at this moment!

Without him!

For any ghostly creature.

The judge has an absolutely crushing aura!

What's more, these are the little devils who do all kinds of evil!

"Kill, kill for me!"

Musang gave the order again.

The next second, Zhong Kui got a certificate.

The evil mirror appears!

A dazzling white light shot out from the evil mirror.

The supreme, the strongest among the strongest!

one strike!

All ghosts will be wiped out!

Countless screams echoed!

Wherever the white light goes, no kid can resist it!

Those little devils rushed back with their Yin Qi and exploded to death in an instant!

And all this only takes a few seconds!

After all the imps were wiped out, the sunlight didn't stop at all.

With an overwhelming offensive, he rushed forward and shot at the formation in front of Musang!


There was another loud noise.

The formation is broken!

That seemingly powerful formation seemed like paper in front of the judge's power!


Musang was shocked.

But he didn't have time to react.

The powerful force directly penetrated his body!


A large amount of blood spurted from his mouth.

The next second, everyone was wiped out by this offensive!


Hu Feifan was stunned.

This, this is too terrible!

A master that I finally found died like this?

He couldn't even take a single blow from the Judge!

"Hu Feifan, be punished quickly!"

Next, a majestic voice sounded.

In an instant, the ordinary thoughts were brought back to reality.

Hu Feifan followed the sound.

But he saw that Wu Chang and the bull-headed and horse-faced beasts were already rushing towards him!

There is no more formation protection and no more protection from Musang.

Hu Feifan is a lamb to be slaughtered097!

What greeted him next was the most terrifying punishment!

"Hu Feifan, accept your fate!"

Pierced with a bull-headed steel fork, decapitated with a horse-faced sword!

next moment.

The soul-catching chain of impermanence locks the soul out!

Done in one go!

Hu Feifan only felt that his soul was shaken, and he had been taken into a dark, deep and terrifying world by Wu Hua Da Da!

This world is desolate.

In the distance, there are several huge copper pillars standing!

Under the copper pillar is a scalding heat wave, and on the copper pillar are two sinful souls bound!

They are being tortured by fire all the time!

The shrill screams resounded throughout the audience.

It's a pity that no one can save them!

What is this place?

Is this an endless hell?

Hu Feifan couldn't help but think too much. He was kicked into the water from behind.

Hu Feifan opened his mouth, and countless liquids poured into his mouth.

He just felt a greasy feeling going straight to the sky!

After finally emerging from the water, I found that I had been thrown into a large oil pan!

This is………………

Pan hell!

A noun emerges!

Those who sell silver, thieves and robbers, bully the good and the weak, abduct women and children, falsely accuse and slander others...

After death, you will be tortured in the oil pan hell!

Are you going to be fried?

"No, don't!"

Hu Feifan also screamed for help.

Unfortunately, what greeted him was the gradually rising oil temperature!

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