I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 64 The Scolding War Escalates! The Fan Leader Appears!


Hu Feifan's body was found dead at home!

His whole body seemed to have been deep-fried, with his skin and flesh turned out and blood all over the floor!

Even the detective who knew the methods of the judge couldn't help but vomited all over the floor after seeing this!


The circumstances of this case were still posted online.

There is no doubt that many people online expressed support for the judge’s actions!

"A scum like Hu Feifei should be cut into pieces. Well done to the judge!"

"Yes! Regardless of whether he has fans or not, the girl died because of him, and he should pay the price for it!"

"In fact, I think what that girl said is probably true. However, the power of capital is terrible, and the ability of Internet trolls to confuse right and wrong is too strong!"

"That's right! Internet violence can also send a living person to a dead end!"

"I call for a boycott of online violence! Let this tragedy never happen again!"

Netizens who support the judge.

In addition to supporting the judges' actions in punishing sinners, many of them are motivated by disgust for the little fresh meat!

After all, Xiaoxianrou and his fans are so crazy!

Various types of cyber violence and mercenary trolls emerge in endlessly!

In this situation.

Everyone has been grudges for a long time!

So, seeing Hu Feifan being sanctioned.

Everyone clapped and applauded!

However, there are naturally those who support and those who oppose it.

Especially Hu 987’s extraordinary fans, they have already exploded!

"The judge is the devil, the devil!"

"Why did this madman kill our brother? Our brother is so innocent. He obviously didn't do anything. Why did he have to suffer such a bad fate!"

"Brother Fan practices singing and dancing 28 hours a day. He works so hard! Give it back to our brother!"

"Unfortunately, I thought the judge was a righteous hero before, but now it seems that he is just a murderous demon!"

Hu Feifan's fans instantly took over all major online platforms.

They kept reading related topics.

Even, once again use the power of the navy!

I think the judge must be punished!

Let the evil murderer be brought to justice!

Such behavior undoubtedly severely squeezes public resources!

As a result, the majority of netizens' rights and interests in surfing the Internet have been damaged, and they are unable to surf the Internet normally.

Without any choice.

The majority of netizens can only join in the scolding war with idiot fans!

"Why are you complaining about your brother? Let me tell you, your brother is not a good person at all!"

"That's right! Maybe all the things people exposed before are true!"

"You are talking nonsense and slandering our brother! Our brother (bgei) is such a pure and kind person, but he is just the stinky cousin trying to gain popularity!"

"If the matter is false, why didn't the judge look for someone else but your brother specifically?"

"That's right! There are so many young people in the world, why was your brother the only one killed by the judge!"

Faced with the offensive of idiotic fans, the majority of netizens did not fall behind at all.

Although the crazy fans usually seem aggressive, most of them are actually just trolls.

Moreover, the majority of netizens usually do not unite.

Most of them are doing their own thing!

After all, who has nothing to do online just to scold others?

But it’s different now!

Hu Feifan's idiot fans have affected normal people's online experience, which is definitely intolerable!

Therefore, netizens unite.

Let’s fight against the idiot fans together!

In this case, the situation has reversed.

Moreover, netizens have very clear thinking and logic, and they have an advantage in front of the idiot fans who are indoctrinated with brainwashing kits all day long!

For a moment, the idiot fans were unable to refute!


"The judge must be our brother's fan! Yes, he must be sent by the enemy to assassinate our brother!"

at last.

Those idiot fans can only find such a reason!

"Hahaha, idiot fans are idiot fans! What kind of bullshit reason is this? It's so funny!"

"You fandom idiots, can you think outside of this funny thinking? Are you thinking that everyone in the world is trying to harm your brother?"

“What a laugh!”

Such remarks are flooding every online platform.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen took out his mobile phone.

He is also paying attention to what is said online!

Looking at these idiotic fans, Zhou Chen just smiled coldly.

A kind word can warm you for three winters, but a bad word can hurt you for six months!

Under Hu Feifan's long-term brainwashing, many of these young and brain-dead fans have become incapable of distinguishing right from wrong!

Their thoughts are extremely twisted!

Needs to be corrected!

Zhou Chen noticed that a few of these idiot fans danced very fiercely!

One of the IDs looks familiar.

It's called "Guyun"!

This person is Yin Xiaodie’s best friend!

The person who originally betrayed Yin Xiaodie’s photos!

With the release of Yin Xiaodie's photos, Gu Yun became a role model in the hearts of many fans!

In their opinion.

Guyun's exposure of Yin Xiaodie's photos is a righteous act to protect his brother!

Therefore, her status among fans has skyrocketed.

Although her own family background is similar to that of Yin Xiaodie, her rise in status has also brought her a lot of benefits.

Her learning ability is very strong!

After getting in touch with the core of the fan circle, he quickly became one of the leaders in the fan circle.

He also has dealings with Hu Feifan's agency.

It specializes in collecting money from fans so that they can buy low-quality and high-priced peripherals.

Then, they, the fans, profit from it!

In a short period of time, it has brought her tens of thousands of dollars in income!


She tasted the sweetness.

Nature is becoming more and more extreme!

At this moment, he is shamelessly humiliating netizens on the Internet!

She also used her traditional skills.

Take out the real photos of netizens who are online with you, and then encourage the trolls and fans below to carry out pornographic violence against the netizens!

The war continues to spread!

It seems out of control!

"You have an unshirkable responsibility for Yin Xiaodie's death!"

"You have indirectly killed one person, don't you want to kill a second person?"

Zhou Chen had a thought in his mind.

I selected a group of fans, including this Gu Yun, and sent them "care"!

The night is already deep.

Guyun closed the computer.

She stood up and took a long stretch!

I spent a day online with a netizen today, but she was exhausted.

"Take a bath and go to bed! Continue tomorrow!"

With this thought in mind, she walked to the bathroom.

Guyun's real name is Xiao Yun, but he is actually just a college student.

But her income these days has given her the financial strength to leave the dormitory and rent a studio apartment outside.

She doesn't want to live with those people who don't like Brother Fan!

Finished washing.

Xiao Yun was lying on the bed.

Soon, she fell into sleep.

But vaguely, Xiao Yun noticed.

He actually came to a dark world.

And in front of him, there was a person standing.

That man’s back looks so familiar!

Xiao Yun walked over.

Just then, the man turned around!

A bloody face appeared in front of her!

It's Yin Xiaodie!

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