I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 76: A Dressed-Up Beast Who Treats People Like Nothing! (Please Subscribe, Please Subscribe I

Doctors are not required to have a noble personality, but they only need to be able to do their job well.

This Xue Hao is good!

Totally treating human life as nothing!

Treat human life as a tool for making money!

After Zhou Chen saw it, there was an unknown anger rising in his heart!


The main thing is.

Zhou Chen realized something.

That is, this Xue Hao actually colluded with Mu Sang and the others.

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it.

If they didn't have connections in the hospital, where would Musang, Asa and the others get what they needed?

Peel off the cocoon layer by layer!

They found another person with interests related to them!

Since Musang and Asa’s descendants are dead!

Then you go down and accompany them too!

This is the thought.

Zhou Chen no longer had any scruples.

A death notice was sent out!

In a high-end club.

Xue Hao is sitting lazily on the sofa.

In his hand, he held a red wine glass.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, forming a faint smile.

His family background was not that good, and he thought that by becoming a doctor, he would be able to stand out and become a master in his imagination.

But I didn’t expect that I still wouldn’t be able to achieve my childhood goal!

Although doctors' salaries are not low, they only look decent on the surface.

Sometimes the work that requires continuous "five, three, and three" rotations does not match the harvest.


Xue Hao put his mind on other aspects!

By chance, he came into contact with the organ trading industry.

I met the two masters and apprentices, Asa and Musang.

he knows.

These two people are no ordinary people!

The main thing is.

Relying on them, you can earn more money!

He has been practicing medicine for more than ten years and has indeed accumulated a lot of reputation with his outstanding medical skills.

During this period.

Occasionally deliberately creating some so-called accidents is not enough to arouse much suspicion.

After all, doctors are not gods!

How can anyone be 100% cured?

Watching the scenes of patients’ families expressing gratitude to themselves.

Xue Hao's heart felt like he wanted to laugh!

Those people are so ignorant!

Thank you for trying your best!

Little did he know, the patient was about to be sent for an organ transplant himself!

And what about yourself?

With one operation after another, you can earn a lot of money.

Meet more wealthy people.

Join a more upper class society!

"Dr. Xue, I leave the surgery to you!"

That's when.

A voice brought Xue Hao from his thoughts back to reality.

Opposite Xue Hao, sat a tall man.

The man nodded slightly, full of respect for Xue Hao.

He is the young boss of the Ponzi Group, Pang Tianlong.

This time I came to Xue Hao, hoping that Xue Hao could transplant a heart to Pang Tianlong's father!

"rest assured!"

"I have performed heart transplant operations many times. As long as I have the right source, I can guarantee that the operation will be foolproof!"

Xue Hao gave a guaranteed vote.

Tomorrow, there happens to be a young and strong patient.

That man is an athlete with a strong heart!

It is the right choice for Xue Hao!

"So, thank you very much!"

Pang Tianlong stood up and bowed deeply.

After his father fell ill, Pang Tianlong took over the Ponzi Group.

So, he is not very busy now.

After saying goodbye to Xue Hao, Pang Tianlong got up and left the club.

Xue Hao did not stay long.

He then stood up and left.

Drive home.

At the fork in the road.

Xue Hao was about to turn left, but after thinking about it, he turned the steering wheel to the right.

Soon, he came to a high-end residential complex.

After parking the car, Xue Hao prepared to go upstairs.

But at the exit of the parking lot, he suddenly noticed a figure.

That's a woman.

In his thirties.

There was no makeup, and even her hair was a little messy.

There are some crow's feet at the corners of the eyes and some spots on the face.

But even so.

But you can still see what kind of beauty she was in the past.

It's just that the vicissitudes of time have left indelible marks on her face!

The clothes she was wearing were also very ordinary.

Compared with the high-end of this community, it seems out of place!

Of course Xue Hao knows this person!

She is his wife.

Peng Yao.

Peng Yao just stood so quietly.

A pair of eyes stared at him, full of resentment and hatred!

Xue Hao's footsteps stopped.

When Peng Yao saw him, he approached step by step.

Tears flowed from her eyes.

"Xue Hao, they told me that you often go in and out of this community and often stay with a young and beautiful woman."

"I still don't believe it, but I didn't expect that all of this is true!"

Peng Yao said in a shaky voice while walking.

"Wife, you, listen to my explanation!"


Xue Hao didn't expect that his wife would come here!

That’s right!

This community is where he had a private meeting with another woman!

After development.

Xue Hao soon became displeased with his wife who was getting older and sexier.

He found a young and beautiful girlfriend and bought her a house in a high-end community!

Sometimes I don’t want to go home.

I would use overtime as an excuse to come here and have a tryst with him.

I thought I had done a perfect job.

But I didn’t expect that my wife would still find out!

"Explanation? What explanation do you use?"

"You keep telling me that you are busy at work, are you working on someone else's bed?"

"You keep telling me that you have to save the money to buy me a big villa. Where did the 300-square-meter floor come from?"

"Xue Hao, I have been with you for more than ten years. Have I asked for anything or wanted anything?"

"You...are you treating me like this?"

Peng Yao burst into tears.

At this time, I was already crying.

She comes from a good family, and her parents are both company executives.

She has been pampered since she was a child, and can be regarded as a person who is everyone's best friend.

At first, her parents were not optimistic about her marriage to Xue Hao, and they even fell out with her family over it!

At that time, Xue Hao had just started working and had little money in his hands.

It’s all Peng Yao who uses his own money to maintain his life!

Even, the wedding banquet of two people.

It was just a matter of going to an ordinary self-service hot pot restaurant and having a good meal after receiving the certificate.

Later, Xue Hao had some money.

Bought a second-hand house in the city.

Since their stay, Peng Yao has never complained.


That day.

She saw the photo sent by her friend.

A fashionable, young and beautiful woman, hugging Xue Hao, went in and out of high-end clubs.

Peng Yao felt like he was struck by lightning!

I live in an old second-hand house, but I bought a house in a high-end community with another woman!

They had never even held a wedding banquet, but Xue Hao frequently visited high-end clubs!

A photo.

Like a sharp blade!

Straight into Peng Yao's heart!

these past ten years.

Xue Hao's career has indeed developed.

Peng Yao, on the other hand, is getting older.

No longer beautiful and moving......

In order to survive, she was smoothed out.

He even gave his best years to Xue Hao.

But I didn't expect it.

What he got in exchange was the betrayal of the person next to him!

At this time, all the emotions poured out.

Peng Yao is so disappointed with Xue Hao!

"Xue Hao, give it to me! Give me an explanation!"

She could no longer suppress the grief and anger in her heart.

He immediately rushed towards Xue Hao and punched and kicked him.

"Smelly woman, who the hell are you!"

At this moment, another voice sounded.

She is Xue Hao's new girlfriend.

Gao Qianqian.

Gao Qianqian is twenty years old, tall and well-proportioned.

Dressed fashionably and beautifully, standing together with Peng Yao formed the most vivid contrast!

As soon as she saw Gao Qianqian appear.

Peng Yao felt as if she had been pricked by a needle!

This face.

She has seen it in photos countless times!

Now, it is even more intolerable!

"Smelly cousin, you pay back my husband, you pay back my husband!"

Peng Yao rushed towards Gao Qianqian again.

However, what greeted her was a loud slap in the face!

A slap from Xue Hao!


For a moment, Peng Yao was stunned on the spot.

"Xue Hao, you, you hit me? You actually hit me because of this vixen?"

Peng Yao's eyes widened.

She couldn't believe it.

My husband, who has been with me for more than ten years, beat me because of a vixen!

"It's enough!"

"Yes, I just hit you! So what? What can you do to me!"

"Peng Yao, I've suffered enough from you!"

"Look at yourself, you are old and ugly, do you really think of yourself as a green onion? What a big joke!"

"Yes, your family is quite rich. But apart from relying on me, what else do you have? I didn't divorce you, and even if I kicked you out of the house, I think I'm looking down on you!"

"Now, since I've been broken by you, I don't want to tolerate you anymore!"


Xue Hao fired a barrage of shots.

Peng Yao was speechless.

After saying that, he didn't care about Peng Yao who seemed to be petrified.

She hugged Gao Qianqian and prepared to turn around and leave.

"Okay, you can divorce me if you want. If you want to divorce me, then I will tell you everything about your betrayal of me!"

"I will ruin your reputation as Doctor Xue!"

3.7 Peng Yao was hoarse.

"you dare!"

Xue Hao was also angry.

"We'll see!"

Peng Yao dropped a harsh word.

Then, he turned around and left.

Her steps were firm and she had clearly made a decision.

Watching her retreating back.

Xue Hao knew that the relationship between him and Peng Yao could no longer return to the beginning!

However, he doesn't care.

"Peng Yao, you forced me to do this. If this is the case, then I can only feel sorry for you!"

Xue Hao said as if talking to himself.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone.

A number was dialed.

Peng Yao cried while walking.

We have arrived at the alley not far from home.

It's quiet at night.

The alley was dimly lit.

Only the street lights stretched her shadow long and long.

She walked and cried all the way.

I didn't expect that my marriage would turn out like this.

And behind Peng Yao.

A figure quietly appeared from the darkness.

Like a ghost lurking in the shadows, with the aura of death, it gradually approaches Peng Yao!


Peng Yao sensed the danger.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

When she realized something was wrong, a drugged handkerchief was already covering her mouth!

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